

Hidden in plain sight, Martial masters wielding beyond human abilities continue to walk among us hiding in the fading shadows, Till they wouldn't. Raven Voss a young teenage boy average in every sense is slowly pulled into the world beyond by forces far outside his control. Follow his journey in his bid for survival as he tries to juggle a normal teenage life, managing two bodies while struggling beyond his means to survive the ever melancholic world of the Martial masters. The stakes heighten, the plots thicken, and startling truths begin and continue to unravel. Observe as the martial world and the normal one slowly collide and descend into madness. Is his involvement by the works of fate? Destiny perhaps? Or by the works of Man?. Ultimately! my friends. is there really any difference?.

Richard_J_Bruce · Action
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150 Chs


Nathan stares out his apartment window while the two fuss over Yerin who's sound asleep,

"You see to be doing pretty well for yourself here", the girl state

"Is that why you're reluctant to ask?" Warden inquires,


"We need you back at Belgrade man, it's Oren"

"Stop it!, You don't jave to come back, and you!" she exclaims turning toward Warden, "don't ruin the life he's built here for himself",

"Ruin what?, Running away will change nothing, this take of hearts and swords needs to end and frankly, i'm sick of it, tell me 'Father', when does the bullshit end?"


"No" Nathan replies with a pause, "he's right, it has to end"

"Why?, Why can't things just go back to how they were?" She muttered weakly

"That sheep sailed when 'she' died"

"Agreed" Warden concurs,

(I remember when things used to be so much simpler)

A girl crouches before a stray cat petting it as the cat stared up cutely at her warm face,

"Hey isn't she...."

"Elaine Sanders, she's the hottest girl at our middle school, think i should go talk to her?"

"Good luck man" the other boy laughed mockingly.

Elaine's walk to school is interrupted by three guys all in an unfamiliar black uniform with a tall dark haired teen at it's head, with two shorter boy's one with a shaggy hair and a slim frame the other with mop hair and a chubbier looking frame,

"We're dating now" their leader states

"What's my name?" Elaine inquires mockingly

"I'll learn that when im signing marriage papers"

"Don't ever talk to me again" she replies in irritation walking pass the three blocking her way as her friends meet up with her questioning her furiously,

"Elaine do you know him!?"

"No i don't, why?"

"Isn't he that highschool thug who's beaten everyone in the area?, What's his nickname again?" She pauses pondering, "Ah!, westsides guard Warden Chase, Apparently he lives at the orphanage that's located at the westside"

"He's an Orphan?" Elaine inquires

"Seems so" her other friend replies,

"Isn't he frightening?" The bubbly girl to her left inquires,

"I don't find him frightening, i really just feel sad for him"

"Well i can see why....but why?"

(Because i know what It's like, my parents are dead, my gaurdian my grandmother only shows up when the school needs her precense and all i have from my inheritance is a run down convenient store complex), "i just do".

Warden postrates as he's struck with a pole to his ass as a punishment for fighting a student,

"Why did your orphanage have to send a delinquent motherless bastard like you here!" The councilor bellows, "Leave!",

He makes his way to the roof before pulling his pants and laying down again the cold floor, a ruckus at the rooftops entrance has him glancing to catch his two friends,

"Warden!", "Are you okay!?" They both asked in tandum,

"Why the hell did you attack that bastard? And why the hell are your pants down!"

"What do you mean why?, He came at us i kicked his ass, we're all we've got, we're family we look out for each other" Warden replies,

"Let's just go home man" the slimmer of the duo calls,

"I like it up here" Warden replies

"Why?, Is it because of the breeze?" The chubbier of the two asks as they each take a seat beside the other,

"Because from here i can see"

"See what?" The thinner of the two speaks,

"Elaine Sanders" he replies turning over to the side to catch th view of Elaine seated in class an d listening intently,

"So you knoew her name?" The chubby teen inquires taking Wardens silence as confirmation,

"Don't waste you time she exists in a different realm man" the slim one states,

"What does it matter?, I like her"

