

Lang Fai POV

I woke up to finding myself clutching the empty sheets.

He's not here.

On the nightstand, I found a small note.

I had to go to work early today.

Food is in the kitchen.

Your lover,


I ripped up the note into tiny miniscule pieces.

Under it was another note.

P.S look at yourself in the mirror.

Confused, I walked to the full length mirror next to the closet.

I gasped in shock.

Am I that much of a deep sleeper?!

I knew I had sleeping problems to the point where I trouble waking up, but this?!

Tattoos flowered my body.

He inked me.

I threw my head back and laughed.

I'm just a piece of artwork now huh?

My laughter turned into tears of sorrow.

I want to love him, but the way he treats me makes me want to push him away.

I pondered on it for a while.

He's just a rougher kind of perfect.

He only treats me that way to show his affection for me.

Yeah, that's it.