
Chapter 12

   "Joseph ! Joseph ! Wait up "

"What is it Peter ?"

"What's all that about ?"

"Is that a question Peter ? Who is in his right mind will stand and watch some students ruin their lives ?"

"Stop being a chicken !"

"This is serious Peter, you all are committing a grave crime, you're not only breaking the school rules Peter, this is a serious crime !"

"I know all that but please I am begging you, don't tell on me. Forget about what you just saw, we will try something else that doesn't involve all that "

"What is it ?"

"Just be prepared, meet me in the evening alright !"

Don't judge me, I am desperate, I need to find something that will distract me from all my  problems and since it will not involve those substances, I guess, it won't kill to try it .

   Later in the day, I got ready and was waiting for Peter . Wait ! What am I doing ? Some few hours ago, I found out that Peter was a drug addict, why am I here waiting ?

I am supposed to cut things off with Peter, report him and the others to the school authority, then why didn't I ? Can I trust him after finding out the truth ? What's next ? Will he take me to join a secret society or what ? All these unanswered questions ran through my mind but I still waited for him even if something worse can happen .

"Hey, I am happy you came "

"Where exactly are you taking me to ?"

"Just wait and see Joseph, trust me "

"The coast is clear, the others are leaving, hurry up Peter !" Some random student from nowhere interrupted in a rude manner, probably a grade 10 student

"Wait, what ? What is he saying Peter ?"

"Enough with the questions, let's get going, hurry up "

Why are we exiting through the gate ? By the way the security guards are supposed to be at their post . Does this imply that we are actually sneaking out ? Oh lord ! I wanted to go back but it was too late, I could see the guard coming back from wherever he went to. I had to follow them . We arrived at a place, looks like a club. What did I just say ? A night club !!!

"Peter, don't tell  me we are going in there !"

"Chill out bro, relax, everything is alright "

I can't believe that I am in a club, wow! I really amazed myself .

"Have some of this "

"What's that ? alcohol ! No, I rather have water"

"Suit yourself"

"I want to go back"

"Wait a little longer !"

  I had no choice but to wait quietly and watch Peter and his friends get wasted with alcohol because I don't know the my way back and it's dangerous to leave alone. The last thing I wanted was to add salt to my injury by taking the drink that Peter offered to me .

     Alcohol is the root cause ! It's the main reason why my family is what it is today . My dad will always come home late, drunk, then get into a fight with my mother, I was seriously getting sick of their 'fights'.

          I finally arrived the hostel safely, thank God! I am never doing that ever again . I have never slept this late, I woke up with a headache and a sore back .

"Good morning class ! Before we start, I just want to say that I was not impressed with your scores. Cassandra scored the highest, a round of applause for her please. I urge you all to put in your best, work hard, you still have plenty of time"

  Cassandra, Cassandra, she has always being my biggest competition, it looks like it's almost impossible to beat her. I don't like it when my classmates compare me to her .

"Alright class, we have come to the end of our lesson, have a nice day ahead "

"Joseph !"

"Yes Sir"

"What is happening ? I have noticed that your grades are lower than that of before. I know what you're capable of, I know you're better than this, so whatever the problem is, don't let it take you down, work harder"

"I will, thank you Sir"


 I returned home, three weeks later. The place is not what is used to be, well it's expected. I was desolated, I felt like a stranger in my own house. My dad travelled , I won't be seeing him the entire time while I am still at home. I spend most of my time in my room.

     I got invited to my classmate birthday party, finally I got somewhere to go . It was just a normal teenage party, I had a lot of fun .

"Hey Josie! You're back, how was the party ?"


"You have not been yourself ever since you came, is it about the issue ...."

"Not that "

"Then what, something is wrong, tell me, what's the problem ?"

I know she will keep bothering me if I don't tell her, I thought that I might as well tell her everything.

"Really? I am sorry that I wasn't there when you really needed me , anyways, I and your dad have come to a decision to patch things up for real this time, we know we have hurt you a lot Joseph and we are sorry. We are ready to do whatever it takes to make you happy "

"Are you sure ?"

"Yes and about what you told me, you really need to do what's right Joseph, it will be best for everyone, even if you will hurt someone in the process. "

"I will have to do it no matter what happens, that what's best for everyone"

"That's right,come help me do the dishes and maybe we can go out for some ice cream"


"Hey bro, how are you ?"

"I am sorry Peter !"

"I have reported you and the others to the school authority"

"Why? Joseph I trusted you, you are my friend"

"True friends don't allow their friends go astray or take the wrong path Peter. I have  to do what's right, it's what best for you, I don't want you to ruin your future. In a few minutes, you will be called to the principal's office, I hope you will reform and turn a new leaf. Good bye Peter"

   That was hard for me to do but I had to do it, it's for the better.  

Peter and his friends were sent to a rehabilitation centre for a special programme just for them, I really hope it works out. As for me I got a suspension for sneaking out of school at the same time rewarded for my honesty.

         Joy and happiness was restored back into my life and I am doing well in my academics. My family is whole and our bond has been strengthened. I was cautious on choosing the kind of people I hang around with. I have learnt a lot from my experience. Today, we are going to Jason's house

"Come on ! What's taking you so long ?" Dad said

"We are coming "

"Oh my ! Anna ! Mr Jeffrey, it is so great to see you  after while, "

"Happy to see you too, I have to go, I will call you later, take care"Dad said

"Alright later"

"Oh Joseph ! You have grown so tall, come in ! Sit ! "

"Joseph! Hi! I missed you so much " Jason said

"I missed you too"

"We really need to catch up, how is your school ? Anything exciting happened ?"

"It's a long story Jason but we have all the time in the world, you won't believe it !"

"Come on , tell me ! I am anxious to hear"