
Killer mode

There is a series of murders in the city. One of them was a high school graduate named Minori. And the killer was ... Some guy who was chopped off by the main character's friend - Rina. But from that moment on, Rina's behavior changed and she began to kill everyone instead of that killer. Minori tries to find out the details of that incident.

FoxyAnd · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 8. Risk.

Chapter 8. Risk.

From the beginning it seemed to me that it was the guy who came out of the corner. But the voice turned out to be female, and then looking closer, I realized that it was a girl. It was just that her hair was cut too short, and her clothes were sporty, so it was difficult to distinguish her from a guy.

— Well, what do you want? And how did you end up here? - I started asking questions while she was standing and trying to take something out of her pocket.

— I want to play a game with you. If you win, your friends will be released from the killer mode for a week, and if you lose, the game continues and I'll finish you off and maybe Rina won't stop.

"So you're the killer?"

Ignoring my question, she began to explain the rules of her game.

— As I know, you have already familiarized yourself with the maps, so you don't need to explain anything. In general, the rules are very simple – take test sample No. 3 and create a card, therefore I will take a card and do the same, whoever wins with the ability of his card takes the prize. Everything is clear.

— First of all, you didn't answer my question, you nit. Secondly, okay, I agree to your terms, I'm just sick of you, and I want to punch you. I replied, putting a smirk on my face.

— Wow, what self-confidence, well, then come on, grab the card and go! – she shouted, and then opened the book and took her card.

Of course, she didn't show it to me. Well... now I need to take a card, too. It looked like a simple piece of paper with the inscription "Test sample No. 3" on it.

I took it in my hand and staggered a little. This thing squeezed almost all the strength I had out of me. And that girl didn't even move an eye as she took the card… Apparently, this card draws mana to form an ability… But what. We'll have to fight her like this. Well, what kind of ability is there…

"Ability – Summoning

Type – Scarlet

Description: summons one living being, enhanced by a random ability, with the possibility of substitution for the ability of one of the available cards"

Who should I summon… Maybe Sarli… But he's protecting the house, so you can't.

Only here's the bad luck… After I thought about Sarli, he immediately appeared in front of me and had a frying pan in his hands.

— Sarli, what are you doing with the frying pan?

— Yes, I was going to cook dinner, the police had already dealt with Nina and I calmly went to cook in the kitchen. And how did I end up here, explain what's going on here?

— Yes, apparently our killer has fallen into our trap.

— And it seems to me that you have fallen into my trap! – The girl cried out and with the help of her card she summoned some kind of sword. Not even a sword, but more like a katana with a fairly well-honed blade, as well as decorated with scarlet waves on the handle.

— Sarli, look out! Use the ability of my card "Speed. Protection. A star." to dodge, and I'll take something suitable to attack in return.

While I was thinking what to take, this girl was chasing Sarli, but she seems too stupid, because in the meantime I was just standing still. I looked at the map and saw the ability that the "Summoned Creature" got. This ability was – Transformation. It made it possible to transform the taken object into anything, but from the same material. And then an idea came to me.

— Think about the fact that instead of a frying pan, you have a pistol with cartridges in your hands... no! We don't have any gunpowder… Just take any weapon, the main thing is to have something to fight back with!

He did not think for a long time and now in his hands there was almost a similar katana as this girl.

— Oh, that's how we played… Well, then I'll have to attack Minori!

She shouted it and rushed to me, but here, Sarli took and cut off her hand, in which she was holding her katana. From the place where the hand was earlier, a lot of blood gushed out, so that the shiny white floor turned purple at once... her screams from pain were terrible.

— For what! Why are you doing this to me! What evil have I done to all of you…

Tears flowed from her eyes, and her face clearly expressed despair and misunderstanding of what was happening… Apparently, it wasn't the killer. This is another victim of the "Killer mode".

Sarli started apologizing to her on his knees… His trousers and part of his shirt also turned purple with blood… We called an ambulance and left the place as soon as possible. When we reached the house, we noticed that police cars were standing nearby. Sirens screamed so that either was quite difficult.

— Ahem, I was informed that there was an incident in the building where you went, as a result of which the girl's hand was marked. What happened, Minori?

— It's my fault, with my own hand… I almost took a man's life. Sarli was saying, trembling with fear and looking at his hand.

— Don't tremble like that, report more specifically what happened and maybe I'll help you hush up this case.

— That girl was under the regime of a murderer and carried out the order, only in the form of an additional game in which she gave me the opportunity to take a card, test sample No. 3. Well, I got a summoning card, with which I summoned Sarli and we started fighting, thinking that this was the main killer, but it turned out that this was another doll in his hands.

— Yeah ... well, why are you so openly behaving? It was impossible to think logically and understand that the killer just won't come out? And besides, while you were there, I managed to collect some evidence from the yard of the house, so… Someone dropped a check from the bank. You don't have any cards in your class, so it couldn't actually be you. Therefore, we can try to break through the database, who bought goods on this receipt.

— Great! Only here… Not only did we visit this house, I think you literally only recently detained Rina again, perhaps this check from one of your employees? – analyzing the situation, I said.

— It may well be… But it's worth trying to break through. Wait, we will find out soon who this check belongs to.

— Minori! Minori! a voice came from the police car.

It was Rina, I looked at the policeman and he nodded his head and let me go to see Rina. Her condition was worse than before, her hair was completely disheveled, bruises under her eyes, bruises all over her body…

— What's wrong, Rina? Why did you escape from prison and how did you feel when they took control of you?

— It was some man, he took and touched my head with some kind of card and here… Once again, I was under the control of the "Killer Mode" in my head there was a sudden desire to kill you all, but fortunately everything went well, thanks to Minori, don't worry about me, I'll be fine. The main thing is that no one else kills you.

— O my God, Rina, don't underestimate yourself, you're not to blame for anything… We will definitely find the one who caused this whole nightmare and end it, hopefully without casualties.

—Minori, watch out!!! – suddenly something sharp flew into my shoulder and I lost consciousness, lay down on the asphalt wet from the rain…