
Kill la Kill: Path of Power

A not so normal teen wakes up in the body of the boy who stole a Goku Uniform... Suzuki, read on as he rises to the top driven by the thirst of power

God_Of_Degeneracy · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Ryuko Matoi

So good news I finally got my 2 star uniform, I even got to design it and choose were the life Fiber goes, the upper body of is just skin tight and it is black with red stripes along the arms, the black is normal cloth with a little bit of Life Fiber while the red is pure Life Fiber,

My lower body is just some black baggy cargo pants that grow tighter near my ankles with red running along the sides, but most of the life fiber are in some thick bracelets around my wrists, they can be removed and put together to form a spear that can change sizes at will which is nice.


But it gets better, the school didn't take away my 1 star uniform, so I can turn my 2 star into a 3 by just adding the fiber, well I don't even have enough I have about 8% of the life fiber left in the 1 star since I used 2% to experiment and modify my eyes, so I just took 1% from Ryo and Tatsuo each since they got their own 1 stars.

So I started working, first I replaced some normal fiber with Life Fiber and nothing, it just made me stronger when I wore it, so I assume I have to programme the uniform to give it forms which is gonna take awhile since I have no idea how I'm gonna do that.

I also just don't wear my bandages anymore, my eyes do constantly hurt but its fine I guess, I'll probably get used to it.


I think tomorrow's the day Ryuko gets here, the reason I think so is because Aikurō is talking about Hitler, and he was doing so the original Suzuki tried running with a uniform, I don't have a reason to steal it since I have a 2 star but that means Ryuko aint gonna be in this class since she was probably put here cus Suzuki emptied a space.

But I am proven wrong by the door flying off its hinges and slams into the wall on the opposite side

"Excuse me have a lesson" Aikurō says while staring at now doorless entrance to the classroom, but instead of an answer the giant that is Gamagoori walks in before shouting, "Council business!"

Aikurō backs up and just stands on the side, "I'm Ira Gamagoori, Disciplinary Bureau Chairman!" He looks around the class for a bit and looks at me for a suspicious amount of time before continuing "Students of Class 2-A, It has come to light that one of you dares bare his fangs against Honnōji Academy."

"There will be no excuses, he will be punished immediately!" I turn my head towards the window next to me, and wait for this whole thing to end, before I sense the person next to me stand up, Tatsuo doesn't sit there anymore he became friends with Mako so he decided to sit next to her this year but Ryo is still in front of me.

I groan knowing this guys probably gonna throw something which he does, before sprinting out the door, "Goddamnit tear gas" I grumble and rub my now really sensitive eyes.

Gamagoori jumps out the fricking window to follow the idiot then me and the rest of the class stand to watch. He lands on the ground before grabbing the escaping student and yeeting him across the school.

"Damn Gamagoori is way to strong" I say and get nods from the people standing next to me.

After that he simped over Satsuki then Satsuki proceeded to give some speech about some stuff I tuned out.

Like imagine keeping yourself back for 2 years just so you can graduate in the same year as some girl, that's just way over the top he even worships her like a queen but I don't say any of that out loud because I would probably be killed and hung at the top of the school of something.

After that whole thing class went on like normal,

"Damn what kind of idiot would steal a uniform" Tatsuo laughs as we make our way back home, "Why did they have to hang his body on the gateway though?" Ryo complains as the body fell on top of him while we were leaving.

Tatsuo and I just snicker, he even had to put it back up, "C'mon it was funny and at least we helped you put it back" I laugh and open the front door to our house.


I'm pretty tired right now for I spent the whole night trying to figure out how to programme some goddamn string, and I got pretty much nowhere I did request a computer from the school which they surprisingly gave me, you bet Ryo and Tatsuo were surprised since these things are really rare,

since y'know the whole city is in poverty and the only way to escape it is through the academy, I should joined the sewing club to actually know how to do this but to late for that, well I could leave my club and join the sewing club but I would lose my president privileges so I might if I cant figure it out.

I am broken out of my thoughts by Ryuko beating the crap out of Mako's brother and his friends, me Ryo and Tatsuo just stand there and watch completely forgetting about school.

"Uhm shouldn't we be going? We usually way ahead of the cable cart" asks Tatsuo, "Crap" I shout before turning around and sprinting up the hill that is this city followed by Ryo and Tatsuo,

I barely made it before class started since I have a higher level uniform but Ryo and Tatsuo weren't so lucky, luckily today isn't no Tardies day or else they would of gotten expelled, so they only have to stay after school and clean it with a bunch of other people who were late.

"Sucks to be you guys" I laugh as we walk into class only to get some grumbles, I can't imagine it being fun having to stay here until the entire school is spotless.

I shrug and sit down just as class is starts, I zone out for a bit before the one and only Ryuko Matoi walks in, after some introductions I realize that she will be sitting next to me since its the only seat available, she sits down next to me and we don't even interact,

for I have no reason to talk to her and she has no reason to talk to me, and just like that class goes on until its time for lunch, and just like I expected Mako still became friends with Ryuko since they met this morning.

I just decide to o where they are and watch Ryuko get pummeled into the ground.