
Killing gods and destroying immortals

Kill the Gods and Destroy the Immortals is a novel whose protagonist is the ill-fated Nie Xuan. By chance, he learned a special method of cultivation, the Soul of Heaven and Earth, which promotes cultivation by cultivating the soul. In the process of promotion, Nie Xuan is also pursuing his enemies with his adoptive father. However, with the gradual appearance of the enemy, he found that his life experience actually hides a shocking secret. This secret led him to a road of no return, killing gods and immortals.

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Chapter 31 Copper Bone Zombie

 Nie Xuan returned to the palace. Jiang Tong had already changed into a set of clean clothes and sat on a chair below. When he heard Nie Xuan came back, he just opened his eyes and looked at them, then closed them again, with an extremely cold expression. .

 Fortunately, Nie Xuan already knew something about Jiang Tong's character and knew that he was like this, so he didn't take it to heart. He glanced at the high throne and did not go up. Instead, he went to sit opposite Jiang Tong. Next, he stared at Jiang Tong for a long time before asking: "Jiang Tong, are you a demon clan?"

 Jiang Tong said without even opening his eyes: "Yes!" "

 Then which race of the demon clan are you? "

 Jiang Tong closed his mouth, as if he was not prepared to answer Nie Xuan's question, and his attitude not only did not make Nie Xuan feel uncomfortable, but actually appreciated it.

 After signing the elixir contract with himself, which means that he has completely put his life in his own hands, he still dares to treat himself with such an attitude. This shows that Jiang Tong is not greedy for life and afraid of death, but he just wants revenge. That's why he didn't hesitate to take this tack.

 Since Jiang Tong was unwilling to reveal his race, Nie Xuan naturally would not continue to ask questions. Nie Xuan also knew that Jiang Tong still had a deep resistance to him at this time, and he had no choice but to surrender to him. It's not that he is willing, so he can't threaten him with the Dan contract, but he must find a way to make him surrender to him heartily and sincerely.

 There are many things in Nie Xuan that can win people's hearts, so after thinking for a moment, Nie Xuan smiled slightly and said: "Jiang Tong, although I said that the purpose of saving you is to get this island, I am not prepared to be this island." Do you want to be the owner of the island? If you want to be, I can let you continue to be the owner."

 Jiang Tong finally squeezed out another word: "No!"

 Nie Xuan ignored him and continued: "Occupy the evil spirit The Thirteen Islands is just the first step of my plan, my real purpose is to control the entire Yaoxie Island, control the entire Heavenly Evil Prison, until I dominate the blue sky and blue sea, so I still look down upon the mere Yaoxie Thirteen Islands."

 At this time, Jiang Tong finally opened his eyes, staring closely at Nie Xuan's face like a dead fish.

 Nie Xuan knew that his words had an effect. I am afraid that none of the cultivators in the Heavenly Evil Prison would be willing to stay in one place. Everyone wants to climb up as much as possible, occupy a better place, and have better things. Jiangxi Copper is no exception to the cultivation conditions.

 "I know that you must have the same idea as me, but based on the description of you by your subordinates, you seem to only focus on your own cultivation and are not good at controlling others, uniting your forces, and using everyone's strength to To achieve your goal, you can only be the owner of the Thirteen Demonic Islands, but you cannot dominate the blue sky and blue sea." "

 But, let me tell you, I can do it, and I will definitely do it! I think you should also understand that, in fact, I don't need to save you at all. I can kill the four deputy island masters by myself and seize the position of island master. But why should I go to extra trouble to save you and let you kill four of them personally to take revenge? Do you know?"

 Jiang Tong remained silent.

 "Because I admire you very much. The goal you pursue should only become more powerful, so you are not suitable to be a ruler, but you are definitely suitable to be a killer, so I hope you can stay by my side. This will not only My goal can be achieved sooner, and you can continue to concentrate on your cultivation. I can even help you improve your cultivation and make you stronger. Our cooperation will be beneficial to both parties!" I haven't seen you yet

 . Before arriving at Jiang Tong, Nie Xuan's idea was to rescue Jiang Tong and control him, so that he could naturally control everyone on the Evil Thirteen Islands. However, after seeing Jiang Tong's character and witnessing Jiang Tong's killing process, After that, Nie Xuan's mind changed.

