
Kimmie's Awakening: Desire For Two Mates

Every day was the same... until she meets them Kimberly Evers had a decent life. A good job, friends, and her own apartment. However, her life became dull and devoid of all excitement. Until the day she meets a couple that ignites a passion in her she never expected. Will she embrace these new feelings or run for fear of the unknown? Ella and Nathaniel Matthews seem like the perfect couple. They were beautiful, rich, and successful. However, they hide a dark secret. When they meet Kimberly their world is flipped upside down. But will getting close to her put her in danger?

A_M_Torres · Fantasy
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Chapter One

"Shit!" I muttered as I slammed my car door shut.

I was so caught up in my project that I did not realize that I was running late for my lunch date. After double checking the car door and my phone and clutch, I walked to the waiting Area of the small café. Tina's Coffee Shop was a small coffee place that served not only coffee but also a small menu of sandwiches and doughnuts. It was a favorite of mine since breakfast was my favorite meal of the day.

"I see you decided to finally show your face." A woman in a purple blouse and black pencil skirt stood near the doorway while texting on her phone. She was tapping her stiletto heel as she peeked up at me from under her lashes.

"I am truly sorry, Tara. I forgot about our meeting." I apologized as I tried to catch my breath.

She waved her hand dismissively as she placed her phone into her purse as she gave me a small smile.

"No worries, Kimmie. C'mon let us eat. I skipped breakfast this morning and I am craving a coffee." She replied as she adjusted her purse and linked her arm with mine as we walked toward the cashier.

I grew up in a small town in South Jersey. I graduated from the largest class size from my local high school. A whopping three hundred students. Despite growing up in a small town, I did not have many friends growing up. While my peers went to parties or took up sports to pass the time, I gravitated towards books and art. Either my nose was buried in a book, or I was doodling something in my notebook. I was not completely friendless. I had a couple of friends and I even dated briefly.

Due to my lackluster romantic life, I graduated a virgin much to my father's surprise. My mother walked out on us when I was a toddler. My dad was my sole caregiver and guidance. His biggest piece of advice was to not get pregnant until you accomplished everything you wanted to in life. My parents became pregnant with me during their senior year and married shortly after. I think a part of him did not want me to repeat his life choices. I knew he was happy that I did not make him a 'pop-pop' so young.

Once I graduated high school, I traveled across the country to study at Washington State University. I received a full-ride scholarship due to my grades, I thought it would be best to pursue my passion. In the end I chose Digital Design because I thought it would be the best way to combine my two greatest passions.

It was during my second semester that I met Tara. We were in the same communication course, and we just hit it off. She was completing her final year for her Marketing degree while I was just starting mine. We became fast friends and hung out almost daily. Once she graduated, she invited me to her wedding with her high school sweetheart, Sean. He was set to begin medical school to become a doctor. Seven years later and we are still close friends.

Once we ordered and paid for our food, we went outside to sit on the patio. It was late April so the weather had a slight chill but the sun's rays was enough to fight the cold away. We ate in silence for a bit enjoying the quiet. I nibbled on my onion bagel with cream cheese as my chai tea latte warmed my hands.

"So, how's the Stanley project going?" Tara asked as she bit into her ham and cheese panini.

I grunted as I swallowed the food in my mouth. I sighed, "I am correcting the visual presentation…again. I swear nothing pleases this woman!"

"Luckily, her wedding is this Friday."

"Yes! I cannot wait. Hope she does not get pregnant for at least a year. I need a break from this client." I grumbled as I took a huge bite from my bagel.

Tara had always dreamed of becoming an event planner. Unfortunately, like most college graduates she was unable to find a job. After several months, she was able to secure a job at a local event company. The pay was low, and benefits were nonexistent, but she took it. While I was finishing my final semester, she decided to leave her job to start an event planning company of her own. She figured since Sean would be busy with his residency then she would dedicate her free time to building her company. She even offered me a job to work alongside her. Since I too would have a job and be around my best friend, I figured it was a win-win situation. I have been working under her for about three years anow and the company has been thriving.

"I wanted to talk to you about the medical charity ball comping up Kimmie." Tara said with a serious look on her face.

Our main sources of income came from weddings and company events. The Annual Spring Charity Ball was held by the hospitals in the surrounding counties to raise money for research. These types of events were usually managed by well-known event planning companies. However, this year they employed Tara for the job. She has been working nonstop for the last three months. She has been so busy that I had to take up all the wedding clientele. Although the hours were long and the clients annoying, I knew this was Tara's big break.

"Is there something you need for me to do?" I asked after sipping my latte.

"Why yes there is, "She licked her lips and avoided my eyes. A nervous habit of hers. "As you know since I am planning the event, I will hardly have a moment to rest. The best party planner must be ready for any and all accidents. Sean's hospital will be hosting which means every doctor must attend. Normally his mother would be his date, but she is visiting her sister in Florida." She sipped her coffee and then looked me in the eye and said, "Kimmie, Sean is a handsome man and cannot be left alone."

"So, do you want me to find him a date?"

"No. Kimberly Evers, can you please be his plus one?"

"What!" I screeched as I almost tossed my latte on my pants. "But what would people say or think seeing us together?"

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Please, Kimmie. Majority of his coworkers know who I am. As for the single women… let them whisper." She replied as she winked at me. "Think about it. Sean is a doctor and is at risk of being in a room with single women just itching to get their claws on a vulnerable man. You are my best friend. It won't be awkward between the two of you and I can work in peace. Please?"

She had a point. I knew her husband for over seven years. I knew he would never even glance at another woman, but Tara did have a possessive streak.

"Okay. I'll do it. As long as I do not have to work and I eat some good food." I quirked my eyebrow as I extended my hand.

"I'm offended, Kimmie. You know I only ensure the best quality food at my events." She laughed as she shook my hand. "That reminds me, I'll have to make you an appointment with the tailor. You'll have to dress formal for the ball. If I see you in a sweatshirt and fuzzy pants I am burning them!"

"No need to get hostile." I defended. I hated dressing up but she did not have to threaten the comfort clothes. "I'll make sure to be on time too."

"Good, I'll see if Annie can meet with you sometimes before the Stanley wedding so the dress can be tailored in time." Tara finished, leaving no room for a rebuttal.

She was the boss after all.