
Killing Gods

If you had Super Powers, would you be a hero? Would you try to become a God? What if the God's were afraid of Humans? The Super-Apocalypse destroyed cities, leveled mountains, and killed billions. Now the small enclaves of Humanity are organized into Empires under the remaing Supers. Earth entered an era of unprecedented peace and prosperity, but it was a peace bought by the near extinction of Humanity. Shin is a 15 year old boy attending a Military Academy, trying to do well in his studies and focus on his future as a Space Force Specialist. He lives in a world obsessed with becoming stronger, and people can! The talented earn the right to unlock their genetic potential, and enter the elite brotherhood of the Augmented. Why do the Supers push humans to become stronger? What dark secrets do they hold about Earth's place in the Meta-Verse? Can Supers protect the Earth from the dark gods hunting for it, or will it be up to the humans they are desperately augmenting? Shin doesn't know it, but his potential is 0, so it will be tough. Will he uncover the secret to Killing Gods?

Terneptha · Fantasy
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147 Chs

Shin is kidnapped

"I don't want to hurt you, Shin.  I want you to be stronger.  Why do you fight me so much?" the beautiful woman said, as she circled Shin.  The room was only illuminated by the muted glow of several holo displays, but even that was enough light to show reflections in her skin tight leggings and complicated corset.  Her black fingernails traced lines of fire across his body, though she was barely pressing at all.

"Let me go," was all he managed to gasp, as the welts rose wherever she had touched.  His body looked like a toddler had drawn on him with knife.  He hung loosely from the chains attached high in the ceiling, his own weight pulling painfully on his wrists.