
kill the love who is no more

The Monday morning in the school apparently was good. it was 7th period when news declared the cyclone is going to hit Odisha. I was in the library reading the books and was not in good mood. there was an announcement that cyclone will arrive soon so everyone is required to come back to there respective classes and teachers will call there parents to pick them up. I was sure my parents be busy in there work so they are not going to pick up the call . and same happened . supervisor said those parents didn't picked up the call there childrens will go by mini bus arranged by school.we all lined up infront of canteen. teachers are calling the names whose parents came to take them. suddenly I was surprised they called my name I was stock. on the way to exist gate I was wondering who came to take me.when I reached near the gate I saw a young lady wearing pink and brown colour dress wearing helmet and hand gloves was standing and talking with my friends. she was no one else but my cousin sister whom I loved a most in this world. but unfortunately she died in an accident which made me to go through depression. I can't believe in my eyes that she was standing infront of me. I was about to run but she hold hands and said to sit on scooty I was unable to say a word in fear . she said I will drop you near the house. I was holding her back tie and suddenly we entered a forest where the sky was red both sides of road was covered with tress I recalled this wasn't the way to our house. i asked my sister this is not the way to our home. she replied this Is a short cut. I got scared to the way we are passing and to my sisters voice. suddenly she started crying I was surprised and asked her what happened she said I died because it was written in my fate but why are you still in depressed and sad .I said l loved you more than you deserve you were my best friend with whom I was able to share my feelings and requires but now I am alone no one is there with whom I can share my feelings. she said but it doesn't meant do you know why we are alive . we aren't alive for us , because they need us and this is the actual moto of a human being and if we will think only about ourselves then we are selfish. dead love ones never comes back but it kills the persons who loved that love ones. remember kill the love when your love ones leaves the world because you have to survive for the rest those who are alive. l died because my work for this life is over. but you have to move forward because there is no chance I will come back. we reached there are only few metres left to the gate of our house she stopped the scooty and said people will come to your life for a short period of time. go to Home rain in going to start soon. and she disappeared I ran behind her but she has gone. rain started heavily. mom called me and when I woke up I saw I was lying on the table and slept by seeing her photo album. and it was raining heavily.

- Priti madhuchhanda Mallick