
Kill me again, Miss Witch [COMPLETE]

Reborn in a different world, Char awakened a golden finger that became stronger every time he was killed by the antagonist. The stronger the antagonist who killed him, the greater his strength increase after resurrection. For revenge and to boost his strength, he went through great hardships to transport himself to the location of the ultimate boss. Legend has it that it sealed a witch powerful enough to destroy the world, shrouded in an ominous curse. Even a slight approach meant death. As expected, the moment they met, Char was killed by the curse. But upon resurrection at the respawn point, his long-stagnant experience bar experienced a substantial surge! Isn't this a way to gain an advantage? "Witch, from now on, I will bear the evil curse that will bring you a lifetime of misery!" "Diary of a Witch - Excerpt" 【A strange human has arrived.】 【That person has reappeared, and when he looks at the curse on me, I feel he is almost gleeful.】 【Sometimes someone comes to chat, and it doesn't seem so bad. Habits can be terrifying.】 【For him, leaving me every time to see him represents death. I asked if it was worth it, and he nodded without hesitation.】 【The book says, if someone is willing to face death for you, it must be love... Does he love me?】 ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Marching into Chang'an

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Chapter 61: The Goddess's Prophecy

The next day at noon.

After having lunch on the ground floor, Char left the adventurer's inn, preparing to go to magical instrument shop and inquire about Lady Violet.

In fact, based on the information Char currently had in his hands, he could roughly piece together the outline of the whole situation.

From the two memories Miss Ember provided him with last night, it seemed that the organization called "Sun" was plotting to revive and bring forth a certain deity to achieve some kind of goal.

Combining the underground stone tablet in the Violet Manor and the mark on Lady Violet's chest, Char was certain that the deity involved was the Goddess of Abundance.

And according to the information casually mentioned by Miss Witch, the current situation of that Goddess was probably not good.

Either she had fallen into a corrupt deity or her consciousness had disintegrated into several factions.

But regardless of the perspective, the altar plan that the "Sun" was forced to terminate due to Char's interference was closely related to Lady Violet.

Let's boldly speculate.

Is Lady Violet the vessel used in the ritual to embody the consciousness of the Goddess of Plenty?

This speculation most likely aligns with the truth of the matter.

Therefore, at present, the safety of Lady Violet is of utmost importance.

With this in mind, Char quickened his pace, deciding to stay close to Octavia's house and not leave her side.

However, at that moment, he suddenly heard the sound of a rapidly approaching carriage behind him.

Accompanied by the coachman's reprimands and the noble crest clearly visible on the carriage, pedestrians could only helplessly make way.

Char didn't turn around and continued pondering his own matters, but he slightly stepped aside.

However, what happened next forced him to temporarily put his thoughts aside.

After a loud screech of brakes, a shadow blocked the sunlight next to Char. He looked up and saw a luxurious carriage parked beside him.

On the front side of the carriage, the flag was embroidered with a pattern of violets.

People from the Violet family?

Char was momentarily stunned, and then, amidst the astonished gazes of the people around him, the door of the carriage was opened by a maid.

A maid with a graceful and beautiful appearance took the initiative to bow and said, "Master Adelaide, Miss Sally invites you to get on the carriage."


Char immediately understood in his heart, furrowing his brows. After a moment of contemplation, he decided to get on the carriage.

Although he had just eloped with her mother, Violet Manor must be more anxious than him at this moment. He couldn't afford to show any weakness.

Moreover, can it be called eloping when it comes to a knight's matter?

That's called rescue!

The interior space of the carriage seemed much larger than it appeared from the outside, enough to rival a small house. Perhaps it involved some dimensional magic, which made Char marvel.

After getting on the carriage, he entered a private little room and finally saw Sally.

She didn't look well today, with her black long hair cascading over her face, her small head gently leaning against the one-way window, eyes closed to rest.

She was wearing the iconic uniform coat of the Tower of Judgment, with a black female lining inside and a skirt above the knees, boldly exposing her slender and fair legs. She wore a pair of women's ankle boots on her feet.

