
Killer instincts. An innocence lost

A girl brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by her dad a former serial killer turned hypnotherapist. He has been dead for years but she is still trapped inside her body with a monster he affectionately fostered inside her. Now she is struggling to keep the dual life under wraps while she stays with her husband who the is head of the crime unit. This guy doesn't know that he is married to the monster he is charged to hunt. Will she be able to kill the monster? or will the monster kill her husband? Will he be able to accept her if he ever finds out what she is?

Ghaadha · Urban
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

Years Later.

I jumped up from bed looked around and saw that I was in my studio apartment. I feel asleep on the couch completing my assignment. I search the place for my husband. He had made me breakfast and had already left for work. There was a lovely note he left me. "I saw an angel sleeping, so I decided to let her rest. Good luck with work. Whatever happens, don't allow Michael get under your skin. Please try to enjoy the rest of the day. Will try to get home in time for date night." I smiled as I ate my egg sandwich, potato wedges. I washed it down with orange juice. He must have a busy day at work. He switched departments after his partner was murdered. He used to work on narcotics now he is the head of the homicide department. They are currently tackling seven different murders. One was garroted in his own car, the other was shot with rifle, the other was poison, the other had a heart attack induced, the other had cuts all over his body, the next was drowned in his own bathtub and the last one was dangled and his throat slit. Little do they know one person committed it, it was none other than myself. Yes, I am serial killer. Now I am not like what the so called experts describe on the news. The story is quite the opposite.

My dad conditioned me to do it. You see he was an excellent hypnotherapist. He spend his days helping people recover from their addiction while once a month he would go murder someone. Why did my dad brainwash me to commit murders. I walked in on him on a different night as he was about to clean up his mess. I was stupid enough to think I can talk to him. Because of my sincere, concerned he made up his mind and went against his own killer instinct to murder me. He decided to brainwash me to kill as well. I know crazy right. Anything could be a trigger and I have no control over the urge. Until I kill I can't sleep. I start hallucinating about the walls beginning to bleed; I look in the mirror the reflection changes from a kindhearted person to a stone-faced red eyed killer staring back at me. The drinks turn to blood and sometimes it even tastes like blood, the room turns into my playroom where I take a few of my chosen victims to play with. To make sure I don't go around hunting just anyone and get caught I preselect my victims. They are the truly guilty whom the law has no clue of their criminal activity. To them these guys are innocent but actually these guys would serve ten years to life sentence if their dirty secrets were to be released. I have one friend Apple who knows who I really am. She treats me with kindness and I try to keep myself in check when I with her. I actually rescued her from one the monsters I mentioned. She was dangling on her ankles, brutally belted. She was dehydrated and barely conscious. I dangled the guy in a tripod device in his living room and slit his throat. I went back inside to save her. I managed to help her gain consciousness. I explained what was happening and she didn't care as long as the guy was dead. I wrapped my arm around her and brought her out to see him die. Then I came back to collect the body. I wrapped it in layers of garbage bags and threw him into the sea. I went back to the crime and cleaned it well and through except for the pool of blood. I felt that it deserves to be there considering how he had destroyed an innocent girl's life. I took her home and I explained that I am killer who tracks creeps like this as a hobby. She said her family gave her to this creep to do whatever he wanted in exchange for settling the huge debt that her family has collected. How her own father dragged her out bed in her pajamas to his car. The neighbors heard the screams but they were used to it. Her father loved to beat her mother, so this wasn't breaking news for them to call the police. Her future looked bleak but I managed to convince her to complain to the police and send her family to jail. I also convinced her to stand up to others who have been in situations like her. She promised to be a lawyer. As promised, she rolled up her sleeves and got to work. She even kept my secret as she saw first-hand how this monster inside me takes control. She swore she will help me find a way to remove the brainwashing dad programmed in me.

But who am I kidding? The trigger is never the same. It may be something I eat or a fragrance, something I touch or a sound I hear. It differs each time. Dad added layers of hypnosis and made it impossible to make it stop. I am now able to hold back for a few days but after that I have to do something or it will take control. I feel like a person sitting at the far end of the audience watch the stage play, until the task is complete. I used tapping and all sorts of meditation to keep myself from going all out like I used to. My dad made it clear when it comes to murder weapons I should not have any favorites. This is how killers get themselves caught. I have souvenirs from my victims littered in this apartment. I have a few four leaf clover shots of my victim hanging on living room wall. I am surprised my husband hasn't figured it out. Also I need to check my snapshots. According to an old dictionary Snapshot is a hunting tactic. I have yet to develop some of my pictures. I have already completed the assignment but I was feeling too lazy to hand it over. Still I need money get what I need. Police officers are not paid that much. I am the breadwinner of the family. I stretched my legs and walked towards the shower.

"Hello?" my victim squeaked, "Is someone there?" the question that everyone asks and it has reached a point where become boring. This woman's secret business is to supply children to pedophiles and psycho to fulfill their sick fantasies. Once the deal was sealed, it was irrelevant whether the children lived or died. All she cared about was the money. I am going to enjoy killing this one more than the previous victims. This woman had a dual life, one life where she held charities to save children from pedophiles, the other where she personally supplied the same monsters she advocate against with these little petals. I felt the hand that held the syringe itch to kill her right now but I managed to quell that feeling by reminding myself if I hasten I wont be able to enjoy the life leaving her. This one has earned what I am about to do. I will wait until she got in bed feeling safe. Let her think her imagination has gone wild. I slowly walked towards her with a syringe. She barely felt it as I injected her with a sedative. She was a little heavier than she looked. Which means I need to get a gym membership soon. I placed her in my van, went back upstairs to clean any evidence of me. When I was satisfied with the results I got in the drivers seat to drive off to the horizon. I had storeroom full of toys I wanted her to experience before I killed her.

