
Killer of MC’s

NOTE: I do not own anything in this fanfic, except the new abilities, OG characters, and some other stuff that is not worth mentioning. All rights go to their respective owners. *********** Author of In another world with the crafting system and Gamer of the Seas. Check it out! Patreon link and paypal link: https://www.patreon.com/DemonGodHiatus Paypal link: https://paypal.me/DemonGodHiatus?country.x=CA&locale.x=en_US https://discord.gg/XM8r7CXVdZ ************ The time has come to stop screwing around, as we have Alexander Anderson (not the character from Hellsing ultimate) who was summoned to the underworld by the devil himself, to do one thing only, and that is to kill. Once Alex is summoned by the devil, he is given two options: Kill the MC's of all the multi-verse, from anime, manga, light novels, movies, and so one. If Alex doesn't want to, then he will be imprisoned in hell for all of eternity on an endless lifetime of torture. What will Alex do? Will he become the multiverses greatest killer? Or be tortured for the rest of his life.

DemonGodHiatus · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
96 Chs


"Ahhh… this is so good! I missed the taste of burgers with coke." Alex cried in joy as he munched down on a burger. He was still in the middle of the city in chaos, but the people in the burger joint were still working in the fast-food restaurant.

Of course, those people did not leave because they were afraid of the destruction unfolding in their city, so they just hid inside the janitor's closet until help came.

The remaining people working were 2 young girls and one tall man who is the manager. They peeked out the closet door when they heard someone enter their store.

They did not know how to feel about Alex, who was completely ignoring all the noise outside while eating a burger.

Alex found like 3 burgers on the stand, along with some fries and drinks. Those were the orders from people before the Phantom Troupe attacked. Since no one else was there but him, he grabbed those orders and ate them happily.

He remained on guard, because he could feel three entities watching him. Two were very close, but one was extremely far away.

In fact, the one who was far away has been watching him ever since he left Purgatory. Such a thing should not be possible, but it got on his nerves.


Three little roundhead needles, with a nasty aura, shot forward towards Alex. He slightly moved his head, and the needles missed their mark.

'Can't a man eat in peace?' Alex was a bit annoyed that someone interrupted his first decent lunch in 1000 years.

"Come out, Illumi and Kalluto Zoldyck."

Two figures appeared before Alex, like two trained ninja's. Then again, they are assassins and ninjas are known to be adept in assassination and stealth…

Illumi had no signs of emotion. Just a blank expression.

But Kalluto seemed very angry and very pissed at Alex for some reason.

"We have never met, and yet you knew who we are? Well that doesn't matter anyway." Illumi said nonchalantly.

Kalluto swung his fan and thousands of pieces of paper surrounded Alex. He has the terrifying power of 'paper cuts' which should be very obvious what it does.

But all the papers bounced back from Alex's skin as if it were an iron wall. Those confetti papers were sharp enough to break through a Chimera ant's tough skin.

"That tickles." Alex mocked Kalluto.

That did manage to infuriate Kalluto and he kept swinging and swinging his paper fan at Alex, but none of his papers could break his skin.

After training for 2000 years in Purgatory, his skin is extremely durable, not to mention that he is also immortal.

But the papers did a lot of damage to the restaurant, and the entire roof and floor were cut into pieces in an instant.

Even the poor people hiding in the janitors closet were caught in Kalluto's range and were cut up. They suffered a lot of pain before dying. Even if they did manage to escape the restaurant in time, their chances escape without dying was 0%.

Alex just sat there, a bit bored as he ate his burger.

"I should have gotten some ketchup for the fries." That was the one thing that worried him right now. With the building destroyed, there was no more ketchup left.

Illumi once again shot forward his needles at Alex, at such a close distance there was no way for Alex to catch or avoid them, or so Illumi thought.

The needles did actually struck someone, but it wasn't Alex, it was Kalluto that the needles struck.

In a blink of an eye, Illumi only saw that his needles were about to hit Alex, but Kalluto somehow got in the way and his needles struck him in the forehead.

"I don't have time for this." Alex extended his hand, and a trail of fire released from his hand and burned Illumi and everything behind him in a straight path.

Alex has the power of the sun, so his fire attacks are on par with the heat of the sun. Apart from the infinity stones, fire is his strongest offensive move.

"Illumi is a smart one. He used corpses of other people and then disguised them as himself and Kalluto. Had they faced me for real, they would have died."

Alex already knew that they were fakes. The reason why corpses were able to use the abilities of two Zoldyck family members, is because of Illumi's and Kalluto's combined abilities, which may or may not exist in the original anime/manga but in this world it does.

Kalluto, from far away, saw in horror as their fake ones were destroyed without much effort.

"Such a waste of needles. But it was worth it, as that might have been our end." Illumi felt relieved that he decided to be careful around Alex. He also saw what happened with their fake bodies.

Both brothers have heard what happened to their father and grandfather. They knew that Alex killed them without much effort, which is why Illumi wanted to proceed him with caution.

