

Hidden in plain sight, Martial masters wielding beyond human abilities continue to walk among us hiding in the fading shadows, Till they wouldn't. Raven Voss a young teenage boy average in every sense is slowly pulled into the world beyond by forces far outside his control. Follow his journey in his bid for survival as he tries to juggle a normal teenage life, managing two bodies while struggling beyond his means to survive the ever melancholic world of the Martial masters. The stakes heighten, the plots thicken, and startling truths begin and continue to unravel. Observe as the martial world and the normal one slowly collide and descend into madness. Is his involvement by the works of fate? Destiny perhaps? Or by the works of Man?. Ultimately! my friends. is there really any difference?.

Richard_J_Bruce · Action
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150 Chs


A groan escapes out Raven's lips, he turns towards with sluggish movements, the memories leading to this point rapidly flooding back in, with his sense of perception re-established he quickly surveys the area around him shocked to find himself in what he easily identifies as a small diner, given the lack of customers during mid-day it's easy to tell the place had been bought it, he struggles against his restraints briefly to ascertain the feasibility of an escape, the result?, Null, further reasoning causes questions to plague his mind,

(Why hasn't Silver warned me earlier?, Banter has never gotten in the way of what has to be done, unless Silver some how knew doing so would be for my utmost benefit, but that itself posses another question, did it succeed, or was there a miss calculation?, Knowing my companion i'm tilting towards the former, but if it truly did know then how comfortable an i with that?, I have no reason to distrust Silver, nevertheless it does feel at times that I'm being puppeteered, not that that isn't already the case but this level of orchestration....., Depending on the outcome of this then i might have to rethink every decision i've ever made since Silver's presence in my life, and even now thinking back it does strike me that the familiar has always gotten me to move as it sews fit), the sound of multiple footsteps draws Raven from his reprieve, string through the doors first was the woman responsible for subduing him, behind her ear get employer, and following behind were several security and protection personnel, the man takes a seat before Raven loving eyes with him with no initial intention to speak, Raven holds the silence returning the given look with a bit viscous glare, ultimately his body betrays him as a loud rumble from his stomach breaks silence, 

"It would seem you're hungry, Alexandra please have the service get our guest some food" he states,

"Guest?" Raven mocks, "quite an interesting way you have for treating your guests, i wonder how you treat your friends",

"You little sh...." The man is quick to silence from the sheer pressure of 'Force' excluded from him, Alexandra mitigates the pressure protecting her subordinates but without a doubt the event had shaken them, 

"Enough" the man states, "tell me what i need to know and i'll let you go hell!, i'll even reward you" he states, "So, Raven Voss, i'd ask if you were a 'VOSS' but given the circumstances we found you in and the impossible level of protection over her information finding anything about the 'Blood witch'" he speaks with an amused expression,

(Blood witch?, Mom has an alias like that?), "What do you mean by a 'VOSS'?" Raven questions, "i haven't heard of any big business by that name",

"That's because you're far from qualified from knowing, several giga giants in several industries are under her name, unlike Hide myself and several other people she does not trade mark the 'VOSS' name across her affiliate businesses but i digress, tell me everything you know and how you're involved with Hide" the man concludes,

(Judging from what's happened so far it's safe to say he knows what Shifters are), "alright then, but first, you mentioned you run a conglomerate of businesses, what's the name" he inquires,

The man smiles before he replies, "Young" he states, 

"You're James and Amy's father" Raven states much to the suprise of the man,

"You know my kids?",

"Friends" he replies, 

"I see" he sighs, (Amy's going to be a pain in the ass if this kid reports me), the duo's father refocused his gaze to see Raven shooting him an understanding look, he knew just how much of a pain the bubbly girl could be, 



"Jeremy Young",

"Raven Voss",

"Tell me, what do you know about Hide?".

          The day had been burned away and sitting in his account was three hundred thousand credits funded to him by Jeremy Young, more importantly was information gathered on MERCHANTS, the fact that a tychoon the size of Jeremy was well aware of them was enough to see why Hide wanted them gone, nevertheless this information had given Raven direction, now he just had to find how to use it to his advantage.

        Jimmy exits the black Bentley truck staring at the huge multiple story club building before him, he steps up towards the entrance unperturbed at the fact he's denied entry, signaling to the man in black the latter strikes the guard quickly downing the other one before he has a chance to react, the spotters positioned to watch the guards catch the event and very quickly commotion ensues, several guards poor out to deal with the situation and finally Jimmy deems it necessary to speak,

"Call the current head out!" He beckons, the guards hope silence, before their head steps out to address the case,

"Other than being a hostile what business do you have here" he questions,

"That is none of your concern, if the leader of Anan is a coward then i have no need of you" he states before proceeding to turn away, the sound of shattered glass follows as a shilouette with it's fist cocked back comes crashing down towards Jimmy from the top floor, a shiver spikes through his heart and in a flash his protector and the later collide, the sheer physical might of the attack releasing a wave, Jimmy stumbles down groaning as he takes several seconds to regain himself, he struggles to his feet shivering instinctively from the menacing glare the dyed red haired muscled teen before him had, 

"Give me one reason not to kill you" the teens voice called,

"Even better i'll give you a reason to work with me" Jimmy smirks, "I've found Ethan Raine".

       South of Novy Prague, Kaiser steps into a small bar, interestingly the bar was empty of customers, even employees, but clean enough for one to tell it was a recent exclusion, 

"Well well well, what do we are here" he calls chugging down a bottle of hard gin, "who would've thought the head of MERCHANTS would call little old me to a meeting",

"I was informed of the withdrawal of your forces from the fourth affiliate" a monotonous voice sounded from the short shilouette in black. Kaiser walks to the seat beside the person before turning to the screen of the phone held,

"Ya could've done this over the phone you paranoid bastard!" Kaiser states, the teen on the other end of the screen holds silence, "what do you expect a man to do, i swim where the waves take me" he concludes,

"I'll double it, whatever Hide gives i'll top" the teen replies,

(I doubt you can), Kaiser mules,

"I expect your men back at the affiliates by tonight" he concludes,

(Well that makes part one easy), "I'll do you one better, i'll send brightest new intern to your third" Kaiser states with a grin, 

"It's good doing business with you Kaiser, a pleasure as always" the teen concludes,

(That, we agree on), he smiles.

      Duke stares at the entrance towards the entrance to MERCHANTS third affiliate, according to gathered intel the first three floors of the sky scraper Where dedicated to the club, after that only members knew, 

(That arrogant bastard really thought i didn't know, he really thought i didn't know MERCHANTS took Corinth) Duke seethes, (Hang in there my friend, when i save you, Vin's next!).

            Yanick exits the plain having arrived at his destination after several hours of travel, 


(I'm finally back!, It's been a while teacher, when i finally complete my training things will be different, next time, i'll win) he declares while glaring at the picture of Duke Konan had handed him, (the first step in killing any beast is to cut it's head, time to get string enough to do it!).