
Killer instincts. An innocence lost

A girl brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by her dad a former serial killer turned hypnotherapist. He has been dead for years but she is still trapped inside her body with a monster he affectionately fostered inside her. Now she is struggling to keep the dual life under wraps while she stays with her husband who the is head of the crime unit. This guy doesn't know that he is married to the monster he is charged to hunt. Will she be able to kill the monster? or will the monster kill her husband? Will he be able to accept her if he ever finds out what she is?

Ghaadha · Urban
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46 Chs

I did not expect that

I came home to see that the police was waiting for me by the parking spot. I am guessing they figured out that there is a false bottom in the trunk of my car. I happily showed them the video where I kept the twins meds safely hidden when we go for picnics. They suffered from Cystic Fibrosis. The guys that came to arrest me apologized for thinking that I was a drug addict or a drug mule. We drove to the station where they tested my blood, urine and hair for any sort of residue of drug. It was negative so I promised them that if they go around falsely accusing me again I will complain to the DOJ till they get disciplined. They apologized profusely and left to find out who blew up my car. The captain apologized too and made it clear that people will stop judging me or treating me like a threat. But I was a threat just not to these guys. These are the good guys. Gagging right now but I can wait till I get home to puke.

Cheeky apologized on her brother's behalf. I waved off her to get back home to clean up the blood stain. She gave me a ride home and watched as I remove the brown blemish from my carpet. It took over an hour to clean but I finally got it out. I looked up to see Henry and Gus grinning like kids. Cheeky was surprised that it worked. She asked me where I learned it. I casually replied the internet. She gave me an it was so obvious look before she wished me goodnight and Gus a get well soon before she left.

I remembered the conversation soft serve had with her so I asked her to change and join us for dinner. She didn't want to intrude. I smiled, "You will not be intruding. In fact you will be doing me a favor. Consider this a way of me accepting your apology." She smiled, "I will be back in an hour" I had already asked the housekeeper to make dinner so I just made one phone call. Before I ran to get cleaned up.

Cheeky arrived first and I was pleased to see that. When the doorbell rang I asked her to open the door. Gus was curious till he looked out the window. He understood why I asked her so he told the others to take a seat. Cheeky blushed as she reached the door. Like in the movies she was flushed by the time she came back with Brody by her side. Gus made the introduction and Cheeky mouthed a thank you and we break bread for the night. They stayed till ten. When they left Henry gave me a nod before he went to sleep. The kid was already passed out on her desk trying to finish her assignments. Gus and went to sleep trying to figure out what we will do the next day.

The next morning Cheeky arrived at work with a double decker cheeseburger and a cup of hot chocolate. She placed them on my desk and thanked me profusely. She said thanks for introduction. She thought all the guys were taken. I thanked her for the treat and unwrapped it. As I sank my teeth into the goods her brother Grumpy was grinning ear to ear. The hulk on the other hand was not so impressed. I didn't care much about his expressions. This infuriates him more so he just tried to be stoic.

The chief walked in to interrupt the hulk. She asked that we get back to work. I was asked to talk to a therapist and I wanted to use Dopey's therapist but that wouldn't give me what I wanted so I assigned Cassandra. She is very good at spying. She walked into his office and declared that she wants to end her life. She was admitted to the hospital where she was treated. She said I was the one who convinced her to come here before she killed herself. The doctor assured her that it was a very good decision. Cassie made sure I was listed as her emergency contact. I introduced myself on the phone as her big sister. I was assured by Cassie that I would get up to the minute reports on Dopey. The doctor promised me up to the minute reports on Cassie.

I walked into Dr Pepper's office. He has replaced the previous therapist. What's her name was shot in her office and she developed PTSD so for that reason she quit. Cheeky can tell that I hate therapy so she said that she will accompany me. I was amused by her desire to be friends with me so I warned her that the hulk will try to barge in. She happily assigned her brother to handle him. He waited with us at the waiting room when the hulk showed up. Grumpy picked up his walkie talkie and call dispatch to summon the captain. The hulk was asked to go find his C.I. He stared at the elderly man before he walked towards the elevator. I think smoke was coming out of his ear.

When the assistant called me in I made it clear to Cheeky that I don't like people explaining stuff about me to the therapist. I may or may not have been a bitch due to stress or other circumstances but that doesn't mean they get to say that is me. I have been humiliated by a few people and I want nothing to do with them. I felt like a punching bag. She calmly made it clear that she will speak when the therapist asks her something. Grumpy was surprised at my language and I remembered that soft serve uses a different vocabulary.

The therapist looked like he got degree from a cereal box. I actually blurted that out and he looked at me offended. Cheeky burst out laughing and she was told to wait outside. I retorted that she is not going anywhere since she is here as emotional support. He sat down and I pointed out that I could be wrong but his attire and the decor makes him look like a kid. He nod to understand my perspective and he pointed at the chair on the opposite end.

He asked me to be honest about myself since this is a safe space. Whatever we say will not leave the room. Then he asked that if I had done things I am ashamed of or the other side. It took me a moment to register what he said. It reminded me of Dopey so I pretended to take a selfie. I took his picture and send to Tanya. I started to talk about my father being a hypnotherapist. How he was kind until he drinks liquor and the he becomes someone else. The therapist wanted to say something but I kept him accoupied till I got a text. He reminded me that I should not be answering phones till the session was over. It was from Tanya. She found out that he was not a licensed therapist. He is someone who worked with Dopey. She congratulated me for my brilliance deduction skills. I pulled out my handcuffs and he was taken to holding. He protested the entire time. I showed the proof to Cheeky and she was pissed too. She walked and got her brother to makes some calls. The captain assured me that the next one will have a through screening before they are allowed to work here.

I was asked to find a therapist that was licensed. The hunt began. The hulk chuckled as I made some calls to people I know to find a decent therapist. Tanya recommended her sister's therapist. Gus didn't recommended his. I was on the phone when Brody walked in to file report that his car was stolen. Cheeky turned fifty shades of red. Her brother started to snicker. He took his phone to take a picture to send it to family and friends. He sat down and filled out a form. He asked me if it was possible to borrow my car. I blurted out that Apple sent one of friends to blow up my car. She lured me to the school my ward is and blew the cars beside it. I talked to a friend who said the principal's phone was cloned to dupe me. He was furious as he blurted out, "Prison style favor system" He was not impressed. He was also sad that my car was caput. I told him that I was going to buy a car but mother in law already bought me one. She is sending it tonight. I called Gus and Brody snatched the phone and asked if he could borrow his Ducati. The two of them chatted merrily and he returned my phone and called an Uber. He saw Cheeky and gave her a wink as he walked out. She was mute for the rest day. Her brother was laughing so hard that he fell on his butt.

The captain wanted to verify what I said it was confirmed to be true. When they got there the apartment blew up. A few officers were sent to the hospital with third degree burns. I was not happy to see the explosion and neither was Tanya. She was upset she wasn't thorough enough to know that there could be a bomb. She promised to be more investigative. She started an algorithm that tags everybody that goes to the mental hospital and eavesdropped on every conversation till she extrapolated a list of possible people she was sure was working with Dopey. Gus or Henry would pick me up from work for the next three weeks. I wanted to complain but it fell on deaf ears.