 A silent and cold cultivator, he is definitely suitable to be the best killer. If Jiang Copper is well-trained, he will definitely become a sharp blade for his revenge!

 When dealing with people like Jiang Tong, you can only achieve results by telling the truth, which is why Nie Xuan is so outspoken.

 Although Jiang Tong remained silent, his eyes like dead fish finally moved a little, which showed that he was already a little moved.

 Nie Xuan then said: "Don't you believe that I can help you improve your cultivation? Then!" He

 raised his hand, and a white light shot towards Jiang Tong. Jiang Tong reached out to catch it, spread his palm, and saw It's a small jade slip.

 "The things in this jade slip can be regarded as a meeting gift from me. Take a look at it first. After reading it, tell me whether you are willing to cooperate with me!" After saying this, Nie Xuan closed his eyes. Talk again.

 After Jiang Tong hesitated for a moment, he put his consciousness into the jade slip.

 In just a moment, a hint of excitement appeared on Jiang Tong's face that seemed to have an eternal expression, and gradually turned into a slight tremor all over his body.

 After a long time, Nie Xuan finally heard Jiang Tong's slightly hoarse voice: "I do!"

 This answer was already expected by Nie Xuan, because he knew that when Jiang Tong read what was recorded in the jade slips, from After he personally selected the set of "Evil Scythe" for him, he would definitely be willing to do so.

 "Evil Scythe" is a set of cheats about sickles. It is extremely rare for cultivators to use sickles as magic weapons because sickles are so unpopular. Even when Nie Xuan saw this set of secrets, I still find it ridiculous, thinking that some senior master is so free and ambitious that he actually created a set of sickle moves. Who would use a sickle as a magic weapon?

 However, when he saw the two sickle bones growing out of Jiang Tong's arms, he couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart, the world is so big, it's so strange that there are people who actually use sickles as magical weapons. Although they are not real sickles, Nie Xuan felt that Jiang Tong's two sickle bones were even sharper and more terrifying than real sickles!

 "Evil Scythe" is almost tailor-made for Jiangtong. Naturally, Jiangtong is definitely the best candidate to practice "Evil Scythe"!

 Jiang Tong himself is even more aware of what he is good at. The reason why he uses two sickle bones as magic tools is entirely because of his true nature. In addition, these two bones also belong to his body, so they are perfect for use. .

 It's just that he has never found any moves related to the sickle, and there are no moves to use these two bones. He relies entirely on the unexpectedness and sharpness to defeat the enemy.

 Now Nie Xuan actually gave him a set of secrets on how to use the sickle. Once he succeeds in practicing it, it will be like adding more power to a tiger, and his strength will immediately rise several levels. Therefore, after seeing the "Evil Evil" recorded in the jade slip, "Sickle", he immediately agreed to Nie Xuan's request without hesitation.

 Nie Xuan opened his eyes, smiled slightly and said, "Now you can go and practice!"

 Jiang Tong was slightly startled by this sentence. In his opinion, Nie Xuan should definitely ask him about the Thirteen Demonic Islands. After all, Nie Xuan is the island owner now, but Nie Xuan asked him to practice, which really surprised him.

 This is naturally Nie Xuan's way of winning people's hearts. As long as they are cultivators, they will definitely want to start practicing immediately after they have a set of secret techniques that suit them.

 Jiang Tong was stunned for a moment and then said: "Here?"

 Although there were only two words, Nie Xuan already understood what he was going to say. He waved his hand and said: "I don't need to know the situation on the island for the time being. I will wait for ten seconds." In a few days, another of my subordinates will come over. Then just tell him and go quickly!"

 Jiang Tong looked at Nie Xuan for a long time, nodded lightly, turned around and left, but When he was about to step out of the gate, he suddenly turned his back to Nie Xuan and said, "I am a copper-bone zombie!"

 Nie Xuan was stunned for a moment by these five words that Jiang Tong suddenly said, but he soon understood that Jiang Tong Copper was answering the question he had asked about his true identity before. His true identity was a copper-bone zombie!

