
Killer mode

There is a series of murders in the city. One of them was a high school graduate named Minori. And the killer was ... Some guy who was chopped off by the main character's friend - Rina. But from that moment on, Rina's behavior changed and she began to kill everyone instead of that killer. Minori tries to find out the details of that incident.

FoxyAnd · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 4. The Fearful Killer

Chapter 4. The Fearful Killer

—H-Hey, what does that mean? What the hell is going on? Five o'clock… Yes, we don't have time at all to figure out which one of us is the killer! The most fearful girl among us, Kate, began to mutter.

— Shut up! Why shout like that. – I answered with aggression, due to the fact that she annoyed me with her eternal whining, which is now what she did earlier in school.

I remember a story during a school camp when, due to the fact that she was afraid to leave the tent because of insects on the street, we were deprived of the opportunity to walk in the middle of the night through the night forest. At that moment I tried to convince her that there was nothing to be afraid of and the insects were not as dangerous as she thought, but in the end she just threw me out of the tent and I didn't even want to talk to her anymore.

Now I decided to calm her down again, saying that there was nothing to be afraid of. But in response, I heard this:

— Yeah? Nothing to be afraid of? Or maybe you're the killer now? You were the last one in contact with your friend, maybe you got it from her. – she began to put pressure on me with her statements, after which she began to push me against the wall and wanted to hit me by pointing her fist at me, but Sarli prevented her by detaining her.

— Calm down, they tell you! It's hard for all of us right now, because we just lost our friend, or just a good classmate, and you also want to start a senseless fight here…

— It's her! She's a murderer! She seems to me the most suspicious! Let's kill her and everything will be fine. – after her words, I wanted to hit her harder myself, but still I'm not such a fool to react harshly to such statements in my address.

— You're a complete fool… If she really is going to be a murderer, there must be prerequisites for this.

— So she was the last one in contact with her best friend, so most likely she is the next killer!

— And now let's remember the fact that the "Killer Mode" is transmitted only when you prevent someone from being controlled from killing everyone else. And I did not interfere with my friend, she herself came out of this mode. And besides, the last one under control was the Same. Guys, any idea what really happened in the room we left Taki in?

— Minori, do you remember who saw Taki's corpse first? That's right, it was Kate. And besides, when we listened to the audio message, I did not observe her with us, so I have suspicions…

Sarli did not have time to finish, as Kate ran into another room, followed by a guy who, according to rumors, loved this fearful creature. I didn't know the exact history of their relationship, so I thought he was just going to comfort her. But... apparently we shouldn't have let Kate go…

After we went to get them, we noticed that the room that Kate ran away from was the kitchen. Kate was holding a knife in her hands, and next to her was a pierced guy who followed her.

— Guys! Run! She's the killer this time. I can hold her a little longer, so try to escape.

Kate herself stood and did not react to us in any way, just tried to get out of the grip of the guy who was trying to hold her. All the classmates rushed out into the street, well, I followed them. But literally at the moment we ran out into the street, we heard a gunshot and the sound of broken glass. And then I saw the silhouette of some man running from the back of the house, where the kitchen was. I haven't said anything to my classmates about it yet, but I was going to do it later. We returned to the kitchen a few minutes later and saw that two corpses were already lying on the floor. One guy was completely crippled by knife blows, and the second corpse was Kate, who was shot by someone outside the window and the shot fell clearly into the heart. There was a call in the main room again, but no one has responded to it yet… Only Mika couldn't help herself and stormed out of the kitchen straight into the main room, and I rushed after her. When I got there, I heard only a fragment of the message "... With all of you!" After that, the sound of the phone call reset was made. And Mika stood in the deepest shock.

— Minori! It was that old man who called and said the following: "Mika, is that you? It doesn't matter who. Give this message to everyone else! Let them go to the next address, which I will tell you now." – she handed a piece of paper with the address to me.

— And what about the end of the message "... With all of you"?

— He told me that if the killer's plans are disrupted, those who have not fulfilled their task will die and that it will probably happen to all of us.

— So you're talking about this and you didn't invite us... - Sarli said coming up to me.

— Get together guys! We're going to the address the old man gave us. Apparently he wants to tell us something important.

Not everyone went, only the four of us – Me, Sarli, Mika and another guy named Nid, who was previously a representative of our class.

In the taxi, we called the address to which we want to go and the taxi driver said the following:

— Why are you going there? No one has been living at the same address for a long time after the tragedy that occurred there 40 years ago.

— We are not specifically in this house, we just have to meet with a person next to this house – having invented an excuse, Nid said.

I also remember the story during the training camp, when Nid came up with an excuse for teachers so that our classmates could have fun in the evening, instead of walking through the evening forest. Of course it was nice that he made sure that we had fun, but unfortunately his excuses did not satisfy anyone then and we all stayed in our tent.

But this time his excuse worked and we safely reached our destination. It was an abandoned two-story house with broken windows. On the broken glass of the house there were particles of long-dried blood, so black that it would be difficult to even call it blood, but it was still clear what it was. The old man came out from behind the backyard of the house and said:

— Well... you see what happened 40 years ago. Come into the house, I'll show you and tell you about every incident here.

We went into the house, which smelled incredibly awful, which was not surprising. The old man was probably already used to it and he did not react to this smell in any way, but it was unbearable for us and we just tried not to breathe.

— The first murder was on the second floor... at first it seemed that our classmate just hanged himself, but in fact he was killed by someone from outside and then sprayed blood on a note that the "hanged man" managed to write.

The murder coincided exactly with what we had. Apparently she did kill Kate, after which she screamed allegedly from fright, but in fact she somehow hurt the Same.

We went on and this time the old man led us to the kitchen, where the glass was also broken from the shot.

— What a horror… The second murder also coincides exactly with what happened just a few hours ago. Sarli said very quietly, but still the old man heard him and said

— Wait, what did you just say? The second murder… Has it already happened?

— Well, yes, why?

— Run home quickly, otherwise there will be nothing left of your classmates! A few hours after the second murder, a bloody evening will begin, which will be arranged by the calmest member of your class!

— A bloody evening? B-my God, what is this. Mika said with fright.

— Don't be afraid, we'll still have time. Wait, if we come, will something change? In fact, we don't even have the ability to stop the killer.

— A bloody evening will not begin if all the living classmates gather together. So run home! That's it for today.

We immediately rushed to catch a taxi and drove home. But unfortunately it was too late… At least that's what we thought at first. Hearing gunshots from the house. But, fortunately, these shots were on the banks. These classmates were studying self-defense in case someone attacked them. The bloody evening did not come, so this evening the killer called us and said "It's 4 days until the killer mode. The killer will not be one of those present in this house."