

Kim Dae an high school girl, made a wish to visit the future and later fell in love with a guy called Lee Jung he is an handsome guy who met Kim Dae by accident and the two had sweet love together. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

mina2009 · Teen
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5 Chs

CHAPTER 1:Welcome to seoul city.

Saturday, 8:30 a.m,Busan, South Korea.

Sweetie pies , wake up it is already morning, didn't you slept well last night . Mom said. Yes mom they responded. Okay no problem. Breakfast is ready and i made your favourite, eat and get ready we are relocating today to our new apartment and also the truck will be here later in the day to help us with our stuff, she said.


Four hours later, the truck was horning at the front of our house. We rushly packed all our stuffs outside and put them in the back of the truck. Baby's did you all packed your stuffs.엄 마 said. Yes 엄 마, we shouted.

Seoul city, 1:30p.m

Later, we arrived at Seoul, the capital of south Korea. Still on the road driving when suddenly a car bumped into ours. The driver stopped to check what happened. The driver came down and started using abusive words to the man. Stop it!!! My 엄 마 said to the driver. It was an accident. Can't you see,he already said he is sorry, get into the truck now ,mom said. Okay ma the driver answered.

Few minutes later.

Hmm!!!, here we are ,finally arrived at our destination, am so glad. Mom said. Yeah mom , am so exhausted said su.

Kim dae help me with those stuff over there . Okay mom she said. When suddenly a metal round object fell on her leg and she shouted . Oushhhh,my 다리, 엄 마,

My mom and Kim su ran as fast as they could . Dae what happend , are you hurt. Yes mom, something fell on my 발툽 and it hurts so bad.kim dae said. Don't worry , let's go in now I will take you to the pharmacy later . Everything will be fine. Mom said.


Dae sit over there, let me arrange these stuff I will be right back . She said . Kim su , please bring me some ice cube . She said. Sister, there's no ice cube available now, remember. Ohhhh, why now . I think i have to go to the pharmacy now, she said. But sister let me follow you, su said.dont worry dae said. I will go on my own . She leaves.


At the 약 사 Pharmacy

의 사 doctor, my 다리 leg is injured. I can't walk properly with it, please doctor what can I use to reduce the pain. She said. Miss,I have a drug I will prescribe to you,take it once in a day you will be okaybefore tomorrow.he said.

Thanks 의사 doctor,how much does the 약 medicine cost. 200 won said doctor. Huh!!!, I don't have that much doctor.she saod.If you don't have that much you can as well leave MIss. Said doctor.

Enters Seok.

안 hello , welcome to our pharmacy,said the doctor, so what do you want . Seok looks at Kim dae kindly. Kim dae looks at the doctor and said sir, please I don't have much I only have 20 won and am only a student doctor.she said. Doctor how much does her drugs cost . Seok asked. just 200 won.he said. Okay take my credit card and deduct the money 💰💰💰. He said and smiled.

Then dae said, thank you, I really appreciate it. It's nothing and asked for her name. My name is Kim dae and asked for his name also . My name is Seok . And we both became friends.