
Kill GOAT: Just a boy holding goat's horn as I drags it down the hill

The goat ate all grass but it doesn't stop, Somebody stop it!

Nuni_thul · Urban
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30 Chs

Where am I?

Male Cop: "Is it too tight?"


Male Cop: "The collar."

"No." It is a slave lock. It is most likely operated by remote but I don't know who has it or how it looks...How do I know this?

Female Cop: "Hey, you!"

A female cop pointed her stick. I went near her.

Female Cop: "Go inside the room."


The room has three targets, there is a gun on one table. I turned back, but the door was locked.

Female Cop: "Shoot those targets."

It is the same cop. I stood there, It might be a test, I don't want to get beaten.

Female Cop: "Ah, take the gun! What are you waiting for?".

I took the gun,

Female Cop: "Now, shoot."

I did not try to hide my strength I focused on the targets and aimed for the center.




Shooter lvl 20(new)


Bullets hit where I want. This system is amazing. Why do I have it?

Female Cop: "Okay now put the gun on the table and exit the room"

I cannot tell them. When I went outside the room I saw the cop who inquired me.

Old Cop: "Mr.Fenri"

He sat on the chair.

Old Cop: "have a seat"

He waved his hand towards the chair.

Old Cop: "Trust me I won't be like before."

While I am wearing the collar and obeying them, they won't beat me.

Old Cop: "My name is Alfred. You name is Fenri is it? said that you don't remember anything is it Fenri?"

"Yes sir."

Old Cop: "But you happen to be quite a shooter."


He chuckled,

Old Cop: "So hypothetically saying, If we let you out what will you do? Will you search for your past?"

"No sir."

Old Cop: "Hmm...Then what will you do?"

I don't know where this is going.

"I..I don't know sir."

Old Cop: "Then I can offer you a job"

He smiled.




Young Cop: "Did you got freshen up?"

I nodded my head. It is the same cop who hit me. I followed him to a car. Before he started he looked at me.

Young Cop: "I don't know what my senior told but I will tell you just in case. If you try to kill me or try to escape or not follow my orders, it will kill you"

He pointed his two fingers in his neck.

Young Cop: "Got it?"

"Yes sir."



We reached a street. It was a dark street.

Young Cop: "Uh what is your name?"

He asked as we both went out.

"Fenri, sir."

Young Cop: "Fenri go and threaten that house with this."

He went inside the car and took out a gun and gave it to me hurriedly.

Young Cop: "Go!"

I thought they were police...I still don't know anything about this place. I will follow as they say. It is better than rotting in a bed. I went near the house.


I knocked on the door. A guy with his tank tops on opened the door.

Victim: "Who are you?"

I didn't know what to do I just pointed the gun. He stood still. I did what I was told to do. The room behind him was dark.


A flash came behind him as a bullet was aimed at me. It was as if someone pulled me as I fell and escaped from the bullet. The guy in front was about to take his gun. I am stuck. So I shot his hand.

Victim: "Ah,"

He dropped his gun. I ran towards a rusty car to hide.

I only have rubber bullets. I don't know how many are there.


It is the same as before. I want to know how many are there. I threw my gun on the other side, and while he was distracted by that I threw a stone at his head.

Victim: "AHHHH!"

There were only a few firings so there had to be only one person inside the house and one on the outside on the ground.

I can't throw rocks anymore he will find out. I have to take the gun from this guy on the ground-

The person came out of the house I have t-

He was shot in the head.

Cop: "Yes!"

The cop shouted standing far from me. Then he came near me and shot the other guy in the ground.

Cop: "You did a great job!"

I heard a sound from near house. I immediately hide behind the car.

Cop: "They won't act up."

"Why sir?"

Cop: "Because we won't."

He went inside the house and gave me a bag while he was carrying one.

Cop: "I forgot "

He stretched his arm

Cop: "My name is Charlie."

I shook his hands, I still have many things to learn.