Should I mention it or not, there was indeed a hint of that "jk" charm.

Upon hearing the sound of Char pushing the door open and entering, Sally opened her eyes somewhat wearily and said in a low voice, "Char, my mother has disappeared."


Char was momentarily stunned, then expressed deep sorrow.

For a moment, he thought Sally had noticed something.


Sally nodded gently and pointed to the seat next to her, motioning for him to sit down.

After Char took his seat, Sally kicked off her boots and rested her small feet, wearing black ankle socks, on Char's legs. She then shifted her position, curling up by the window like a little cat.


Char glanced at the feet on his knee and then at the silent Sally, but remained silent himself.

"Could you massage my feet for me?"

After a while, Sally spoke softly.

She opened her eyes, gazing at Char with a tender expression.

Char thought for a moment, considering that he had, after all, eloped with her mother, feeling somewhat guilty. So he nodded.

He reached out his hand, gently grasping one small foot, pressing against the soft sole, and began to massage it lightly.

"Mmm..." Feeling the pressure on the soles of her feet, Sally softly exclaimed, "Did you do something that you owe me for?"

"Huh?" Char gasped, thinking that a woman's intuition could be so unreasonable?

"Otherwise, why would you willingly do this for me?" Sally glanced at him. "Is it because of that kiss?"

She was referring to the time when Char had forcefully kissed her in front of her fiancé at the ball.

"Oh, perhaps." Char replied vaguely, his hand not ceasing its movement, slightly increasing the pressure.

"In that case, you don't have to worry," Sally said, closing her eyes comfortably and humming softly. "Although I was surprised, I don't dislike men who have courage."

"Help me take off the socks... By the way, let me tell you, my feet never sweat, and I have a daily rose milk bath for maintenance, so there's no need to be disgusted."

A slight smile formed on Sally's lips as she watched Char remove her socks, revealing two perfectly proportioned bare feet.

As she had said, Sally soaked her pretty little feet in rose-scented lotion and milk every day, making them fair as jade, smooth, and free of any calluses or dead skin. They even emitted a faint floral fragrance.

Each nail was meticulously painted with a light purple nail polish, and as Sally lightly wiggled her toes, it exuded a captivating allure.

Char thought for a moment, realizing that lately he seemed to be involved with women's feet more often than not.

To clarify his personal preferences, he explained seriously, "Actually, I'm not into feet, and I don't do this just because I like it... By the way, why are you smiling so happily?"

Suddenly sensing something was amiss, Char looked at Sally, who was smiling like a little fox.

She covered her mouth and playfully glared at him, "You're the first man who has done this for me. I feel happy, is that not allowed?"

"But aren't you upset about your mother's situation?"

Char paused his movements.

This elicited a slight dissatisfaction from Sally, who lightly kicked Char's arm with her bare foot. "What's there to be upset about? I have no emotional connection with that woman, whether she's alive or dead, it's none of my concern."


Char felt a bit embarrassed.

He didn't expect her to be such a filial daughter.

Perhaps noticing Char's puzzled expression, Sally explained, "Novala is not my biological mother. My birth mother passed away when I was just a year old."

"If you insist on thinking that I should have some familial bond with a stranger who I've barely met but always happily calls me her daughter..." Sally smiled, "Then, consider me the woman who took your first kiss away, the bad woman."

"Who said it was my first kiss?"

Char became somewhat indignant.

Sally chuckled softly, "Not only do I know it was your first kiss, but I also know you're a virgin. After all, it's as obvious as the sun in the sky."

Well, if she put it that way, it made sense.

After all, every day after taking a shower, it's like returning to the factory default, so women are at a disadvantage.

"Acting like you're a seasoned warrior."

Char snorted, but decided to continue his actions on her feet.

After all, the exhaustion and weariness on her face were not feigned.

"By the way, where are you taking me by asking me to get in the car?" Char asked.

