

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Action
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 49 : Trust and Faith


"Is this the end..." Zakiyye thought in the middle of air as gravity pulled him down.

He closed his eyes,

"I am sorry..." said the voice inside of him .

"Its not your fault.." he replied .


A body bumped into Zakiyye instead of the hard ground below. He rolled with the weight and finally came to a stop.

"What the heck is going on here..." said Jun, breathing heavily.

"Jun!!! " Batuhan shouted as he came in running , " What happe- OH MY LORD.." he stopped as he saw Zakiyye on the ground with Jun atop , their faces bruised and blood running down Zakiyye's forehead.

Zakiyye was too much in shock to utter a word , his eyes went blurry as Jun's voice vibrated his eardrums but failed to make an understandable sound.

"Hey!..Z.. Zaki! Are you-Woah.." Jun was trying to gain a response from Zaki when he suddenly hugged him like a child and began to cry.

Jun and Batuhan both froze ... half scared and half shocked. Never had they seen Zaki be so vulnerable .

Jun patted his back with shaking hands , as to not knowing when he would revert back to his usual self.

" I will take him back to the rides...we can't take him back inside... in this state...You go in and cover for us." Jun said.

"S..sure" Batuhan hesitated and then turned to leave when his eyes suddenly met a young boy who was standing behind him, a few feet away.

"Woah!" Batuhan stepped back a little , surprised.

"Isn't that.." but as Jun was about to say Zakiyye shouted , " Run!!!! He's too dangerous!"

Dolion's eyes lit up again but before he could do anything Jun had already shot his 'Flast Shot'.

The ground lit up like it was morning and as the light finally settled , Jun , Batuhan and Zakiyye had already disappeared.

"Tch" Dolion clicked his tongue.


*Dining Hall*

"Dolion ! There you are !" Malak said as he saw Dolion walk in towards their table.

"The Killers infilt-" but before Dolion could finish , some unknown force had pressed his mouth shut and a small gush of wind had turned him around to walk outside the hall.

"Ah..I think he's shy.." Malak said with a soft smile.

Laila looked at Dolion and then glanced at Malak , who glanced back.

"Is something the matter?" he asked with an innocent face.

"U..uh..no" Laila spoke without thought.

" I see.." Malak wiped his mouth slightly , with a napkin and glanced towards the door he sent out Dolion from .

"This could be a dilemma..." He thought to himself and continued with the meal as the night ended.


*Second floor - Library.*

The guests had left and Dolion was finally allowed to speak. Following which the Yosei team found themselves in the Library.

" You knew he was in the library and you didn't do anything!?" Laila shouted at Malak.

"Not only that..you also kept Dolion from speaking!"

"Do you realize how troubling it would be-"

" For them! Not us!" Laila cut off Krystallo.

Malak stepped towards the shelf , Zakiyye was thrown into.

"So you attacked him?" Malak asked Dolion.

"Ofcourse" he replied.

"How did he escape?"

" He had help from two more.."

"The brothers.." Laila said , " The boy with the failing heart and Josh were trying to cover for them...I told you they cannot be trusted..

but what does it matter...you are one of them.."

"Laila! " Malak said in a stern tone , his eyes golden , wind blew around him as the books that had fallen on the ground floated around him.

Laila had never seen Malak make such an expression , an expression of anger.

" My loyalty will always lie with my kind...but my loyalty will not make me blind to the troubles of others." The books began to fall into their places on the shelves. His tone had gotten softer.

" This isn't a matter of us not trusting them but of them not trusting us...which is quite understandable.." He looked at Laila who averted her eyes, " He was looking for a book .... I doubt it was to harm us...or he would have gone somewhere more advantageous..he needed information ..for his own sake."

Krystallo and Michelle had been standing there , not uttering a word so to not make the situation worse.

Malak stepped towards Laila.

"I didnot want to make a scene of something so insignificant and topple the trust we had built with them. We are in a war where we donot know who the real enemy is Laila...or where they are.." Malak sighed, and went past Laila and stopped with their backs facing each other.

" But what trust can I build if my own companions have no faith in me....your words have hurt me deeply Laila." Malak said as he stepped outside the door.

"Malak wait!" Laila turned around quickly but not enough as her hand flew in midair and Malak was already gone.

Krystallo and Michelle stood there , as they had since the last half an hour , only more terrified than before.

Dolion stood in a distance and watched.


*Killer Academy- Male Dorms*

*Next Morning*

*Knock knock*

Samuel knocked at Zakiyye's door but he got no answer.

" I am coming in... " He tried the handle but the door was locked," I guess I am not."


" He isn't opening the door?" Samuel turned to Jun's voice. His own face bandaged.

"No..he is hiding like a child.." Samuel said.

" Should we break it down?"

"Do you have money to pay for a new one?"


"Then dont do it."

" I see..."


Jun and Samuel turned around to leave but they both stopped.


They had both kicked the door , breaking it , making it fall to ground with dust surrounding the air.

"We will divvy up the money" Sam and Jun said in unison.

"Now where is he! Zaki! Show yourse-"

Samuel was cut short as he saw Zakiyye sitting silently on his bed , his head wrapped in bandages , staring at his book and not moving.

Jun and Samuel stepped towards him , his eyes open but not responding. His chest was moving so he was still breathing which put their mind to ease as the state of his body was not reflective of any life.

" Zaki..." Samuel said.

Zakiyye didnot respond.

Jun tried to close the book but Zaki caught his hand in a swift motion.

" I s..still..need to read..." Zaki mumbled in a tired tone.

Jun sighed and put his hand on Zaki's head.

"Go to sleep...we will protect you."

Zakiyye's eyes twitched a little as his vision got blurry.

" Your life is not in danger....we are here." Jun said.

"A..alright...I was beginning to get a..little..tir-" but before he could finish , his eyes had closed on their own and he fell fast asleep, still holding Jun's hand.

They tucked him in and stayed for as long as he slept .
