

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Action
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 15: Assault.

"So... the seven of you are now our fighters for freedom I see." Mr Kurookami said as he twirled in his office chair.

"I only guessed until now but now I am sure-" said Dr.Jackal looking at Jun and Batuhan with a disappointed look, " - you two plan to spend most of your time here in my infirmary ....sigh..I really dislike stubborn patients." he shook his head . Jun and Batuhan looked at this sarcastic doctor and rolled their eyes.

"..disrespectful and ungrateful too it seems.." said Dr.Jackal with a smile on a visibly *pissed off* face.

"Now now Jackal dont jinx us . I ll have them trained so good they ll reg- *cough* be glad they were born..." Mr. Kuro said with a flustered face and a forced smile.

"I told you guys we will regret this." Bow said to the rest of the group standing in line.

"Sir!when is the tournament?" Samuel raised his hand .

"Two months from now." Mr.Kuro replied "we will have you whipped into shape by then . No worries."

"Suddenly .. I am even more worried now." Batuhan said.

"I will assign a mentor for the seven of you and you are to meet them this evening in the academy traning hall...I am giving the seven of you a mission. If you are unable to successfully complete it by the end of this month, you will all be removed from the tournament."

"A mission?" Jun said , looking at the princial with suspicious eyes.

"We are supposed to find out who is attacking us in our own home...is that it?" suddenly the boy from the library spoke up.

"Hmmm....you are absolutely right Zakiyye." Mr . Kuro smiled.

Everyone looked at the principle with shocked expressions.

"Isnt it dangerous to leave such an important matter in the hands of....um...us?" Bow said worriedly.

"What do you mean? Who else did you expect to solve this mystery?"

"Uh..um ..the professors maybe..."

"My dear Bow, if the students of this academy cannot even defend themselves in their home ground...then they will die the moment they step out of this luxury."

He said in a serious tone and the room went silent.

"One month." he raised his index finger.

"Sir? If I may?" Zakiyye raised his hand.

"Yes,my boy"

" I believe that for us to exercise our true potentials in this mission, the punishment needs to be more severe..."

'WHAT THE HECK' was written all over the six faces standing next to him but he barely even glanced at them.

"You are right my boy . Then how about this?

If you all fail this mission.....

you will all be expelled." Mr. Kuro said and leaned back on his chair with the smile of a grimreaper who just got his kill.

'WHA!!?' again, could be felt from but not spoken by the rest of the six who were struggling to control their anger.

"Perfect." Zakiyye said , without batting an eye.

Samuel held Batuhan's arm who almost jumped onto Zakiyye but was promptly stopped by him by grabbing on to his arm.

"Pfft.." Dr.Jackal let out a small teasing laugh that got him glared by the victims of this ruthless assault.

"Your mission begins now. You all may leave."


"ARE YOU INSANE?! " Bow and Batuhan screamed at Zakiyye the moment they stepped out of the office.

Zakiyye didnt give them heed and kept walking.Josh put his hand on Zakiyye's shoulder , he stopped but didnt look back.

"I too, fail to understand why you would try to put your teammates in danger." Josh said to him.

Zakkiye gave a side look to Josh and then brushed off his hand with his own.

"If we dont solve this mystery in a month , forget expelled, we will all be dead.

We entered the tournament remember? Are you all so naive to realize that we are the next targets for this assault?...tch...disappointing." and he left, leaving everyone in thought.