
Killed Unjustly

She denied her boyfriend of 4years an intimacy he asked of..... She was the apple of her father's eye who made her mother jealous.... She won the lottery her father's been trying to win for ages.... She got the contract to be the model of her best Friend's dream company.... Now, she's dead. Who killed her? Her boyfriend? Her mother? Her father? Her best friend? Her ex? Join me to unravel the mystery of the death of Hailey.

Star_bucks07 · Horror
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15 Chs

Lady in disguise

Days went by quickly and three month passed by as Hailey's case was somewhat ignored though Sam still had his concern about Hailey, at times, he could sit alone and start having different thoughts about the case, 'Now we have two prime suspects, Hailey's mum and Sandra. But what if it was Ben who is behind the mystery or what if Hailey decided to go on vacation and leave the country?', They are lot of what ifs and there was nothing for him to place his finger on. 'Then we have to continue with the questioning and investigations', he concluded.

Sandra decided to go to where she saw Hailey's body, she wore a black hoodie, black trouser, black sneakers, black sunglasses and black nose mask, making it difficult for people to recognize her. She got into her car drove to the destination, unbeknownst to her, she was being tailed by Emily who saw her when she left her home. She got down from her car and searched around the area but didn't see anything, she concluded that water must have washed her body away since there was a small lake there, she turned to leave but bumped into Emily, she was shocked underneath her disguise that her body shook. She tried to walk past Emily as though she doesn't know her but Emily's voice stopped her, "Sandra?", she tried walking away again, " Oh you see your disguise was a waste", Emily said again which made Sandra stopped again and Emily faced her, continuing what she was saying, "Despite disguising, your me betrayed you, isn't it?. You came here looking for something or to meet someone, am I correct?", Emily asked as she moved to take Sandra's glasses off but Sandra quickly moved backwards. Emily's face lit up, "Wow, I never knew you were this skilled. Aren't you?", Sandra kept mute despite Emily's questioning. Emily moved closer to her and said, " I'd like you to take away your disguise", but Sandra didn't move an inch and it didn't look like she was going to do anything despite time and Emily's order. "I love stubborn criminals, they give me chills to want to know more about them", Emily smiled. " I don't know who you are and what you are talking about?", Sandra said, trying to feign a voice to Emily. Emily laughed out as tears almost dropped from her eyes, catching Sandra off guards, she threw herself in the air and kicked Sandra's face with her right leg and landed on her left leg, standing straight. With the effect of the kick, Sandra's disguise fell off and the corner of mouth starts to bleed, she crouched in pains and said angrily, "What exactly do you want from me you bitch?", " Oh, I like that and that's what I want to see ", Emily left after that. Sandra wondered if she did the wrong thing by coming over there. She held her mouth wincing in pains as she entered her car, she wondered how Emily knew where she was and how she got to know she was the one under the disguise. What bothered her most was that Hailey's body wasn't there anymore. Or did someone save her? Is she in am hospital trying to recover? She prayed that someone must have seen her and helped her because she didn't want Hailey dead, she only wanted them to teach her a lesson or two by beating her up and maybe, breaking a bone or two. She drove her car back home and entered but she noticed something weird, she felt the presence of someone in her living room, she then quietly pick the baton behind the door and walked to her living room, there she saw the figure sitting comfortably on her sofa. With the anger burning inside of her, she made move to hit the person's head from behind but was stopped by the person's voice who said, "Uh uh, if I were you, I wouldn't do that Sandra", the figure turned, revealing the face of Fred Steph, Hailey's boyfriend. If only Hailey wasn't missing or dead, this would have been the perfect opportunity for her as she also admired Fred but Fred didn't even take a glance of her despite his wayward attitude. " What do you want, Fred?", Sandra dropped the baton and asked him with her hands akimbo. "I came to see my little princess", Fred said standing up, Sandra thought he was referring to Hailey, " She's not here, Fred", she snapped but Fred's expression didn't change and he replied her, "You. You are my little princess now. Hailey's out of the picture baby girl. I know you've liked me but stupid me didn't even realize it, now I do", Fred said trying to convince Sandra. Sandra who has been waiting for this day to finally come didn't even realize or had time to think about the repercussions of their act, she looked down to her feet, "Can you really be serious about this?", she asked quietly. Fred moved close to her and hugged her, " Yes baby, I'm serious", Sandra started blushing and he released her from the hug. "Its you I love now, okay?", Fred said to her like he was conversing with a 3 year old child. Sandra's face changed as she asked Fred a question, " What about Hailey?" "What about her?", he asked with an evident of anger on his face, Sandra who saw that quickly diverted his attention and hugged him. She knew how abusive and violent Fred can be, she said to herself, 'I'm a model who is conscious of her appearance and her body, is Fred the type of boyfriend I want? Or I should just stop all this. Hailey's still missing, what if she comes back and sees us this way, she would think I betrayed her. Its better I just stop this right now and right here', she wants to release herself from his hug but Fred's voice gave a chills when he said, " There's no going back sweetheart".