
KIMCHAY MOMENTS " If Our Love Is True"

Joeysparkles · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter - 1 [ Helping hand ]


Sitting in this yard , the backside of my school filled with bushes but nothing. I was busy with my thoughts streaming like there was no end . Where is life going on real ? I sighed.

I don't know why but i feel as if I'm being a burden on my hia and to be exact i was always . He's been taking care of me from a very young age and now i see him working day & night at

p' jay's club because of me . I really feel bad . People of his age are getting married , having kids and whatnot !

But he's always busy at the backside of Jay's club hooking up with different people with no feelings involved. I sometimes think how can he be like this always ? Doesn't hia fall for anyone he hooks up with ? I can literally fall for someone if I am even a little intimate.

I even yelled at him after i myself saw him busy moaning and gasping and his voices..

" ahhhh..... Fast..ahh " I was red in shame.

I swallowed hard even thinking about his condition that day , like he was in heaven . I was happy that hia likes that girl but in the morning when i teased him a little saying who's the lucky girl hm ? he frowned and then laughed like a crazy ass , i was confused myself too .

But then my mind went blank at his words,

" it was nothing but just a moment of relief . A vent out ? You'll know when you grow up young man! " My mind stopped working .

Did he just played with an innocent girl on the name of a vent out ? My hia ? I can't believe it .

I stood up and took all the food from the table and made him starve the whole afternoon and night .

How could he ? And he's telling me I will understand it after i grow up ? Like what the hell he thinks of me? I'm never going to be like that ever! Everyone has a heart how can you possibly play with someone like that ?

A simple vent out for you can have a deep meaning for the another person . Does he ever think about this or not ? Our bodies belong to the person god has decided for us and we can't just ruin them in the name of vent out, can we ?

At least I'm not cool about it .

I was so angry at him that i even cursed him that he'll get STD or AIDS if he continues to do this but instead of being sorry he laughed like hell at my words . Like really hia ? What's there to joke about in this ? But he told me that he always uses protection so there's nothing to worry about. Thankfully he's safe at least .

I sit down looking at the green grass beneath me and sigh taking a deep breath . How can I not worry ? He's the only one i have and he has me. Not like I'm complaining but to be true i know his life is messed up because of me. I'm the reason for his miserability .

But i really hope hia finds someone whom he can depend on . I've seen him being strong for me and never crying because he says crying makes you weak. But when i cry he says he's always there and i can cry as much as i want because he'll ensure to whipe my tears off but what about his tears ? Who'll rub them off .

I don't know how people choose their partners because I've never had one but for hia , i want someone whom hia can depend on. Someone who can see how lonely and insecure hia is. Behind the strong and macho Porsche there's a little 10 year old hiding to protect himself and me.

If there's anyone who can make my hia feel safe around him I'll accept that person and worship them for my entire life and take my leave from their life.

But I don't know who's gonna like my hooker brother ? After knowing he has so many people he's done it with , will there be someone who'll be able to make him fall hard unlike other vent outs ?

But one thing is that I'm sure he'll be the best pa for his children . He's never treated me like a brother but his own son so sometimes i feel that god might know that hia could be the best parent for me , that's why he took mom dad and gave it to the one who didn't have a hia like me. I feel blessed.

I smiled and lay down on the grass watching the clear bright sky over my head and try to take a nap . It was really a tough day for me .

I was just talking to myself about all these things but suddenly i heard a crying voice. I looked around but found no one so i quickly wiped my tears and followed the voice. I looked at the backside of the trees and benches but it was empty and after every second sobbing became stronger and dry .

But when i saw the person , i was actually very confused because it was maccao, the richest kid of my school . And yes , the most arrogant kid I've heard about in my life. But he was crying so bad and looked so scared . And with a lot of courage i took a step clenching my fist . But my instincts took them back rapidly and my heart melted at his sobbing face

I knew that the man was a trouble for all the teachers & students.I really don't have any luck to get involved with his pranks. But suddenly my kindness and morals overpowered me & i went there taking slow steps gradually not to make any sound to him . Damn ! why i m like this ? Go there and get insulted now ? You'll see your kindness will be repaid with hatred and bullying to you idiot .


