
Just in time.

"Urgghh, hmmmmm what time is it?"

I looked to my left checking the time on the clock


The time was 7:43 AM just 17 minutes before class started.

"I better get going or Mr. Crows is gonna kill me for being late again!"

I sprang up from my bed and began to grab my uniform and school materials from my desk.

The date was August 24th, 2076 and it was a seemingly normal day to the citizens of Atlas City, the Capitol of The World.

I continued to gather my belongings and noticed that my computer had been left on all night.

"Oh yeah my essay on Kindred that I finished last night. Looks like I forgot to put my name on it."

I walked over to my Computer and began to type my name onto my essay.

Eiji Ryutoma.

I grabbed my Media Drive and belongings and headed into the kitchen for some breakfast.

"Good morning Mom, Good morning Dad" I said to my parents as I entered the kitchen. Most mornings Mom would have breakfast ready for me when I woke up but today she didn't.

I looked over to my Dad who was sitting at the table and said "No breakfast?"

"Not today Son. I have a meeting with the other Captains today so we're gonna have breakfast together. You can just eat some cereal right?" My father replied with a brief chuckle.

My Father Dezu Ryutoma is the Captain of the Atlas City Police Force and is well known throughout the city. For many years he has helped in taking down numerous crime bosses and Chromas alike. I look up to my Father in many ways but In all honesty I'm nothing like him.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be linking up with those Kindred-Krysis guys to be taking down some huge crime boss?" I said to my Dad as I prepared my Breakfast.

"Eiji you know I can't discuss this with you. It's top secret.... but yes I am." He replied with another slight chuckle.

Me and my Dad used to be super close. I say used to because after the incident when I was 5 years old we've just haven't been right. All my life My Mother and Father have expected a lot out of me. My Father Being Captain has always put a sense of pressure on me like I had to follow in his footsteps. In reality I cannot. I was born with Blue Chroma one of the most rare forms of Kindred. You'd think that would be a good thing and that I was destined for something great but it was the complete opposite.

The time was now 7:56 and I knew that I was gonna be late if I didn't leave soon. I scarfed down my food and headed for the front door.

"Eiji wait!" My Mother yelled just as I approached the front door. "Don't forget your bag!"

I quickly walked over to my Mother and reached for my bag when she suddenly pulled me into her arms.

After a moment of silence my mother said to me in a faint voice "Good luck today, Eiji."

Honestly I really didn't know how to feel. It wasn't that I was weirded out, I hug my Mom all the time but it was so sudden and random.

"Yeah sure. Thank Mom." I replied with a short smile.

I turned to finally start my way to school.

"Bye Mom, By Dad!"