
Killing Z

Complete Combat Skills, mental skills and emotional skills are obtained by a girl at a young age. She was forced to do so because of an unexpected apocalypse. A virus started to spread all over the world making every human beings into Zombies. The year 2188 was supposed to be a year of happiness and celebration but turns out to be a horrifying disaster. Survivors are turned into groups and teams that helps each other to survive. Some forced themselves to train and kill Zombies around the world. But it wasn't easy. These Zombies are not just one type of Zombies that move slower and eat human flesh. There are many kinds of them, more powerful than each other. Not even an ordinary soldier that held a gun could kill. In this century, humans kill in order to survive.

Infinite888 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

Kaleen went to the Holographic Training Room.

It was an empty room. All you could see was white. The room looks endless. There are no corners. Maybe it's the effect of the color of the room.

There was a slot near the door and she pressed her Golden Card in it.

" Golden Card: First tier. Kaleen Galax. Welcome to the Holographic Training Room." A computer like voice said echoed inside the room.

In the next seconds, a floating piece of metal plate came forward. A series of colorful buttons are atop of it.

There were four colors of buttons. Bronze, Silver, Gold and Jade like White.

These represent the difficulty levels of the Holographic Training. Each buttons has stars beneath it.

The stars represents tiers, ranging one to five. One star means first tier where Kaleen is currently at. Two Stars means second tier and so on.

Kaleen pressed the First tier of the Gold Level and the computer like voice spoke again.

" Gold Level Training: First Tier. Get ready. Rank 1 to Rank 8 Zombies will be presented."

Kaleen walked towards the white abyss. Then, the room changed its appearance.

The room changed into a ruined city with many broken buildings, fallen debris and piles of rocks.

This reminds her earlier.

She looked at the piles of rocks on the ground. She closed her eyes and feel the things around her. The smell, the sound and the movement of the air.

" Zombies." she uttered and drew her sword.

" Alert! Alert! Wave of Zombies are coming. Wave One." The Computer said the warning.

Zombies jumped out from the piles and viciously attacked Kaleen.

Kaleen was just calmly closing her eyes. She could hear and smell everything. Everything was so real. The smell and the noise was so clear.

A Claw Zombie raised its gigantic claws and swiped it down to Kaleen. Kaleen noticed the incoming claw and slashed it with its sword.

The sword cut the Claws. The sword dug into the palm where the orb was located. The orb was cut in half and the Zombie disappeared.

After a Holographic Zombie died it will immediately disappeared.

Kaleen's face was calm as an undisturbed lake that had no vibration or waves in it.

She slashed every Zombies she encountered in the first wave. She did the same as the second wave and the third and fourth.

She'd memorized these Zombies before. There are only Three types of Zombies that Kaleen encountered for the past few waves.

The Claws, The Jumper and the Baby Zombies. Baby Zombies are human babies that was infected by the virus and turned into Zombies.

It was quite heartbreaking to see watching these babies die for some people. But for someone like Kaleen, it's just like killing other Zombies.

Actually, it was heartbreaking for Kaleen to kill these Baby Zombies but she put in her mind that those are not human babies, those are Zombies that have to be killed.

Kaleen got guilty sometimes if she killed one but she always put those words into her thoughts.

It was time for the fifth wave. Every training, you'll receive twelve waves. Everytime you passed a wave, the next wave will be harder.

Kaleen reached this wave for the first time and she didn't know what to expect.

She held her sword tightly while she focused on her surroundings.

A loud cry from a distance echoed.

A fat Zombie was coming at a slow pace but its strength was unbelievably amazing. Every step he made, a small crater appeared.

Kaleen charged with no hesitation. She had read an information about this Zombie before. In the Zombie Almanac, this Fat Zombie was called Boomer.

Boomer Zombies are called because they explode as they reached their destination or if they lose power. In other words, they are suicidal like Zombies.

Their bodies contained with acidic juice that could melt someone's skin. They are one of the most scariest type of Zombies.

Kaleen slashed her sword. Because of the Zombie's weight, it wasn't abled to dodged.