I dared to look at him and my heart clenched together swuezing it . Maccao was crying so bad and my eyes also felt numb but the worst I was watching . He was sobbing and his mouth was full of pieces of cloth and papers , his eyes bolted out as if he was short of breath and it took him no time and now he was gasping on knees and i saw him hiding from far. My steps halted watching him . He wasn't only sobbing but scared and felt pathetic and that's why he was trying to hold it back .

I could feel that he was in a serious condition and i went to my flashback .

Hia never knew anything about my school actually i never let him know anything. How could I ? He's done enough and i can't just run to him for always right ? I didn't want him to know how pitty my condition was there. He was getting more jobs just to send me to the best school of music & now that I'm here i can't survive.

I was an outcast. People might not know but being at a school you can't afford but still you're at , the children Don't treat you well . For them you're nothing but a puppet to have some fun with . And the same was happening to me as well

I was bullied each and every day & i somehow felt lucky that hia could not always be home. It was good because it was the time i used to treat myself from the wounds i got while being bullied. It wasn't just pulling pranks but more brutal than anyone could think off. Shivers run down my spine even for remembering that ill fate of mine. I Still remember that day

It haunts me even today when it's been months since that incident happened . I almost got dead during break time. After taking the teacher's permission, i went to the boys toilet . I was done with my urgency so i was going to unlock the door but suddenly i heard a loud noise of 4-5 boys who were yelling out my name angrily.

" Get the fuck out of here u poor dirty mouse ! Today we'll show you how to respect us !" My grip on the lock tightened immediately. Fear ran in me.

I remembered that I complained about them to the teachers but they said it was an anonymous complaint box , no-one will know who's the person putting the complaint then how did they find it ? My breath slowed & their screams echoed into the bathroom

I could hear them yelling at others to get out of they'll be next and they ran away. I wanted to ask for help but i know no one will . The gang was powerful and their parents were the members of the management committee.

No one will listen to me .

I got more frightened when the seconds passed and they started kicking the door . I was in no condition to open the door and fight back with them. I was a thin boy not so tall and with no friends but they were 5 people with huge bulky bodies and strength. I was in no competition here with them.

Actually even if i think about it i could never do that his my self. Hia was a black belt in judo and was very strong but i on the other hand was totally opposite. I was never interested in all this and i hated violence. It's wrong to wrong people whatever the reason is.

Two wrongs never make a right .

So i zipped my pants hurriedly and fixed my shirt and opened the door scared but i took a deep breath . There's no point in taking to them. No matter what I'm going to get beated and no one will save me . I Don't expect it either but how much today i want someone to just come and drag me safely .

I took a deep breath and with trembling hands opened the bathroom and looked at them. All angry clenching their knuckles together .

" YOUUU!!!" he shouted loudly at me and in no time a punch landed on my face " argh ".

I felt pain hit me hard and i almond blackout with that. I fell on the floor and just dropped over my nose fully and it started bleeding heavily. I could feel pain while breathing.

i didn't know what happened next but when my consciousness got back and the next thing i remembered was i was topless and just in my boxers and tied to one of the school polls and could not look up . I covered my face hurriedly & was frightened by what happened .

" Stop - Please stop " i begged they and tears rolled over my eyes like rain from clouds . But no one stopped for a second

The flashlights were hitting my face from all directions until a voice came threatening all the people gathered around to put their phones down . I was still not in my full consciousness and just remembered a voice screaming.

"Dare u ! dare u take a single photo . I'll ensure u guys visit hell in my hands " i couldn't see the face because my eyes couldn't look up with that soreness on my eyes. I wanted to know who was the person but couldn't and i regret it.

And then someone wrapped me in a big coat which covered me till my knees . It was a dark black coat and then i felt a hand trying to grab my waist and it was unusually warm and i felt protected. The first person i felt warmth with after hia . I don't know why but i just let him be , it was an unfamiliar touch and rather saying i liked it .

