

Hidden in plain sight, Martial masters wielding beyond human abilities continue to walk among us hiding in the fading shadows, Till they wouldn't. Raven Voss a young teenage boy average in every sense is slowly pulled into the world beyond by forces far outside his control. Follow his journey in his bid for survival as he tries to juggle a normal teenage life, managing two bodies while struggling beyond his means to survive the ever melancholic world of the Martial masters. The stakes heighten, the plots thicken, and startling truths begin and continue to unravel. Observe as the martial world and the normal one slowly collide and descend into madness. Is his involvement by the works of fate? Destiny perhaps? Or by the works of Man?. Ultimately! my friends. is there really any difference?.

Richard_J_Bruce · Action
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150 Chs

DUKE'S DEAL V (Ch. 77)

"I'm not going back to DEALERS" Duke states, Corinth pouts sporting a defeated expression before trying to sway him again,

"Look i brought snacks!" He gestures the numerable number of snacks hugged toward's his chest, "C'mon Duke, what's it going to take?", Duke remains silent at the question unable to give a reply, "how long will you run?" Corinth questions, "your father was part if the reason i sought you out, he might not have been fair to his family, but by running away now, how are you any different" He concludes, "those girls have no where else to go Duke, they're being worked like slaves and starved for food, if you ever considered them family.....".


"My, what an unexpected visit" A fair skinned woman in her early forties muses, at the entrance of their Japanese style mansion, "you could've at least let me know you'd be coming" she states,

"It's been a while, mother" Duke states,

"So, why are you here?" She questions,

"You're not going to invite me in?" He replies with a smile, hus mither shoots him her tyrannical grin before giving him her familiar snarky response,

"Are you a guest?, Last i checked you own this house, as well as all your father owned, your stubbornness to use the money baffles me, you could at least waste it" she chuckles,

"Speaking about fathers" Duke begins, "what did you think of mine" he concludes, his mother goes quiet, her face falling into solemnity,

"What i thought of him?, He was an absolute piece of shit" she concludes,

"I knew it, wh..."

"To us that is" she interjects, "insure wherever you go and you hear of your name it's always followed by news of his exploits, of how great a man he was, of how fair and just he was, at the very least, those stories are true, Gray could never pay a person in need by" she concludes with a faint smile.


Darwin states apathetically as the girls complain about their new living conditions,

"We're in not your dogs!" Their lead, Corinth's girl states, of Duke where here...." she begins before shrinking back in fear as Darwin's strike his blocked by a shilouette before her,

"Didn't your mother never teach you not to hit a girl?," Duke sneers,

Watching the show from atop a building several miles away Vin exhales the pilling smoke from his lit cigarette stick,

(Duke Wade, son of Gray Wade, with his father being as string as he was, if he can hold even a fraction of that strength added to that heritage, it's possible to unite the remnants from the shattered crews) he ponders, (what a massive shadow to fill).


"You've lost your mind Darwin",

(Shut the hell up!, You have no idea how much i've wanted to call him my father!), Darwin mules as he roars crashing his other fist into Duke's guard, Darwin fixes his brass knuckles, he ignites his Striker technique: 'Big Impact', his fist crashes towards Duke who deftly ducks under the slowed punch before lunging forward his knee connecting into Darwin's ribs, Duke quickly followed up with a fist to his jaw, Darwin counters tanking Dukes hits as he re-ignites his striker technique crashing his fist into Duke's ribs, he gasps for air falling back and parying hits as he uses his superior mobility to maneuver the fight, he gives space watching Darwin as he exhales before inhaling sharply as his skin visibly reddens, he pulls out a pair of black gloves with gold linings as the air around him visibly boils, his Enforcer technique: 'Overload', Duke is before Darwin in a flash, his fist connects with Darwin's x guard forcing the former who'd focused his striker technique into his legs into the ground, the asphalt ground beneath them cracks, Duke presses his fists giving Darwin no time to counter, Darwin counters blindly throwing himself into offence, Duke slips away with aid of his as superior agility before a heavy hook ceases into the latters liver, the shock staggers Darwin allowing Duke to slip behind him before lock locking him in a headlock with herculean strength, Darwin struggles fiercely igniting his Striker technique as he attempts to strike Duke, in a bid to bring the pointless fight to an end Duke pumps copious amounts if 'Force' into his Enforcer technique, his muscles redden more as his muscles bulge from the increased blood flow, Darwin in his fit of blazing anger stemming from inferiority ignites his Striker technique into his neck immediately rupturing every muscle in his neck with his throat quickly collapsing on itself cutting of oxygen to his brain, Duke maintains his hold making complete sure that his foe is unconscious before releasing him, Duke stands staring at Darwin's unconscious frame when a much hated voice calls from behind him,

"That was quite a fight" Vin states, "you truly do have your father's blood running through your veins" he states, (i had a bad feeling about Darwin anyway plus who would be better to take over than the soon of Gray Wade himself),

"Congratulations on becoming Dealers official head" he declares,

"Bullshit!" Duke states grinning fiercely as Corinth arrives onto the scene in his usual Dealers attire,

"I see" Vin muses, "fighting the both of you should provide some sort of entertainment, woth you two together maybe i'll actually have to try" he states pulling off his shirt, Corinth arrives close before taking a knee,

"We surrender, leave DEALERS alone and i'll accept your deal and pay the monthly dues in it's stead" Corinth states, Vin pause contemplating momentarily before coming to a decided decision,

"Very well" Vin replies handing him a card before walking off with one final yet familiar statement,

"I'll be back by the end of the month".


The commotion dies down and now Duke stands present with Tobi Daniel and Bradley conversing with the other members while Corinth and Scarface have a talk,

"I plan on selling this crew" Corinth states,

"What?!" Scarface questions,

"There's a stupidly rich crew in the south, they need a branch here, i'm planning to sell the crew selves to being subordinate to them" Corinth explains much to Scarface's delight,

"So the recent outcomes has finally made you grow out of your childish ideologies" he states, "i think it's for the best",

"It is, childish ideologies don't pay the bills" he states, "gather all the boys willing to join MERCHANTS to the street end" Corinth states, watching as Scarface exits to execute his orders, (Darwin, to a large extent you were right, i accepted Tom Dick and Harry into DEALERS and labeled them family, it's no one's fault but my own that i was betrayed, at the very least i'll clean up the news i made before i leave).


Gathered at the streets end is over a hundred teens, all members and son to be ex members of DEALERS,

(We're an organisation that should only accept those who believe in our cause, the cause to protect this street!) Corinth ponders,

"There's quite a lot of you isn't there" he states

"To be honest boss we've been getting tired of your preaching about passion, it's time to join MERCHANTS and make some real money!" Someone from among the crowd declared and to no suprise everyone else concurred,

"Very well men, get your things packed and rendezvous with me here!" He orders, upon receiving this command the lot disband leaving him alone staring down the lonely street,

"What you sold wasn't DEALERS, it wasn't us, it was you, yourself, you idiot!, You sold yourself!" She shouts,

"It doesn't matter, what's done is done, this street already has enough pain to bear, with my input i should be able to half the deficit or more for the monthly fee" he reasons, "after everything, in the end i just wasn't string enough, i still! Wasn't strong enough!..i..i" His eyes go wide as she lays her lips unto his, slipping her tongue past his, minutes later and the two stand breathless much to her amusement,

"Oh?, Our resident Shifter's breathless after kissing an ordinary girl?" She mocks,

"Ordinary girl?, We're?" He questions searching around, "i'll survive Lucy, i promise, i have to" he concludes before picking his bag, drawing into her embrace, and locking lips, and with that, his plan had just begun.