 Huang Shuo once mentioned this kind of monster clan to Nie Xuan, so Nie Xuan really knew about it.

 Copper-bone zombies are living beings (can be humans or animals). After death, only the skeleton remains after the body has decayed. And after some special opportunity, this skeleton unexpectedly became spiritual, and slowly became spiritual. The reason why someone who has cultivated into a demon is called a bronze bone is because his bones are very hard.

 Jiang Tong's exposed bones were all human bones. It was obvious that his corpse was a human being during his lifetime. Unexpectedly, this man did not pursue cultivation while alive. After he died with only a skeleton left, he instead became a demon cultivator.

 Of course, Jiang Tong and the original human beings are two completely different creatures, with no connection except a skeleton!

 Copper-bone zombies naturally belong to the spirit monster category, and their numbers are probably extremely rare! (The rare number does not mean that this kind of monster is a rare class!)

 The doubts about Jiang Tong that arose in Nie Xuan's heart were finally solved. No wonder Jiang Tong always exuded a rotten aura, and his face was deathly. It is gray, the eyes are like dead fish eyes, the knees will not bend, the magic weapon is bones, and the bones can contract freely, etc.

 It turns out he is a copper-bone zombie!

 He really didn't expect that he would meet such a rare demon clan. Nie Xuan couldn't help but smile. He knew that from the moment Jiang Tong told him his true identity, he felt deeply inwardly about it. My resistance should be slowly disappearing!

 After Jiang Tong left, Nie Xuan began to wander around the island, firstly to get familiar with the environment, and secondly to see if the people on the island listened to his words.

 Nie Xuan used the Heart Condensation Technique to hide all his aura. When leaving the gate, he flew out with the movement of an eagle flying to the sky. The guard at the gate just felt that a shadow seemed to flash before his eyes. After a closer look, But nothing was found.

 The entire Demonic Thirteen Islands are far superior to Monkey Island in terms of environment, area, and other aspects. There is even no comparison between the two.

 It's just that the security on the island is too lax. It's not clear whether it's because of the recent storm or whether it's always been like this. Nie Xuan found at least six places that were completely unguarded, even if someone sneaked in. The island will not be discovered at all. It can even be said that the Demonic Thirteen Islands are completely undefended.

 As for the cultivators on the island, although they all seemed to be at their respective posts, no one had the intention to perform their duties. Instead, they gathered in groups of three or five, and naturally all they talked about was related matters. The matter of Nie Xuan, the new island owner, has only been talked about but nothing has been resolved. Many people are even discussing whether they should find an opportunity to leave here secretly and go to other islands.

 Nie Xuan was not surprised by this situation. Before Hou Guan came, he was not prepared to worry about these things. He would give them a few days off for the time being. Even if someone really wanted to leave, he would let them. If you go, you will never stay.

 After walking around in a circle, Nie Xuan returned to the palace, and the guards at the door were stunned when they saw him, because they didn't see Nie Xuan go out at all, so they saluted Nie Xuan in fear, but Nie Xuan didn't even look at him. After taking one look at them, he walked into the palace.

 Then Nie Xuan walked around the palace again. There were more than 20 rooms of various sizes inside, but they were all clean and there was no sign that anyone had lived there. Apparently when Jiang Tong was the owner of the island, no one except him Apart from that, I'm afraid no one else is qualified to live in the palace.

 Finally, Nie Xuan stopped at the side wall of a room in the deepest part of the palace and stopped to watch, because his keen eyes discovered that behind the wall, there were actually clusters of floc!

 With the experience in Hou Guan's Third Ring Cave, Nie Xuan knew that there was not only a cave behind this wall, but also a formation. It was obviously something that should be hidden. I'm afraid this is why the four deputy island masters after defeating Jiang Tong , there is no reason to kill him!

 I didn't expect that there is a formation here. It seems that there are still a few people in the demon clan who can set up formations!

 Nie Xuan stood there and thought for a while, should he go to Jiang Tong and ask him to dismantle the formation and let him in, or should he simply break the formation directly?

 After a while, a smile appeared on Nie Xuan's face. After tasting the sweetness of breaking the formation once, he didn't want to waste the spiritual energy that made up the formation!