
What They Really Want?

After choosing the suits they bought, Daren and Axel left the shop to go to the mansion.

"Hey, how about we go to Dolala first? We didn't go there the other day because of the stalkers. I really want a chessburger," Daren said.

"Craving it, huh? Are you pregnant to have cravings like that?" Axel teased, shaking his head.

Daren pouted as he heard the teasing, then got the idea to tease his bodyguard back.

"Yes, I'm pregnant, that's why I have cravings!" he replied while rubbing his stomach.

"Heh, then who's the father huh?"

"You! You are the father of this child! Now turn the car towards Dolala!"

Rolling his eyeballs, Axel drove the car towards Dolala. Daren hummed happily then looked out the window. His blue eyes refocused on the rearview mirror of a nearby car.

"Hey ugly Alpha," he called out.

"My name is Axel, don't call me that or I'll change your name too," Axel replied.