

Hidden in plain sight, Martial masters wielding beyond human abilities continue to walk among us hiding in the fading shadows, Till they wouldn't. Raven Voss a young teenage boy average in every sense is slowly pulled into the world beyond by forces far outside his control. Follow his journey in his bid for survival as he tries to juggle a normal teenage life, managing two bodies while struggling beyond his means to survive the ever melancholic world of the Martial masters. The stakes heighten, the plots thicken, and startling truths begin and continue to unravel. Observe as the martial world and the normal one slowly collide and descend into madness. Is his involvement by the works of fate? Destiny perhaps? Or by the works of Man?. Ultimately! my friends. is there really any difference?.

Richard_J_Bruce · Action
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150 Chs


The sea of bodies connected, blow for blow, bodies fell back, recoiling from force, immediately the fore runners spearheading their individual attacks square off, Duke is met by Nathan and Lingyun, Tobi squares up against Warden while Daniel and Bradley handle Scarface and Lingyun's Chinese subordinates.

Strikers techniques burst into life, Duke and co waste no time empowering their Combination techniques and without failing to disappoint their adversaries match their feat, then the clash, 

"He's mine!" Lingyun declares staring Duke down, and through Nathan gave no acknowledgement he moved to quickly dwindle DEALER'S numbers. Duke's combination technique encompassed by his Striker: Force coating (In Force) and Enforcer: Overload through it's aid he pulls on imprinted 'Force' through aid of the earth's magnetic field to redirect Lingyun's strike. Lingyun with his own combination tethers his imprinted 'Force' unto Duke's frame, despite his spear being misdirected Duke duck's on instinct as Lingyun's spear slashes viscously toward's him, with movements irregular for any human and precision reminiscent of automated correction systems Lingyun's spear seemes to come to life, it's bladed edge searching constantly for it's mark. Duke pressurises his bones with sid of his Enforcer simultaneously compressing his muscles before switching to ignite his Defence technique: Overlay, 'Vibrating layers of moving force redistributes or negates impact force' upon contact, Lingyun's bladed scimitar spear fails to pierce, Lingyun flows with the bounce back with ease smoothly with his Combination arts empowered frame into a back kick, Duke's guard enabled with his Defence is up forcing him back to a knee Lingyun's superior advancement coming to reality, 

(I can't win this alone, where the hell are they!) He mules.

As Duke battled with Lingyun so did Tobi and Warden, blow for blow the two connect, Warden's frame heating the liquid withing his frame to a inexplicable states of liquid solidity, his skin reflective with shifting boody fluids with in an almost crystalline fashion, the Combination of all three 'Force' arts enacted, 

(He's ATTUNED) Tobi frowns, his own combination technique holding his Striker and Enforcer, his shock wave punch connecting with Warden's fist as he loses ground on the exchange, his natural physical capabilities the only compensation to matching his opponents ATTUNED status, warden strikes with an uppercut cracking the giants head back, Tobi against his wish gives ground, Warden follows with a heavy blow to the liver and a follow to the plexus, Tobi gives a groan switching to his Defence technique: Anchored Helm, a quick stomp of his leg against ground and Tobi is empowered to shrug the next his to his jaw replying swiftly by releasing his defence mili seconds after contact and igniting his combination as his Striker: Force coating (Shockwave) and his Enforcer: Raging bull  connect with Warden liver, Warden gives a gasp then space with staggered legs but Tobi gives no space for reprieve, pressing with ferocity to down him, a blow to the jaw with an accompanying shockwave, another against Warden's guard forcing him back, Warden drops the combination igniting his Auxiliary: Full Circle.

To any with 'Force' sight the segregated rings of imprinted 'Force' of varying feet would be clear as day, nevertheless as Tobi's fist connects with Warden's staying palm he circle contracts to match the impact point redirecting Tobi's 'Force' away, Warden is quick with a combination empowered counter rapidly switching between his Auxiliary and ATTUNED as he clatters relentlessly into Tobi's defense, nevertheless the giant teen was intent on giving no ground, Warden's preconceived notions on Tobi's combat pattern as consequence of their countless bouts play to his disadvantage. With calculated precision at the instance Warden releases his ATTUNED technique Tobi's tree trunk like leg whips violently with his combination technique enabled connecting with a shockwave that shatter three of Warden's ribs as he's bulleted to the side, Warden groans struggling to his feet when Tobi follows with an uppercut dropping Warden to a knee. Warden manages to empower his ATTUNED arts blocking a full powered blow to his jaw with a guard, Tobi presses forward still when a flying knee nicks his jaw, Warden spins into a spin heel kick which Tobi blocks then quickly attempts to take him to ground, Warden switches to his Auxiliary with practiced ease a ring compressing beneath his feet to give him a push as the two take space.

Cain ignites a combination technique meeting Darwin blow for blow as the latter gives ground, Cain's superior advancement giving him easily the upper hand, the applies for Daryun who despite his superior talent couldn't seem to touch the diminutive teen's shadow, despite his lack of mass each hit connects against his guard like a sledgehammer's hit,

(I don't know how long we'll be able to hold out) Daryun ponders with gritted teeth a he endeavours to retaliate in futility, a counter moves to clatter his jaw when a blonde haired girl blurs to Abel's side her kick crashing into his side,

Dennis blurs to Cain's side igniting his Combination technique as he expunges a pressurised flow if steam fron his fist, he flesh around the connected area degrades slower than usual courtesy of Cain's superior advancement, nevertheless Dennis attacks relentlessly with Darwin coming swiftly to his aid. Darwin with his combination technique holding both his Striker and Defence as he struck viciously against every weak section of the human body, still Cain gave little ground having still only enacted his combination of his Enforcer and Defence, Cain's fist crashes into Dennis's guard with a sickening bang causing the latter to dig into the ground with a knee as he gives a shout, Darwin moves to strike the space his fully empowered strike tilting the Cain's jaw nearly a few centimetres,

(It's not enough!) Darwin ponders, the support they had now would be enough to bring both down simultaneously, on that fact, he'd be correct,

"MOVEEEEEE!!!" A hefty voice shouts while riding atop a power bike straight for Cain's center, Darren heaves his body of the bike as the bike Collides with the Shifter,

"Was that your big plan?" Cain questions unimpressed,

"Yh it was, part one you fucker" Darren grins pressing the detonator.

Konan observes tensely as the team make haste cutting off the opponents sights, 

"We need to speed things up guys we don't have much time left!" Konan bellows over the intercom,

(This war is basically a battle of quantity over quality, unfortunately the longer we spend here they'll have both!) Konan frowns,

"How many do we have seized?!" He questions,

"Eighteen sir!",

"That'll do!, Wang you amd Jon lead your units and destroy the rest, every other unit with me we're to rendevous with the main company now!" Konan order's, "Klaus" He calls whipping to face him,

"I'm getting them in position",

"Yanick and the team?" He inquires,

"Arriving momentarily",

"Good, let's go end this war!".