
Chapter 1: the unknown

" Dad hurry up it almost dark out" "okay I'll be there in a few"

Hi I'm Harper and yes I just got off the phone with my dad. I told him to come and pick me up and it's been an hour since the first time I called him. I just got off work and I decided to walk to the alley where I always get picked up at, because it has street lights and I have phobia of the dark I just feel like there's someone lurking there when I'm in it. Anyways that's not the point let's just get on with the story.

2 hours later

Omg he still isn't here ugh I should probably just start walking towards home. *hears rustle in the bushes* Who's there! come out now! ugh! I'm probably just hearing things but I wouldn't be if he was already here.

4mins later

Finally your here! stop being so dramatic Im just a little late. A little are you kidding me you are more than a little late. Your like hours late I mean look at the sky it's already 12:00. Well I'm sorry I want happen again I promise. "Sure" So how was work. what do you mean that's a stupid questions. Well how is it stupid exactly? Doesn't everyone hate having to wake up early in the morning head off to school then head to work straight after with no brake. I guess you just don't know how existing it is. I'm sorry you have to go through this sweetie. No don't be it like life is just teaching me how to be an adult sense I'm growing up. I'm happy to have such a smart daughter like you. I love you Dad. I love you too.