I flinched at the memory, I looked around to see if anyone was there but it was just me. I need to get myself under control. I got out of the tub and walked towards the vanity mirror. I wiped the steam off the reflection. The red eyed monster on the other side of the glass mouthed the words hurry up before I lose control. I glared at her before I turned towards the bedroom. I changed to my casual outfit. The phone rang "Hello honey! I am going to be late for dinner. I have been told by the chief to stay back at the station. I am sorry to ruin date night". I pursed my lips, lately he has been overworking. "Its ok dear. You do what you have to do. I will keep myself occupied". "Thanks dear. I will find away to make it up to you, I promise." At least I can dispose of the bag of bones tonight without him calling me constantly. After that, I need to have a word with his boss. I never liked that twitchy grease filled creep who rather stuff burgers into his mouth then lift a finger for people like my Dimitri.

I personally delivered the pictures to the magazine, they looked through the photos and to decide if they were good enough. It was apparently. I got a sizeable amount. They asked me to let them know if I take anymore of such amazing photographs. I told them I will, I also reminded them that I was late for a photoshoot for a fashion magazine. They insist on punctuality, these lovely people wished me a good day as I walked out of the door. I decided to surprise my husband with his favorite Georgian food. I preordered it so when I get there I just had to pay and collect it. The receptionist was a sweet teenage who was kind enough to have it ready. I got the office and saw him with his buddies going through the notes of my previous victims. I knocked on the door to announce myself. He looked up with surprise. I also saw a hint of guilt. I didnt know the reason behind till I got close enough to see a blonde haired woman sitting comfortably close to him that it felt perverted. "Honey wanna introduce me to your mistress" I joked he shot out of his chair and started to wipe himself as though he is covered in filth. She looked at him scandalized. She also looked hurt, I smiled at her "How cozy is my Hubby?" he looked at me as though he was saying no more please. "Lunch from your favorite Georgian restaurant. You did mention you can't go for date night because you are too busy". Nathan looked at Dimitri with fury. "You seriously skipped date night with this lovely woman to find a psycho creep? Come on. If you keep this up. She will leave you for some rich dude who will shower her with bling, cars, yachts and private villas. Take the night off. Come in the morning with a fresh perspective. That's how I solve all my cases. I will talk to the chief. He will understand" he gave them a lopsided smile and mumbled, "Lunch room is this way." His teammates were curious to know who I was. They were enthusiastic to know if we weren't serious. They would be more happy to take me out his hands. Before his lethal scowl became permanent feature on his face, I quickly mentioned that he and I are married. He escorted me out of the room and everyone in the room looked up to see us as a couple. Carlyle called out behind us "Congratulations to the newlyweds". I heard chairs scrapping and heads popping up. Men and women stared at us as we walked to the small space reserved for meals. As we began to eat groups of twos and threes stuck their heads in to watch us. One actually was brave enough to approach us to see the wedding ring. I was wearing mine but for some reason he was wearing his around his neck. I teased that is he concerned that if any serial killer finds out that he has a wife he might have to arrange my funeral? His empty eyes told me I was right on the money. I quietly finished lunch and walked out of the police station. If he was coming home tonight as planned, then I need to get rid of the bag of bones. And I can't keep attacking my husband during my insane hypnotic phase and say I heard an intruder. That excuse doesn't exactly have a long shelf life. So I called Alice and told her I found a new and improved location for the photoshoot. Have the crew there I will be there with coffee. She was so happy that she forgot to be mean to me. I made a quick stop and collected the remains of Estelle Florence, I dumped her remains in the river before I stopped at my apartment to shower and collected coffee. I finished work and decided to meet my husband to go watch a movie. I saw him and the blonde walking out of a motel and him throwing a condom into the bin. They then hopped on the hood of a squad car laughing. What they did after broke my heart.

I stayed with Apple that night. She was sad to hear that my husband turn out to be such a horrible person. She suggested that I should file for divorce and go out with someone else. I decided that his punishment should be something that will keep him awake all night. So I removed the security cameras and got the tripod device just for the fun of it. I hung a bag which weighed the same as me. I cut myself and spilled my blood on the floor, I watched the puddle get bigger and Apple waited for the right moment to insert the needle attached to the blood bag. When I was satisfied, Apple put pressure on the wound we walked out to the next apartment. It was currently empty so Fred was able to stitch the wound perfectly. He promised not to breathe a word about my cut. I promised him that if he keeps this a secret we are even. He winked and left. Apple cut my hair to shoulder length and gave me a dye job and a change of clothes, we dismantled the tripod device but left the knife and a bloody note on one of our wedding photos. We walked out of the building without anyone noticing.

I stayed hidden in her apartment, Apple lives alone so it made things easier. The monster agreed that Apple was off limits. We sat for breakfast when TV declared my murder on the morning news. My husband was relatively calm and it stung that he wasn't hurt. I cried in Apple's arms as she threw profanities at Dimitri. I decided to go to Chicago and live my life in relative peace.

would you be friends with someone with a dark past?

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