"Lady Inspector, it has been a full five days since your official inauguration. Even if you entered the Tower of Judgement through the back door, don't you have to go to work?" Sally sarcastically remarked.

It was only then that Char suddenly remembered that he was already a civil servant but had never fulfilled his duties.

On the other hand, as a privilege exclusive to inspectors, he had already used it at least five times.

However, speaking of the Tower of Judgement, Char suddenly remembered that he had important matters to attend to.

So he inquired, "If I can provide a portrait of a certain location, does the organization have a skilled diviner who excels in location prediction and can help me pinpoint the exact position?"

"Show it to me," Sally raised her hand, her wrist delicate and fair.

So Char took out the sketch that Miss Jin had drawn in proportion to the others from his dimensional ring.

Of course, when he commissioned the drawing, Char specifically asked Miss Jin to omit the face that resembled Lady Violet on the broken tree root.

Since there were no pencils or carbon pens in this world, the sketch looked a bit rough, but it didn't hinder accurate judgment.

Because it was originally a scene resembling a cave, it couldn't be determined precisely.

Finding such a location in the vast Hiren Empire was like searching for a needle in a haystack.

However, based on Char's speculation, there was a good chance that this cave was located not far from the capital in the Forest of Dawn.

After all, the location of the ceremony was in the Violet Manor on the outskirts of the capital, so it couldn't be too far away.

"That ring doesn't look like a man's," Sally's focus was clearly not on the sketch. She kicked her small foot discontentedly and said, "Take it off and use mine."

As she spoke, she took off the ring from her own hand and handed it to Char.

"As for this location... why does it feel somewhat familiar?"


Gently caressing her flat belly, Novala sat on the second-floor window ledge, supporting her chin, and gazed at the scenery below.

She was dressed in an elegant black fringe gown, regaining some of her noblewoman's demeanor. However, since her long hair wasn't attended to by a maid, she had to hastily drape it over her right shoulder, giving her a slightly lazy appearance.

When she asked Octavia if there was any lunch, he dismissed her with two blood bags. It was then that she learned that this seemingly young girl in front of her was actually a vampire with a lifespan exceeding a thousand years.

But Novala was just an ordinary human, right?

People get hungry if they don't eat. Although she had hardly eaten anything in the past few days, she managed to get by.

However, her physical condition had improved considerably recently.

During the peak of Novala's illness, she was so weak that she could only lie in bed. She couldn't do anything without the assistance of her maidservant, and she couldn't even walk.

But now, even if she hadn't eaten much for two or three days, Novala still felt energetic.


"Has it become bigger here?" She cupped her heavy bosom, sighing with some distress.

Just then, the corner of her eye caught sight of an unfamiliar man slowly passing through the crowd in the alley below.

He was holding a sheepskin paper portrait and was asking people around him something.

What caught Novala's attention was that the man's attire resembled the robes worn by the members of the Masked Organization in the mansion!

The Night Shadows were a secretive organization, and even if they walked on the streets during the day, they would reveal their faces like ordinary people. After all, no one knew their true identities.

But observant Novala recognized them.

She hurriedly bent down, and the ease and relief she had just experienced from escaping the cage instantly vanished. Her beautiful dream had been shattered after only a few days.

She covered her mouth in bewilderment, a mist forming in her eyes.

"Mr. Cain..."

After a while, a timid call came from the cramped bedroom.


Outskirts, Abundance Cathedral.

Due to the recent poor harvest of crops in the empire, many commoners and laborers from surrounding towns come to attend Mass on Sundays, praying for a bountiful next season.

And many of the faithful who came to the cathedral simultaneously witnessed a peculiar sight.

Beside Archbishop Daina, there appeared a young girl dressed in a nun's habit, and no one knew when she had joined.

The girl looked dark and thin, but her eyes were incredibly lively, constantly observing her surroundings as if appreciating the world.