Elaine makes her way through the old conplex with experienced ease, ever since her grandmother the last blood relative she had had blamed her for her parents death and abandoned her she'd long gotten used to the eerie dark and it's chilling darkness, heading over to a vending machine she pops it open before picking a snack chewing on it as she head towards the simply massive former customer hot bath, she shruggs the feeling of isolation an loneliness creeping up against her spine, getting out the bath she dries off before getting a plate of cereal an taking a seat on her bed as she watches old recordings of her and her family silently crying herself to bed, waking sometime after midnight she stares stares the worn ceiling wordlessly,

(Can't sleep huh, it's getting worse),

A cat's call implores her to stand as she spots the cat she'd been playing with the prior morning,

"Hey little guy" she called after the cat following closely as it seemed to lead her towards on of the lower floors rooms, there she flinches in shock before slowly approaching the handsome sleeping shilouette of a teen seemingly her age in semi ragged clothes, his movement signifying that he'd noticed her makes her pause as she stares at him guardedly,

"Who are you?"

"What the hell are you looking at bitch" a voice to smooth to speak so harshly called, nice places you have here, mind if i stay?" He inquires as his cat leaps from his arms into hers,


"It seems that ryu likes you"

And that with that began the new life of the two together.

Elaine steps into the shower pausing while staring in confusion fearing the worst at the sight of a man's back before memories of the previous night flood her, turning the teen didn't seem to mind her glazed gaze as he addresses her,

"Don't worry i didn't use to much water, i don't want to get in trouble", ignoring him she decides to use the bath instead, now changed into her school uniform she prepares a small meal for both of them when his head pops up from behind her,

"looks nice" he calls nonchalantly,

"Eh?, Wear a shirt!" She shouts as he cocks his head at her with obvious confusion, she heads over to the dining with her plate digging into her plate only to pause at the sight of him taking a seat on the ground while eating furiously,

"Why are you eating on the floor?",

"I don't want to get in trouble", Elaine frowns as she stares at him eat,

(I wonder, what kind of life has he lived so far), "hey" she calls drawing his attention of his food,

"What's your name?"


"No surname?" She inquires watching him hesitate before replying,


"Well... alright Nathan i need to get to school so here" she states before tossing him a spare key bundle of the complex's doors and gates before heading out.

"If you go out don't forget to lock up"

The school day proceedes as usual as Elaine listens attentively to the teachers explanation,

"You seem to be in a good mood" her best friend soeaks up from beside her,

"What? I do?",

"Yeah, what's the occasion?"

"Nothing particularly, just a stray cat"


"Really" she replies concisely, the school day eventually comes to an end and Elaine makes her way outside the school building wondering why the female students had gathered around the entrance, finally making her way to the gate she stares shocked as she spots Nathan at the gate wearing some of her brothers clothes,

"What are yiu doing here!"

"I was just curious"

"About what!"

"What school was like" he replies candidly

"You've never been to school" she inquires softly,


"That's....no wonder"

"Wonder what?" He inquires,."no wonder you're so.....crass, especially with your words"

"Is this because i called you a bitch?" He inquires as he stares at her without a shift in expression

"Why did you call me that?" Elaine questions

"Because i can't let you think i'm weak, i get beat up if i look weak" he replies turning his slightly blushing face away,

"At least you're not calling me that anymore"

"That's because i believe i can look weak to you" he replies causing her to blush furiously,

"What the hell are you even saying!, Don't think those cheap lines will work on me!" She states while blushing,

"I don't" he replies candidly,

"Well well well who do we have here, he's your brother right?" a voice calls from behind them drawing their attention, Warden walks up towards Nathan glaring him down only for Nathan to abruptly catch him by his hair and bite furiously into his nose drawing blood,

"What are you looking at you little bitch!" Nathan bellows

"Warden!" The duo call in tandum as they and Elaine watch stunned by the action, blood coats Nathans lips as he stares Warden down with crazed eyes, Warden still gripping his nose pulls his blazer before handing it to the duo, "Elaine, i suggest you close your eyes" growls furiously as she watches the two helplessly.