Suddenly it started raining. The thunder struck the sky illuminating it. I was so immersed in my own grief that i didn't realise that tears were flowing through my eyes like crazy . I was sobbing hard to death , i was short of breath. The next moment i remember i was on my knees and realised that someone moved from the bushes and started patting my head and all i could hear was a weak voice

" Why are you crying ? Please don't cry I'll cry even more if u also cry now "

And suddenly he started crying even more than before and i don't know how the hell i got the courage but somehow i pitted him. I leant forward & hugged him with all my warmth . I could feel that the other party was startled and very much confused

" Don't worry everything will be okay . I'm here with you right. Stay calm "

I say trembling myself but i could see my reflection in him today. Maybe i was finding someone to say these words to myself also. So i said what i thought could've helped me.

But i could feel the hesitation and awkwardness in that moment but i didn't want to let him go. After i felt  the crying stopped & now he was silent , i  picked my right hand and patt his head gently and warmly.

" you are safe. You can count on me. I'll protect you . Your safe"

Then i heard him murmuring something but i didn't hear and then i realised that now i should break the hug . So i was just pulling myself off from him and he suddenly said with a soft voice and i stopped immediately

" what's ur name ? I've never seen you here before " I was in a confused state now what to say ?

" Of course I've always been here but we are different people you couldn't have possibly known me " i sighed .

I got up fixing my clothes and looked back once more. He was still sitting on the ground digging holes in the ground. I didn't know what I should do ? So i just gave him my hand so he could get up , but he didn't take it and shrugged it

That bastard ! even after i helped him he's showing me this bossy side . I guess everyone in this school is like this only. Arrogant ! But i couldn't curse at him . I don't want to make one more enemy now . So i sighed rolling my eyes

But then he took out a wallet & looked at me & my clothes from head to toe & took out some cash with a slight smile .

I was in disbelief and more angry now . " Who the hell are you thinking to pay ? I helped you because you were crying not for your money! Your tears are so cheap that you'll offer me money now !? " i asked in disbelief.

" Hey ! Don't - i didn't - didn't mean to make you angry . I just didn't know. " his face froze .

He apologized quickly putting back his wallet with an awkward gesture rubbing his head a little. Then he took out his visiting card and gave it to me .

" Don't ever hesitate to call me if you need help. Maccao terupankayal never takes anything for free " he said. Bastard ! I wish I could slap him

He told me that i could come to this place and then he went to his path with hands on the pocket with a plastered arrogance on his face . My mouth was open in amazement. This man was crying like a shit few seconds back and now ? Woah ! I can't ever understood people over here .

But when i looked at him even in anger i could see the loopholes of vulnerability shattering in him that he was trying to drag as quick as possible. As if walking away was the best decision he could make at the moment.

And my heart clenched more .

He was showing something but deep inside he was in pain and agony that pushed him to a level that he wanted to cry without telling anyone and choking himself to death . He's miserable.

I looked at him as he opened the door and before getting in looked back at me. I was standing still watching him when he waved at me with both hands like a child and screamed

" I'll meet you tomorrow here only. Be there or I'll find and drag you myself boy "

" What ? Drag me ? " It was unbelievable. He smiled while saying that . But why the hell would he meet me or drag me ? He didn't even say that in anger so what exactly did he meant ?

I sat down trying to comprehend but i guess i pushed myself into a black hole this time.

My phone buzzed pulling me from the shock and i saw it . " Where are you man ? You're late !"

" Oh ! But i come at four hia but it's only

Wait ? Your at home ? "

My eyes widen at this. And my legs trembled in excitement and happiness.

" Hurry up ! I'm waiting here alone"

Tears fell down. Finally i can see him again. He's been too busy to come back and strictly prohibited me from visiting Jay's bar ever after the show i got for free that day .

" I'm coming right now "

I ran towards the place i was sitting before , taking my bagpack and running towards the gate happily screaming

" woah! I'm coming , hia "

TBC .....

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