

Hidden in plain sight, Martial masters wielding beyond human abilities continue to walk among us hiding in the fading shadows, Till they wouldn't. Raven Voss a young teenage boy average in every sense is slowly pulled into the world beyond by forces far outside his control. Follow his journey in his bid for survival as he tries to juggle a normal teenage life, managing two bodies while struggling beyond his means to survive the ever melancholic world of the Martial masters. The stakes heighten, the plots thicken, and startling truths begin and continue to unravel. Observe as the martial world and the normal one slowly collide and descend into madness. Is his involvement by the works of fate? Destiny perhaps? Or by the works of Man?. Ultimately! my friends. is there really any difference?.

Richard_J_Bruce · Action
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150 Chs

MERCHANTS 6 [XI] (Ch. 86)

"Oh?, What's little Young doing here?" A familiar voice sings, "Oh what a nice scimitar spear!" He calls excitedly picking up Lingyun's spear, Raven's attention turns to him as the two meet eyes, Jhon signals Darren to get behind as he exhales dropping to a stance, tension builds as Jhon inhales before turning on his heel and walking briskly away, 

"I'll be back when you two have done some more damage okay?, Out ya backs into it!" He sings as he pivots striking at Raven with the  weapon, Raven catches the blow with his hand by grabbing it by its pole, he pulls towards himself striking with a toe kick, Jhon's nose breaks from the force of the blow but he keeps hold of the weapon,

"Stop hurting me!, I thought we were friends" Raven crashes his fist into his plexus, 

"We even had coffee together!" , Another kick finds his ribs, 

"Fine i guess i don't have a choice...." Raven swings, "I'm sorry!" The blow connects, "NOT!" he laughs striking back with a wild swing, Raven dodges, rolling away as he assess for another strike,

"Let's end this here Raven" Jhon states steam enveloping his form as his eyes go pitch black, the two white dots shinning through, 

(ZONE!) Darwin and James exclaims inwards,

"You're really going to piss me off at this rate" he states, Raven's heart squeezes momentarily then he crashes his knee against the pole near the blade of Lingyun's spear,

{How!, That's an artifact!} Silver bellows, shattering it and de blading the weapon, Jhon frowns staring at the weapon, he drops into a stance exhaling as Raven blurs towards him with a bang, a striker technique ignited, 'Severing lines', a flash of light, a line of power, etched onto reality, a divide, Raven blasts a wave of 'Force' the opposite way to dodge the strike, Jhon presses two more waves of power follow as the world gives heed tearing asunder with every beckoning, Raven congeals 'Force' into his hands before striking them against the other, an explosion of 'Force' ensues distorting albeit slightly the path of the strike, Raven rebalances his feet finding strength as another slash wave tears through at him, he digs his feet into ground delivering a blow from several feet away at Jhon, the blow booms tearing through space, Tobi's shockwave punch, Jhon's pole tears through it in a flash, his feet finding strength as he empowers his Enforcer technique: 'Cavitation', his blood boils as pressurised bubbles form and implode inside his body, a small shock of wave is expelled from around him, Raven's lunge misses as he twists in mid air to meet the blow coming from above, Raven slams both fists in time to avoid having both arms severed, the 'Force' expelled barely enough to take the hit, Raven blurs away before digging deep into ground, he crouches taking a runners stance, blurring out of existence in a bang different points in the air contort as if placed under flames, Raven continues to slam his fists into air as he blurs past, a second more he's behind Jhon who barely has the pole up in time, with a make shift 'Force' coating on the pole, the pole gives snapping in half in a wave if green flame as his knees buck, the flames connect with Raven who presses seemingly unaffected, one of Jhon's knees finds ground and quickly Raven blurs out of sight, Jhon blurs after knowing the consequence of losing his opponents position, a wave of concealed 'Force' slams into the side of his face as he blurs past digging him into the ground, 

(Those parts in the air) he mules momentarily, picking the traps, they'd make moving hard, Raven his over Jhon in a flash, his empowered fist ready to shatter Jhon's skull as air pulls along it, Darren Darwin and James burst into action well aware of their fates should the blow connect, Jhon reacts instinctively raising his leg to Raven's abdomen to push as his defensive technique bursting into power, 'Static Fray', his body releasing an amount of 'Force' outward, The other three ignite their striker techniques to force Raven to defend, Raven's thunderous blow lands, the three 'Force' arts have minimal effect and are warped away by the sheer herculean strength of Raven's blow, Jhon's defense at first instance holds, fraying the 'Force' and force of the blow in 'Severing lines', the defense collapses, when inches from his blow connecting for the kill the green flame burns the budding machine consiousness away, albeit temporarily,

{My suspicions we're right, that's an artificial artifact} Silver frowns, {But more importantly, there's a drug to prolong the process, soul Relics!},

Raven collapses his body's nigh infinite stream of 'Force' drained, James catches him and pulls away in a flash, he wastes no time as he pushes every ounce of 'Force' into his body as he makes haste away from the group,

(If i leave him there they'll kill him!),

True to James's assumption, Jhon and the rest would've given chase, nevertheless the probability of the beast waking up as well as their beaten bodies and weakened spirits would hamper them in doing so, Jhon croaks unable to move as every bone in his body had been pressured to deformity, his body works ceaselessly to reframe him but such a process would take hours, maybe days as his body battles against the intrusive 'Force', Darwin helps Jhon while Darren grabs Ivy, 

"Jhon Wuu" Darwin calls, 

"No one" Jhon replies with an etched frown, 

"To the manor then?" Darren inquires,

"Yes" Jhon states after trying and failing to nod properly, 

(That...Ethan Raine used to do that, that move) Jhon ponders recalling the traps, (How are they related?, And more importantly are we dealing with another one?, If so, then killing him at all costs might be for the best, thankfully there's no one backing him to worry about, Young will be taken care of soon enough) Jhon ponders as he glances out the luxury car window, (Things are just going to get more problematic from here, i really hope you know what you're doing Hide, i really do).

Rachel, Raven's mother stares down a shrouded black mass, it screeching with ungodly venom, it's eyes whitened slits, it's maw holding teeth as sharp as a lasers beam, it's body forged of metamorphoses 'Force', it's being both corporal and Incorporeal, is struggles against the worlds will to tear through the injury it'd inflicted upon the world, upon reality, a tear, a wound, a vestige of the world, Rachel empowers her blade, small spikes penetrate her grasp on it, the blood pulls into the reddening blade from her hold, she slashes, the world sunders, giving way to her power, giving strength for her cause,  A screeching scream, a blast of corrupted 'Force', a severed form, an errected barrier, willed into existed by God, the being called God, the one worshipped as the one true God, the one known by those with suitable qualifications as 'WORLDS WILL', the barrier holds, the corrupted 'Force's' intrusion abated, Rachel gives a solemn sigh, the prophecy was finding truth, the beings of old, the ones that toppled the god's of old, the one's that caused the 'GREAT SEALING' and with the gradual return of 'Force' the beings that sought to end their world, the destroyer of worlds, the NETHERS!