
Killer instincts. An innocence lost

A girl brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by her dad a former serial killer turned hypnotherapist. He has been dead for years but she is still trapped inside her body with a monster he affectionately fostered inside her. Now she is struggling to keep the dual life under wraps while she stays with her husband who the is head of the crime unit. This guy doesn't know that he is married to the monster he is charged to hunt. Will she be able to kill the monster? or will the monster kill her husband? Will he be able to accept her if he ever finds out what she is?

Ghaadha · Urban
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

Enough is Enough

Cheryl and I hopped on the school bus and drove to the New York Aquarium. Gus said he was busy so he will see us later. I saw in the brochure that one of the species was a great white shark. So I had brought two tasers, a pair of goggles, dive knife, two blow sticks, a dozen flares and a few small oxygen tanks just in case. I also had my gun and badge. Gus laughed the entire time. He blamed his mother for showing me all the Jaws movies. The others looked at me in a way that questions my sanity. When we hopped on the bus Gus gave us a thumbs up and drove to work. The security didn't check us or anything. We walked right in and the tour guide escorted us to the exibits.

The first ones were sea anemones and clown fishes. The kids had their noses pressed against the window chanting Nemo, Nemo, Nemo. Also some eels and sea horses. The next tank had different types of jelly fishes. The next one had dolphins and other types of fishes. The next one had alligators. This had me apprehensive. When we cleared this half I thought the worst was over. They happily announced that we were going through some of the other harmless ones. This next one was filled with groupers and other types of fishes I couldn't Identify.

I took a sigh of relief. But that was shortlived because we were heading towards my nightmare. I gripped my backpack a little tighter as we approached the shark tank. It turned we had to go through a polycarbonate tube. We were surrounded by sharks. Bulls, nurse, cookie cutter, lemon, black tip, white tip, tiger and the nightmare of all existence the great white. These things glided serenely as though they were trying to find a way to escape. Either that or they were trying to figure out how to eat us. A kid took a ball and tried to smash the pane. He threw the ball several times. Instinctively I unclasped my gun. But before damaged can be done the tour guide managed to stop him. The sharks must have sensed hostility so one of them charged at us with the intention of hurting us back. It opened it's jaws and exposed it's teeth. That was a scary moment. But we thought that was over. We were wrong. This wasn't over by a long short.

We were standing next to the main display tank which showed the coral reef in its beauty. A fool took his gun and fired a couple of rounds at the glass to see if it was durable. Security had to move quickly in case he shoots one of the visitors. This left a faint cracks that spread like spiderwebs on the glass. A fight broke out and we were told that this tour was over. The visitors were being escorted out of the aquarium.

When we got past the shark tank we heard a blast. I knew at that moment I came prepared. The water gushed out of the tank. People started to slide and hit their heads on the polycarbonate or the wall. I held on to one of the beams and Cheryl held on to me. I found the guy responsible for the blast and I screamed, "NYPD drop your bombs and put your hands in the air." He smiled and threw a grenade at us. I kicked it and it blew before it reached the bomber. He got frustrated and threw another one aiming at the shark tank. I screamed, "NOOOOOOOO" But was helpless to do anything. Thankfully the shark tank was behind him and not me so he was pushed with the sudden burst of pressure.

In no time whatsoever the monsters of the deep started pouring out of the tank. Each one going after those who stink of fear or those who were bleeding. I grabbed Cheryl and ran as fast as my legs would let me. We managed to reach the stairs. We heard and felt one more blast. The creep decided to blow the tanks in front of us with the gators. They came out and they were as intimidating as the sharks. Talk about double trouble. We ran as fast as we could. We heard a scream. It was the guy who totalled the tanks. The great white was gnawing at his leg. Talk about poetic justice. I saw that one of the stroller was down there and a baby was weeping so I told Cheryl that I will be right back.

I fished the blow stick and flare. I walked very slow to not make ripples or whatever would attract their attention. I managed to get the baby and was met with a gator. I used the blow stick on its face and pressed a popped flare on it. It roared in pain and went away. I quickly reached the second set of stairs nearby. After pushing aside a pot plant I reached Cheryl. The mother came running and took her baby. She thanked me between sobs and sat down. I felt my feet getting wet.

I turned to see the water level rise so I looked over the balcony to see that the sharks were swimming in circles like they were in a whirlpool. I found my voice, "RUN" Everyone got on their feet and started to run. There was pushing, shoving and yanking. People fell down but no one bothered to get them back on their feet. Someone decided to block the door to make sure the sharks can't get out. In the process the person locked us too. But I did have the blow stick. I used it to break the glass. I reached out and unlocked the door to got us out. The moment everybody was out. We used the broom handle to make sure that the door doesn't open. Also used one of the carts that sell stuffed toys to block the door. Water leaked out but the sharks couldn't get out. We reached the next door and it was blocked again. I used the blow stick and got out.

As we got out I was assaulted by one the visitors. The others dragged him aside. He was angry that we are letting the sharks out. I showed him my police badge. He froze for a moment and said nothing. One of security asked me why I had all of these things and I explained that I had seen a lot of sharks movies and was a little scared. My family thought that I was a little paranoid. I brought this as a precaution. Whatshis name managed to wriggle out of his captives and try to hurt me again. I used the taser and he fell down. I pulled out my handcuffs but security used zip ties. I asked security to call the police dispatch. As soon they responded I gave them my badge number and began explaining about the situation. The moment I mentioned the bomb things got snowballed. In a few minutes we heard sirens.

We thought the worse was behind us until one of the tour guide reached under his vest and started to search his pockets. He carefully pulled out a metal cylinder with a red button on top. He pressed it and I heard a series of explosions. I saw that the building was starting to collapse on us. I took Cheryl's hand and ran towards the door. The floor gave away and we fell into the watery depths.