Kaleen easily cut the Zombie in half. The Zombie disappeared when Kaleen cut the orb inside its stomach.

Killing these Zombies required such speed and strength.

Blowing up these Zombies will be a very bad move. Acid will splashed away everywhere if it did, it might burn your skin or even fatal.

Killing such this Zombie also need a very special weapon that made from a special materials.

The orbs that collected inside the Zombies that were killed are used in making weapons.

Kaleen's sword was made from Zombie orbs. But not just ordinary Zombie orbs. It was made from a high ranked Zombie orbs. Kaleen still didn't know what type of orbs that her Sword made of.

Her sword was very sharp and well made. Her sword could be described as almost perfect. Almost because Kaleen felt something missing from the sword but to its quality and construction, it was perfect.

Many more Boomers came out and attacked. Kaleen moved really quick so that the Boomers won't have the time to explode.

As she killed the remaining, she thought it was finish. The Computer didn't announced something.

Kaleen was confused.

Then, a pile of rocks exploded. It was one of the Boomers!

Kaleen forgot to kill the one who was hiding.

Acidic juices and rocks flew into air and dropped like rain. Kaleen quickly ran away from the explosion.

Acidic Juice dropped near Kaleen's and it hit on a stone. The stone melted.

Kaleen shivered by what she saw.

" Now that's Acidic!" Kaleen exclaimed.

She ran very quick but it wasn't enough. A droplet of acid was coming her way.

She stopped. She looked at the incoming droplet of acid. Then she raised her hand and she tried to shield the acid from getting to her face.

The Droplet dropped on her metal tube on her hand. The melting acid began to dissipate and later on, it turned into a gas.

Kaleen looked at her hand. She didn't felt a thing. She noticed the Metal Tube on her hand. She was exasperated.

" Wave five, complete. Do you still want to continue?" The Computer said.

Kaleen sat on the ground before saying, " No. That's all for today."

The Holographic Training Room turned back to the way it was. A white room that looks like an eternal Abyss.

She pulled herself up and get out of the Holographic Training Room.

You are also allowed to stopped training after you finished a wave that the Holographic Training Room gave you and finished it next time.

That was the first time that Kaleen tried the first tier of the Gold Level and she was excited and happy.

She gained a lot from there.

When she exited, she saw many fighters waiting at the door.

" A girl? Woah! She was awesome back there."

" Woah! Amazing!"

" She's beautiful!"

" Wow! She's so strong!"

" Maybe she is a daughter of a general?"

People were talking about Kaleen. They saw what happened in the Holographic Training Room.

People can also watch your training when you used Holographic Training Room. There was a wide screen outside that shows the training of the fighter while training in the Holographic Training Room.

As Kaleen walked forward, the people clapped their hands in amazement.

" Wow! You're so cool!"

" Who are you? Are you a daughter of a general?"

" OMG! I'm a fan!"

" Say hi, please!"

People started to circled Kaleen.

Kaleen awkwardly smiled and stood still where she was at.

Alec saw what was happening and immediately ran towards the crowd.

" Okay... okay... move... move. She is not a star. Don't blocked her way." Alec said while making everyone move their way.

" Who are you anyway?" A guy asked irritatedly.

" Who am I? Me? Well, I'm the brother of the Sixth General, Clara Mandell." Alec said in full of pride.

Everyone gasped for air and moved their asses. They made a way for them to went through.

Alec escorted Kaleen to her room.

As they walked, the door in the Training Room opened. The people near Kaleen's started to moved and went towards the door.

A path appeared in the midst of the crowd. It was heading towards Kaleen and Alec's direction.

A person was walking towards them. It was a woman who has a sexy and curvaceous body.

All the boys' eyes turned heart shapes as they saw the figure. She was extremely beautiful too. And that's not all, you could feel a terrifying aura around her too.

Alec's eyes opened wide when she saw the woman.

" Sister!"

All the people around him that heard him said that turned to look at him and then, they looked back at the woman.

" Sister?" Kaleen asked in confusion.

" Kaleen, that's my sister, the sixth General, Clara Mandell." Alec said surprised.