

Unwanted by everyone and constantly bullied for her unique beauty and low Omega rank, Anastasia is all but ready to die what she hopes will be a peaceful death. When she điscovers her mate is the Pack's Beta, whom was the boyfriend of her bully for over 10 years, she understands he will never love her and agrees to his decision to ignore their bond. When her bully gets wind of their mating bond, the attacks on Anastasia increase and the Alpha who hates her is forced to step in to save her. Tensions run high as the past comes back to haunt both of them, and her mate's jealousy only serves to complicate things..

Unknown456 · Urban
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108 Chs


As soon as Derek and Jacob burst through the door, I was relieved. Relieved someone was here to get this crazy bitch off me and see the chaos she has caused, but the sobs and tears came as soon as she got off me and Derek was by her side in an instant.

Seeing his affection towards someone else made me feel like I was burning alive.

The jealousy was enveloping me, making me stare at the scene in shock as I fought the growl rising in my throat.

I felt hands on me, breaking me from my trance as Jacob lifted me off the floor. For the second time today, I was in Jacob's arms, his warm embrace calming me and making me feel safe again.

"Are you okay?" he gently asks me, he carries me towards the bed.

"I'm fine," I say staring at wall avoiding Derek and Medeia as well as looking at Jacob.

He is quick to retrieve the blanket and pillow on the floor, placing the blanket over me and gently lifting my head to place the pillow below it. All the while, Medeia's sobbing can be heard. I can see the storm raging on in Jacob's blue eyes, like the ocean on a stormy day. They are ever changing, becoming darker, more menacing.

He whirls around after his eyes catch sight of something. I looked down to notice the blood stain on the weight blanket, a stain that came from my wrist. I swear under my breath hoping he doesn't figure it out.

"What the hell is going on?" Jacob shouts, his head moving from Medeia to me as he waits for answers.

Medeia is quick to jump into action, her eyes still glistening with fake tears. I look down, focusing on the bloodstain as I listen to Medeia's excuse. Knowing that whatever she says will make Jacob and Derek hate me even more.

"I came in here looking for Derek when I saw sweet little Anastasia on the bed. She looked so confused and hurt, so I offered her some help, but in return, she just growled at me. I was scared. I wanted to look for help, but I knew I couldn't leave her alone," she pleads, her fake tears returning as she plays the victim.

"I looked away from her for a second, trying to find something to help her and when I looked back, I saw writhing on the bed. I was quick to realize she was trying to shift and no matter how hard I tried to call for her to stop, she didn't listen," Medeia continues, her words causing me to look up at her in shock.

Her face was covered in a mask of worry. Her voice was the perfect pitch to hide her underlying disgust for me as she sent a venomous glare over Jacob's shoulder towards me.

Neither Jacob nor Derek have looked towards me to confirm whether Medeia's words are true and instead of denying them, I just allow her to tell the lie, ruining my name for my mate and my friend.

"I was worried she was going to hurt herself more, so I did the only thing I could think of. I tackled her. She fought back trying to get me off her, so she could easily shift but no matter how hard I tried to calm her down, and hold her down she kept lashing out at me." Medeia finishes her story, a loud sob escaping her mouth as she does so and Derek's arms coming around her to cradle her to his chest again.

I just see the back of Jacob, but I can see his shoulders tense from Medeia's story, his back rising as he takes a deep breath, most likely letting out a sigh.

"Derek, get Medeia out of her, she needs to calm down and go find Robert. Ana needs her fresh injuries to be checked over," Jacob says, causing Derek to jump into action.

How he rushes Medeia out of my room causes my heart to wrench. My Omega cries out for him, but all I can do is whimper as he leaves the room, watching the door close as he walks away.

"Seriously, Ana!" I look at Jacob as he speaks, his blue eyes staring into mine as he faces me. "Why the hell would you try to shift in your current state?" he asks.

I move to sit up now, my legs crossed as I stare at him. My face morphing into a veil of shock as I stare at him. I can't believe he has accepted Medeia's lie.

"I didn't try to shift," I reply, my voice weak as I try to defend myself. My hands in my lap are playing with the edge of the blanket as I try to distract myself. Whether it is to distract myself from Derek or Jacob, I am not sure.

"Oh really? Then why the fuck were you on the floor and what the hell happened to your arm?" He asks, anger flashing in his eyes as his arms are crossed over his chest. I don't answer him. I don't have a valid reason for my actions.

"Why don't you actually ask me what happened? Instead of just assuming Medeia was telling you the truth," I say to him, annoyed that he doesn't even consider my side in this. Just jumping at the chance to see the worst in me.

"What happened then?" He asked, his eyebrow raised as he crosses his arms over his chest.

I just stare at him, not knowing how much he knows and how much I could possibly tell him. In the end I just bite my tongue.

"Seriously Ana?" he says, "First I have to find you beaten in and alley. Then I hear that Derek is your mate and now you tell me that I never listen to you or your side. And now you won't tell me when I give you a chance?"

"We don't talk, I don't need to tell you everything that goes on in my life, just so you can keep tabs on me Jacob," I reply. I'm annoyed by the fact that he thinks he should know about every aspect of my life even when I don't want him to.

He sighs, his fingers squeezing the bridge of his nose, his patience with me wearing thin.

"For once, can you not be a burden?" he callously says.

My head shoots up at his words, anger filling me as he reminds me of what I had done. Reminding me of the guilt that had been eating at me alive for days.

I get up, my legs quick to carry me towards Jacob. I plant my finger in his chest as I stand in front of him, straining my neck to maintain eye contact with him.

"I am not your burden!" I reiterate each word with a jab to his chest.

"Not a burden? You? Please, Ana, you were living off of me and my dad for years, so please don't make jokes. You have done enough stupid shit for today," Jacob replies.

"Then leave me alone!" I reply, not noticing nurses have walked into the room and are quietly working behind me as they set up all the machines again. "I didn't ask you to be here and to make me your burden. Seriously? Why doesn't anybody get it? I just want to be left alone," I say again, still angry at Jacob for believing Medeia.

Jacob's face is a mix of hurt and sadness, but his eyes showcase a certain understanding at the mention of being alone.

"I just want to be left alone to die," I quietly add, my voice breaking as the tears form in my eyes.

A hand on my shoulder grabs my attention. When I turn and see the nurse behind me, I realize how tired I am. The adrenaline leaves my body as my legs sway. The nurse is quick to put a hand around me as she helps me back into the bed. Her hands work steadily as she connects the machines back to me.

"I can't leave you alone to do something stupid. I can't deal with the burden of losing you too," Jacob says, watching me.

"For the last fucking time, I am not your issue!" I scream.

My heart breaks as the words leave my mouth. It shocked Jacob that I raised my voice at him. He just stares with his mouth open. The only noise is the fast beeping of the machines as the situation causes me to become stressed.

"Ana, I - "Jacob tries.

"Leave me! Just leave me!" I scream at him, the machines going crazy now as a nurse gently pushes me back, trying to calm me down.

"Alpha, I think you should leave her for now. She needs to calm down," a timid voice asks him. It's the nurse who helped me back into bed.

Jacob glances at me one last time before nodding his and leaving the room. The machines slowly stop making a noise as I lie down in the bed. I close my eyes in relief, thankful that he is finally gone.