
Killing Mason

Mason has always wished for a normal life, where he could be happy, and not have to deal with the struggles that come with being an omega. His one-way ticket to happiness is snatched away from him when his ex-best friend marks him as his. The only question is will Mason's mates accept him, even though he is marked by someone other than his destined pair? How will Mason respond to the many obstacles that face him shortly?

FlyinInColors · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter Three: Trauma

TThe morning had started a new beginning; thus, creating another day full of dread for the boy with rotten luck. Mason had woken up from his deep slumber with a startle; due to the night terrors that invaded his dreams, corrading them to the point of destruction. He felt like his body had been crushed by a semi-truck over and over again from the exhaustion that overruled his senses from what he was forced to endure the previous night. It was something he wished to forget, and be vanquished from his memory for all eternity.

He could feel his sweat trickle down his angelic face, soaking his whole body from head-to-toe. His face scrunched up in pure disgust from the way the droplets felt on his skin. He didn't like the thought of things being dirty, especially himself. He valued his hygiene, and was semi germophobic when it comes to bacteria being invisible to the eye.

He suddenly felt a form of pain that focused itself on the right side of his neck; as a result, he withered in his own agony, wishing for the pain to stop. His small, right hand, slowly traveled towards the source of the cause, too curious for his own good. His facial features morphed in complete horror at the discovery he had made.

A mark had been engraved onto his soft, pale skin, leaving a forever scar in its place. The mark was in the shape of a crescent moon, which held significant meaning; due to the value it holds when two wolves' mate for life.

It is a form of contract that is produced during intercourse with a destined pair, binding them to a life of eternal bliss. However, there are those who mark someone other than their own mate. The reason for this is unknown to the world; due to many factors coming into play. The person could have lost the desire to find their destined pair after years of searching or they could have died before the two love birds could ever meet, leaving the other half to walk this earth alone till they decay into nothingness. Sadly, this will always lead to a bad ending that will never be re-salvaged, forcing one to become intertwined with a fate that is not their own always leads to death and heartbreak.

The one who left that cursive mark on Mason wasn't the one he was destined to be with; as a result, the mark held little to no meaning to his kind heart.

It would be a firm reminder of the tragic events that happened the night before, leaving Mason emotionally scarred whenever he tried to remember what exactly happened. He did realize that the mark will create future barriers when it comes to finding the other half of his soul, preventing him from living the life desperately wanted to have.

His dream was to live a life far away from his childhood home. It was a death trap that wanted to drag Mason to the bottom of hell, and gobble him up to there is nothing left. He hated it to the point he wished to escape, and find a place where he truly belonged.

His future depended on his other half declaring his love for him, and freeing him from the shackles that binded him.

His chances were slim before, but they have disappear into thin air all because someone couldn't keep it in their pants (referring to Conor).

The stupid mark ruined his chances for a better life, now he had to make due, and live a life of complete suffering.

Tears began to form around the edges of his dull eyes as he thought about his future being ruined from a mistake that wasn't even his. His hands clenched the deep-blue covers as a wave of emotions washed over him. They threated to take him down a very dark path of no return as he tried to make sense of everything around him.

His body went tense when he heard a sense of movement on his left. His teary eyes looked down, only to have images of last night filter throughout his mind... non-stop.

This made Mason feel sick to his stomach.

The person that was laying on his bedside was fast asleep. He looked peaceful to the point where he looked like an innocent teenager who did nothing wrong. Anyone would have assume so, but Mason will not be fooled. The person beside him did the unthinkable, making it hard for Mason to forget such travesty.

Connor's hair covered his face in a way that made him stunning to the human eye. It looked like a chaotic-mess by going in different directions as if it had a mind if its own. He looked like a lifeless doll, with no clue on what he had done as he slept with no problem at all.

The covers had wrapped themselves around him in all the wrong places, allowing his toned chest, and private parts to be seen by those who wanted to take a peek at the goods. This made Mason secretly wish he could cut off the man's junk, and feed it to the dogs; however, he wasn't that type of person to do so because there are no mean bones in his body. He will always be a king, gentle soul.

'Everything will be okay', one of the voices inside his head tried to reassure him. 'We are here for you, and we won't allow the bad in this world destroy your happiness. We will make that asshole suffer like you did", the voices explained in an irritated tone. A small smile formed between Mason's lips at the mere thought of him suffering; due to him being traumatized from the actions of a certain individual.

The body beside him begin to stir as the sun peeked through the window in slow doses, making Mason more alert in case something terrible may happen at any moment. Conner's eyes began to open from his long slumber, traveling all throughout the room, getting a sense where he was since he could not remember how he got there in the first place. His brown orbs fell upon a hazy figure that sat beside him, trembling with uneasiness. His eyes widen in pure confusion as the figure became more clearer than a second ago. He was confused onto why Mason was beside him, striped down in his birthday suit, with only the blanket to cover a certain area that is not PG to fellow viewer's. Then it hit him as his gaze landed on the mark placed on his neck, triggering images of last night. Guilt over filled him as he realized he fucked up. He fucked up bad.