
Kill the Queen

“I know I might not mean anything to you, but for me, you mean so much more than everything. Please don’t deny us anymore. We need this. We need each other. If just for tonight.” --- With the fall of one country came the rise of another, and Princess Katherine Mors was at the center of all of it. Her family was one of the three to rise into power when the new kingdom was formed, and she was the main target of the uprising the citizens of her land were forming. She was set to be the next Queen of Helios, but after the rebels breached her security and made it inside the castle walls, everything changed. In order to save her title and her life, she needs to put her trust in the prince of the western lands, someone she has been arranged to marry from the time they were children, and give up the man she considers to be the love of her life.

Sierra_Caitlyn · Fantasy
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92 Chs

The Announcement

Katherine and Charles made their way across the castle to Eos's media room while Max trailed not too far behind.  With each step, Katherine felt her heartbeat increase. 

It was no secret that she hated being on camera.  She lacked the grace that princesses and queens were expected to have.  This was different from her last announcement though because at least this time she would have Charles by her side.

"Are you still okay with taking the lead?  I'm practically useless with a teleprompter, so I have no idea where I would even start without one," Katherine said, finally breaking the long silence.  Her voice still had a slight crack to it from all the crying she had done between finding out her mom was safe and her phone call with Jasper.

"That's fine," Charles answered.  He still was in his numbed state, and it was pretty clear to Katherine that he did not necessarily want to engage in any type of chit-chat.

Good.  She didn't either.