Killua's death has not reached their ears yet. Killua would go for weeks or months without them hearing from him.

It should be of no surprise that most members of the Zoldyck family love Killua, except for that fat brother that nobody remembers and nobody cares.

Alex just sat there. He felt sad because he accidentally burned his burger to a crisp, along with the other burgers.

"Whatever… I'll just steal a pizza or something. What should I do about that other guy who is watching me? Hm?"

Alex noticed the same pickles, on the ground covered by a pile of rubble.

He picked it up, cladded it in haki and threw it far away.

"Problem solved." Alex chuckled and left the area. He was going to visit Linlin and Lili, who he missed very much.


Madara, Mihawk, Eggy and Steven were all sitting down, discussing all kinds of things. Except Steven who could not talk.

Eggy got to learn a bit more about Madara, Mihawk and Steven.

Steven was a bit of a mystery, since Alex had told them that he came from an egg, like Eggy. Other than that not much else is known about him.

Eggy got to learn that Mihawk came from a world of pirates. It was ruled by Celestial Dragons, who were actually just a weaker version of all the assholes that lived in her world.

Madara came from a world of ninjas… that was pretty much it… and that he was one of the strongest, but not THE strongest.

Eggy also told them about her life. It was mostly boring. She spent some time inside a boy after being captured by his mom. Maybe out of all four of them, she had the weirdest background.

"And also." Eggy was still talking about her life. "After killing the Asura King, eating his soul and conserving his body for Anderson, I was now known as the- what is that?"

All four saw a small thing heading towards them, but it was going above the group.

"Is…" Mihawk.

"That…" Eggy.

"A pickle?" Madara.

"Neigh…" Steven.

The almighty pickle, hit the tree behind them. "OW! My eye!" A low voice of a male come from where the pickle hit.

Something fell down, and it was a giant eye-ball. It had no limbs, no legs, it was just a floating eyeball, with tentacles coming out from the sides and a pair of flaws at the tips.

They all were on guard against him. They were the Commandments, and they failed to notice someone above them all this time.

"Wait, wait, wait! Don't do anything we might regret, I tell you." The eye-ball waved his tentacle claws around like a wuss. He could not even properly get away due to the immense fear he felt from the Commandments.

"His power level is a measly 20,000." Madara said a bit shocked.

"Really? How could we not even sense him when our power is a million times more than him." Mihawk was indeed shocked to hear the eye-balls power level.

Imagine it as if a genin were to sneak up a Jonin ninja. Or a pirate with a 50 berry bounty were to defeat a yonko. The current situation was just like that.

"Please, I am Blue's friend, I tell you." The giant eye-ball cried in fear of dying.

"You're… the monster thing that Blue mentioned?" Asked Mihawk.

"Yes… that's me, I tell you."

"He didn't mention that you were an eyeball." Mihawk sheathed his sword, and the others were not on the offensive anymore.

"Wait! You're the bastard who was watching us this whole time." Eggy realized something.

"Sorry. I was afraid that you might attack me, considering that we are in such a terrifying world, I tell you." The eyeball used one of his tentacles to scratch the top part of his eyeball in an embarrassed manner.

"I did not think that Anderson would use a damn pickle to attack me. I thought I was hiding so good, I tell you."

Eggy was starting to get annoyed that the eyeball was ending every one of his sentences with "I tell you."

Alex can see all the souls in the universe thanks to his powered up soul stone. As long as they have a soul, Alex will find them no matter what.

"The bigger question is, why were you watching us?" Madara got close to the giant eyeball. He has never met anyone that could hide from him so well, espeically with the rinnegan eyes.

"I'm sorry, I have been awaiting for your arrival to help my clan… who is now dead, I tell you."

"You, too."

"I don't know if Blue was lucky or unlucky to survive such a thing. I just don't get it, I tell you." The eyeball started to get sad and off topic.

Madara drew out a kunai from his pocket and almost stabbed the giant eyeball.

"Why were you watching us?" Madara was a bit pissed that someone weaker than him could hide so well from him. Anderson is an exception because he is a god compared to them. But not a giant eyeball with a weak power level.

And there was also that last line in his every sentence.

"I-I-I I was just scared, okay? I was just scared, I tell you."

"Killing him would mean nothing, Madara. He isn't even that strong. But please kill him, he is starting to annoy me." Eggy added.

Madara took a second to think about it, but he put away his kunai and stepped back.

"Damn." Eggy was not happy. She could always kill the eyeball anytime she wants.

"You see, I already knew you were gonna do that before you even did it. That is my power, to see the future and to give others the ability to 'see' as well, I tell you."

The eyeball got a bit more confident when he spoke. He didn't seem to be afraid anymore.

"My name is O. Just O, sounds like 'oh' but it isn't, I tell you." O extended his tentacles to them to greet them.

Strangely enough, they all shook hands and hooves with him as if it was the normal thing to do.

