

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Action
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 82 : Life and Death

Contd ...

Hawk couldn't believe the sight he was seeing . He had never seen this face of Thorn , a completely and utterly villainous side of hers.

The way she looked down at him , sent shivers down his spine.

She removed her foot and pulled out the crystals using her vines.

Krystallo's blood mixed with the blood coming out of Hawk's shoulder.

Krystallo coughed.


The thought ran through Hawk's mind like a bullet and even quicker was his response , as before Thorn could finish Krystallo off, Hawk immediately pulled off Krystallo's pendant and he disappeared.

Thorn's vines , that were destined to pierce through whatever life remained inside Krystallo , hit and stuck to the ground.

" Ugh!!!" Thorn was visibly frustrated and she kicked Hawk in the stomach.

He coughed and held his stomach as he sat up.

" Thorn...what are you doing? What's..happened to you!?"

Hawk screamed and a shockwave made Thorn fall back on the ground.

He pulled out the crystals from his legs and dropped them on the ground.

Hawk was bleeding tremendously but it didn't bother him at all as he was furious with Thorn and so was she.

He grabbed a vine lying on the ground and pulled on it bringing Thorn face to face with him.

Both their eyes shining .

" You were supposed to kill him! Not let him kill you!!" Thorn cried.

Hawk , stunned , never knowing that Thorn could scream like that. But not only that , he didn't have any answer.

He only sat down and bowed his head infront of her ,

" I am sorry .... I made you take that burd-"


Blood spilled on the green grass which already looked red under the red moonlight , now shining even brighter with the gloss of ruby fluid.

Hawk fell to the ground with the icicle inside , going through his abdomen.

His body was still , with small traces of a breathing that were almost about to fade away.

Dolion looked down at him with a expressionless face.

" Betrayal....will not go..unpunished." he said in a strict but low tone as the golden lights in Hawk's eyes began to dull.

He looked at Thorn one last time and she looked back at him , motionless , holding her head with her hand.

" Hawk!!!" She screamed and as Hawk saw the moments of his life flash by ,

his struggle from being weak , his battle with Malak , his decision to follow Eisen , Krystallo crying on his chest ,

He took his last breath and went to sleep for an eternity.


Dolion looked towards his still corpse and sighed.

He sat down and closed Hawk's eyes .

" Master....." Thorn spoke in a weak tone ,

" What's happened..? Why is Hawk l..lying here l..like this....he was fighting Krystallo and ..ughhh" a sharp electric feeling went through Thorn's brain, causing her to gasp.

" Krystallo killed him Thorn...you probably passed out again. " Dolion said.

"W..what...hey..Hawk..." she shook his body carefully , " Hey...you aren't...dead...Hawk!..Talk to me" as tears of realization rolled down her cheeks , she bent down over Hawk's dead body and cried like she was never going to stop.

Dolion , knowing nothing he could say would comfort her , got up and left , but before he did ,

" Thorn , Hawk's body ...I have set it to freeze here...after you have said your goodbyes... make sure to follow me and Laila to the temple.." he said and then left.


Dolion stepped towards Laila , who was lying on the ground bruised , cut and unconcious.

The vine men had, naturally , disappeared the moment Krystallo had been disqualified.

Dolion sat down next to her and sifted his fingers through her hair,

" I will....turn you...into my perfect puppet.." he whispered under his breath and the red light seemed to shine even stronger over Dolion's back casting a shadow over Laila's sleeping body.



Malak ran towards the room where Krystallo was being treated by Clara . He was out of breath as he slammed the door open


Malak's heart , skipped a beat and then started pounding loudly. His breathing sped up and his eyes widened as he saw Krystallo cut up , thorns on his body , blood over his clothes , barely any signs of life left.

" Dammit!!!!" Even Clara could not maintain her cool in a situation like this ,

" We need someone , someone to heal him , we can't do this by ourselves!!!" She said as she continued to tie bandages over his bleeding points , that she had been doing for hours now.

Michelle was out on lookout and was unaware of any of what had transpired.

" A healer.." Malak thought as his throat was too dry to speak.

" Aag..." Fenrir spoke out loud instead, " Aag can save him! She definitely can!" Fenrir jumped up excitedly.

Clara too , had a sudden idea ,

" What are the conditions of your Gleam!!?!"

Clara shouted at Malak who was immediately knocked into his senses ,

" I...I need to have atleast seen the place , somehow , an image or anything ."

Clara's eyes shone neon and an image of the BlackWings walking uphill showed in Malak's mind. He could see Noir , Aag and Somnium and with them an unfamiliar boy with his hands tied.

" GO!!! " Clara shouted and Malak's body responded without his mind's consent.

He grabbed Krystallo and with a beacon of silver , glorious light , the both of them disappeared.

Fenrir and Clara were the only ones left behind in the room that was drenched in Krystallo's blood.


* BlackWing Territory *

Dawn was about to break , and the Blackwings had already restarted their journey towards the temple.

Stone walked behind Aag , his head hanging low.

He still claimed he had no idea what he was doing there and it hurt Aag that her older brother was tied up but all that aside , she was content that atleast, he was infront of her eyes.

Somnium , the one who was leading the way forward suddenly stopped and held back Noir from falling over into a beacon of white light that had just appeared infront of them .

" That's..." but before Noir could finish ,

he saw Malak , down on his knees with a bleeding Krystallo over his back ,

" SAVE HIM!" He cried to the BlackWings and Aag immediately ran towards Malak , Krystallo still on his back.

She sat down behind Krystallo , putting her hands over Krystallo's back , lighting him up in golden fire that shone even brighter as dawn approached even closer.

After a minute , the fire settled down and Aag fell back with a deep sigh , Malak still in the same position as before but Krystallo's wounds had been completely removed , the blood as if vaporized had disappeared and it was now as if he was sleeping , his head supported by Malak's shoulders.

As Malak heard Krystallo breathe near his ear , his knees gave away and both of them touched the ground entirely , tears wet the ground beneath his face , his body shaking. As the sun shone brightly ,

It declared , that Krystallo was saved.