

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Action
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 55 : Search.

* ISLAND - DAY 3 *

"You really shouldn't have gone to save her like that ..... if she tells her team that she saw you...it could make unnecessary problems that I am not ready to deal with." Giselle said , sitting on a tree branch , as Stone returned to stand on the branch of the tree next to hers.

"I was only scouting to look for the BlackWings ... its not my fault I found her first ...and one has to really be a terrible brother to not save his own his sister?" Stone rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well this could also work in our favour....do you really think you can convince your sister?" Giselle asked with a sharp stare.

"If she decides to come along , it would be fantastic....but having her stand against me...." Stone smiled , " would be even more exhilarating.....a Hades vs a Hades..."

Giselle stood up ,

" It wont only be just Hades..... Zahhak was not affected the day I was..he might be immune to master's power , a shame really , we might have to fight more people than we think.."

" Its not like we have a choice , this island is a gold mine right now....the best of the three academies...they either join us now or....." Stone said with a grim look.

"The rest of us will be arriving soon, we have to divide and proceed accordingly , there is also the crystal to think about , I suggest we find a place to settle down first, we have already wasted so much time as it is ."

" True . " Stone nodded , "How many days until they arrive?"

"Three." Giselle said .

"Why so long ?" Stone asked , annoyingly.

"That is what the master decided, I donot know why ....for now we just have to keep them in sight ."

"Then I suppose we have no other choice , but to wait."


"Any idea where we even are or if we are going in the right directions?" Michelle asked as she walked tiredly, " We are doing this the wrong way ...."

Laila stopped as she heard this.

" Exactly , why didn't I think of that..." She mumbled to herself.

"What's wrong?" Malak asked as he stepped closer to her,

" Malak , I know how we can find the the crytsal "


"What do you mean?" Jun said as Zakiyye made a declaration.

"If we can spare three days , I can locate the crystal from where we are standing right now." Zakiyye said.


" I was hoping that we would find any other hint but as it seems , this island is large and we are lost . " Aranea said as she stood infront of her team. The first time in three days that she had stepped up.

"What are you planning?" Noir asked with a confused look.

"A total sensory output." Aranea said , "Other sensory type members of the team must be realizing this too by now , that we cannot avoid this anymore....it is a technique that all sensory types have , in their own forms. When we focus all our energy at one target..."


"-We can locate it." Laila said , " The only drawback is that ...we are rendered powerless for the next three days ...and we cannot move while we are locating it , if we get distracted for even a second , we can lose all of the progress...."


"That is not very ...practical ..is it?" Bow said as Zakiyye finished explaining.

"Its not , but we really do not have any other choice .... " Zakiyye said , leaning on a tree bark.

" If you cannot even move ...how will you eat for the three days...this is too insane.." Batuhan said .

'' Our power , serves as our food and water , what we need to think about is to find a location , where I can hide for three days...." Zakiyye said .

"Are you really going to do this ?" Josh said.

"All of them will be doing this .....and the most important part is not that.... you know what they will do in order to win?" Zakiyye looked at Jun , expecting him to answer and he did ,

"They will come after each other's sensory units...before the three days are over." he said.


"Which means the next three days..." Zahhak said.


"Are going to be the most dangerous and decisive ones...." Krystallo said.

Lailah nodded.

"We will protect you ." Dolion said, before the words formed for the others.

" I will create a barrier for you Lailah , one as strong as diamond." Krystallo said with a huge smile. Laila also smiled back .

" I will change the form of the forest around you , no one will enter this location thinking the way is blocked ...."

"Dolion and I , will go after the other team's sensory units ." Malak said as he nodded towards Dolion , who nodded back with a smile.


" The good thing is , I can do this while I am in the form of a spider." Aranea said , " The best thing you can do , is stay away and far from me."

"Aranea ! you are so cool!!" Fenrir said.

" Aranea , let me stay around you in the shadows , no one can detect me in that form and I will keep you safe." Somnium said. Aranea nodded.

"Fenrir , Aag , Zahhak and I , will go after the other teams units then, The faster we get away and erase our traces from here , the better."


"Can we really leave Zakiyye ...we are not even sure of their powers , maybe they have more sensory members they can use to detect him." Samuel asked the group.

"When it comes to this strategy , we might be weakest amongst the three groups because we can neither pull up a barrier , nor can we hide his presence." Aleena said , thoughtfully.

" Our best bet is total defense..." Jun said .

" Build a fort " Bow said.

"Huh?" The team muttered.

" A few steps further , we have open ground , isnt that right Zakiyye?"

"Yes.." Zakiyye replied.

"Excellent! I have got a plan ." Bow said with a sheepish smile and red glowing eyes that made all of them shiver .