"OW!!!" One of his tentacles were squeezed a bit too tight, and it hurt him. It was Eggy who did it.

"Why did you do that?"

"I am quite interested in your ability to see the future when Blue mentioned it. How do I know it's true and you're not making it up?" Mihawk asked in a calm tone. He didn't mind O's annoying way of talking.

"You see, I cannot only see the future of a person, but their past, their emotions, thoughts, everything. And all of you, come from very, very far away worlds. Most of those worlds I didn't even know existed, I tell you."

"If you can see the future and you can give this power to other people, then how did Blue not manage to see that his clan dies before we got there?" Mihawk knew the answer, but wanted to be sure of it.

"It's because of the one you call 'Alexander Anderson' I try to see his future, past, everything, but can't. It has never happened before, I tell you."

O took a moment to explain it.

"After living for a long time, I have come to learn that everyone's future is set in stone, including my own. It is not impossible to change the future, but doing so will cause more destruction and chaos than if I were to leave it alone, I tell you."

"That is what I thought. I was even able to see when all of you were coming here. But, with that Anderson guy, the whole future keeps changing, I tell you."

"Alexander is… a very strong character who is not bound to anything. It makes sense that his future is not set in stone like the others." Madara has respect for Alex, anyone can tell by the tone in his words.

"No, you don't understand. Even if he did have 100x times the power that he currently possesses, he should not have the power to change the future. It's as if it is something else that keeps changing his future, something very powerful, something that I cannot see, I tell you."

The Commandments looked at each other. Maybe it is the infinity stones that kept changing the future? Or was it something else?

"If you cannot see his future, can you see ours?" Eggy asked.

"Yes. Strangely… even though Anderson keeps changing the future, your endings are always the same. That goes for the rest of you as well, I tell you."

"Our end? You mean our deaths?" Mihawk could not believe that.

"I'll show you." O did not end in his usual sentence. He put them all under a small trance, like a hypnosis of some kind.

It is not able to control them, but just merely let them see what he saw in their futures.

The Commandments saw nothing abnormal for the first few seconds, until…


A giant, glowing foot stepped beside them, meters away from crushing them.

It was a white figure, tall and slim, the size of a titan. He kept walking forward, towards Earth, while destroying not just other worlds, but entire universes with ease.

It is actually the same figure that Alex saw in his vision as well.

Their surroundings changed. They were standing in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by complete darkness, instead of the foggy forest. The only thing that illuminated the area was the figures bright, white glow.

"What is this place?" Eggy asked. But no one was sure.

"Neigh!" Steven shouted loudly.

They all turned to see themselves, on the ground, lifeless, including Meruem, and two others. There was a lot of battle scars on their bodies. That did not include Linlin, Lili and Steven.

Alex, was standing over them. Beside him, were other people that they did not recognize.

One had red-hair, a staff in his hand, and he was surrounded by what looked like a plague or a deadly infection.

Another one had short-white and black hair. He had a pair of golden-angel wings on his back.

There were other figures, but they could not see them very well from behind.

Alex was on his knees, as he wept for the death of his comrades. He wiped his face with his bloody hands. His hand was missing the infinity stones.

They had never seen Alex cry like that, or even cry at all in general.

But, then Mihawk comes to life and grabbed hold of Alex's shoulders firmly, startling him and the ones beside him.

"… you cannot… defeat him." With his last breath, Mihawk dropped to the ground, dead, for good.

"My friends…" Alex cried once more. He looked at the giant glowing figure in anger.

"Is this… our future? Our ending?" Eggy did not know how to feel about this.

"The future can be changed." Madara added, not even fazed by what he is seeing.

"I would like to know more on who or what is that titan?" Mihawk looked at the titan glowing figure walking away.

But, the titan stops abruptly. He turned his head to face Mihawk and the others.

"I am Rex. And I will save all of you." He shot forth a light beam towards the group. It was going so fast that no one could react to it.

"That's enough!" O's voice broke the illusion, and they were all back to where they were originally.

O somehow sweated a lot and laid on the ground. He was tired from all that.

"What was that? What did we see?" Madara picked up O like nothing.

"I told you, that was your end. It always ends like that, I tell you."

"Does it always end with us being dead and being shot with a light beam?" Eggy asked suddenly.

"Yes and no. You do all die. But that light beam in the end was new for me, I tell you."

"Out of curiosity, if that beam did hit us…" Mihawk.

"All of you would have met your ending sooner than later… I tell you."

"Tell me, who was that white figure?"

"I also do not know. 2 minutes ago, I didn't even know his name, until now. It was as if he actually saw you all… in my vision… and attacked you… which is impossible and makes no sense. And to make it worse, I cannot see that titan's future or past, I tell you."

"What was the point of showing us all that?" Madara asked.

"I'll tell you… because, that figure… also ends up killing me. That is also my ending, and the ending of trillions of others... I tell you." O's tone is as if he had given up hope.

That was when the Commandments realized something… it wasn't just them who will die… Rex was the end to everything.