"She is called Irene Natali. After listening to the teachings of the Goddess not long ago, she became one of us," Archbishop Daina, a kind old man, explained with a voice full of warmth. He reached out and gently touched the girl's head, "All believers shall receive grace and tranquility, and they shall return to the embrace of the Goddess in the future."

"All believers shall receive grace and tranquility, and they shall return to the embrace of the Goddess in the future."

The believers chanted devoutly.

As time passed, the sky gradually darkened.

After the Mass ceremony at Bountiful Cathedral ended, the faithful gradually left the cathedral. Occasionally, one or two confused believers remained, conversing with Archbishop Daina, hoping to find answers to their doubts.

Finally, bidding farewell to the last believer, Bountiful Cathedral concluded its mission for the day.

Now Archbishop Daina had a moment to rest.

Presiding over the complete ceremony was exhausting, so his forehead was covered in sweat.

"Grandfather Daina, would you like some water?"

At that moment, Irene's voice rang out as she handed over a glass of water from the side.

Compared to how Char first saw her, she had undoubtedly become much more extroverted now, exuding a lively and cheerful demeanor typical of her age.

"Little Irene, have you finished your homework?"

Daina smiled gently, reached out to take the glass of water, and lightly touched the girl's head.

"Learning to read is difficult..."

Irene said somewhat embarrassedly.

After all, she was born into a poor family in the lower district, her parents passed away early, and she never received any education, not even recognizing a single character.

"Do you want to hear a story?"

Daina rested for a moment, looked at the child who remained by his side without leaving, chuckled, and said.

Irene nodded shyly and then pulled out a book from behind her. "Grandpa Daina, I found this on your desk. I only recognize the three characters 'Revelation' on the title page."

Seeing this, Daina smiled helplessly and said, "Irene, you mustn't take this book without permission in the future. If it gets lost, Archbishop Grandpa will be very worried, understand?"


Irene felt like she had done something wrong and quickly lowered her head.

"I'm not blaming you." Dana shook his head helplessly. It wasn't easy to overcome the deep sense of inferiority in a child from a poor family. "Since Irene wants to listen, Grandpa will read it to you, okay?"


"But you have to promise Grandpa one thing."

"What is it?"

"Your eyes are beautiful. Learn to use those eyes to look up at everyone around you, to observe the world, okay?"

Saying that, he lifted Irene's small body and placed her on a bench where the faithful were seated.

After receiving Irene's agreement, he smiled.

Then, he opened a page in the book of Revelation.

These two, an elderly and a young one, like grandparent and grandchild, began to have a quiet conversation in the serene church.

"Look here... All suffering is a test sent down by the Goddess. We should treat everyone and everything with a heart as benevolent and vast as the earth..."

"What about Mom and Dad..."

"No need to be sad, Irene. They have gone to the bountiful kingdom and returned to the embrace of the Goddess. One day in the future, you will also go there and reunite with them."

"Does the Goddess herself have her own tests?"

"This is something to be discussed only when you're with Grandpa, understand? Once you go outside, you mustn't mention it, as the faithful would consider it blasphemy against the Goddess."

"I-I'm sorry..."

"No need to feel restrained, Irene. I can answer this question for you. The Goddess certainly has her own tests, even now, She is facing certain hardships."

"There may be many people with ulterior motives who want to seize Her authority and power, creating obstacles for Her, but they will not succeed."


"Because the Goddess has long foreseen such scenarios and has revealed them before."

"One day in the future, there will be a great person favored by numerous supreme beings, who will walk the earth with the blessings of the deities. Everywhere they go, every inch of land will transform into a paradise, and the suffering and injustices of the people will be resolved."

"That person is the key to 'salvation.'"

"They will unite with the earthly representative of the Goddess's will, a woman marked by the Mother Tree, and together they will save countless lives."

"So... when will this event occur?"

"Perhaps, it is not far away."

Daina said softly.

Then, he lifted his gaze and looked at the statue of the Goddess in the center of the cathedral.

Her expression was kind and compassionate.

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