
Being Famous Isn't Free

Daren sat together with Hans in the karaoke room to talk about Daren's career that could have been famous if he had played in Hans' movie.

"I see from your acting, you play very well. You can portray a very animated and extraordinary role. I really like it," Hans praised Daren.

"Thank you very much! I practiced very well for it. I want to be in the movies you produce, they're all so cool and amazing!" Daren said happily when he heard the praise.

Hans nodded in understanding, saying that it took a lot of hard work and he was looking for an actor like Daren for his latest movie.

"Imagine if you were to play in a feature film, a movie full of drama, fantasy and everything else. A movie that could make you a famous actor in Zondalian and even internationally?"

The Omega imagined his name everywhere, everyone recognizing his work and liking it.

'That would be amazing!" he thought at the time.