
Kill for love: Money Sex and Arrogance

Esmeray laid in bed, memories of her childhood passing through her mind.How did she ended up here being savagely ravaged by the man who claims to love her? She can't deny the affection she has for him. He has treated her so good and bad at the same time. "don't forget your body is mine..your soul Is mine. I'm the only one allowed to touch you" he said as fucked me harder. but in fact he isn't the only one fucking my body. There another man who makes love to me, love so good is more addictive than any drug. 1st pov 3rdpov

SusieHerr123 · Urban
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18 Chs

Ch 7 (E pov)

The meeting soon came to an end without any arguments which is always a good thing. I know they have someone in mind for them to bring this up.

I need to get ahead of them that's for sure but who? Who will buy these properties without the company losing them as well?

"Mira....who do you think is a good candidate?"

"Pardon me?"

"It's clear they have someone in mind and I need to outweigh them"

"....in my opinion Ceo Deimos Is the perfect person. He has the funds, the power and I'm sure to prove a point on his part he's willing to help. Not to mention when your father was alive he was interested in buying a few properties off of him."

She's right. Ceo Deimos was interested in a few properties back then. My father denied the proposal because well...he thought it meant marriage for Diamond.

"Will it be appropriate though?"

"If not him talk to Madam Deimos I doubt she'll deny"

Upon her suggestion I quickly called the Deimos residency informing them of my sudden visit. Once there I was greeted by Madam Deimos herself who was out in the front watering her garden.

"I was surprised when I heard you were coming. It must be urgent since I know your company is thirty minutes from here and you made it in fifteen"

"Forgive me, I would have taken my time but I am in a little hurry"

"I see, I see. So what brings you here? "

"I have a few hotels that need to be sold"

"And you want us to buy them?"

"....*sigh* I had a meeting with the board of directors, they suggest selling these hotels. Which I am on board with, since these hotels don't bring in much money...but-"

"But you fear they have an alternative plan" she said pulling out the weeds.

"....I have a few gardens, they're all in the back though. These are in the front for a reason.." she empathized getting back on her feet.

"Esmeray what Is your plan? Why should we buy your properties? I know you Lings have hidden agendas as well. So what benefits will we get from this?"

In reality I have no plan. Actually there is one but it's something I do not want to bring up. That is to marry Xerxes. If he can give me the guarantee that these hotels will be under his care I will guarantee a year of my life to him.

"...Esmeray you have no buisness here. I love your bravery but-"

"I'll marry Xerxes!" She stoped walking and for a brief period I could tell her heart skipped many beats.

She needs Xerxes to marry she can't deny, after all he's in his thirty's. She can't keep worrying about his future when hers is almost to an end.

"....As much as I would love that, the only person in charge of that decision is him"

"In charge of what decision" Spoke a deep voice behind me. Xerxes had come home early without us hearing his car.

"I'll leave you two"

Great now I am forced to personally speak to him.

"Ceo Ling please come with me to my office where it's-"

"No need, I'm on my way" I said walking away. It's clear it was a mistake coming here with the hope of getting some kind of help.

"....I'll buy you those properties....but I'll need you to give me something more"

"Pardon me?....you heard everything?"

"...uh well...that'snot the point. I do not know your reasoning but I know mine"

"And that is?"

"You're suggesting a marriage...I'm suggesting something more"I scanned him trying to figure out what it is he was suggesting.

"That is?" It took him a while to speak as if he was looking for the right words, no, more like the right way to say it

"A child" he said with all seriousness. In disbelief I couldn't even form any kind of words.

Did I hear correctly?

Is my mind playing games with me?

Did he say a child?

He wants me to have a child with him?

He must be out of his damn mind.

"...You know what Ceo Deimos forget it. I'm not here to play games"

"Who said I'm playing games? I need a child, I have yet to find a wife...my grandmother is....she's not been good for the last year..."

"And you think a child will heal her?"

"No...but it will ease her mind about who the next successor will be"

"A successor ? Is that all you think a child is? There is no guarantee that the first born will be a boy or if he'll even be interested in such lifestyle...I must go" I said waving my hand in disbelief.

I don't know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't that.

Now at home I poured my myself a shot of whiskey. What was I thinking going there in the first place? Why would I think they would ever agree?

Pouring myself another one I got a text from Zion

Zion: Hey, are you busy tonight I thought we could watch a movie or something.

A movie? That sounds nice. It's been long since I sat down and enjoyed life.

Esmeray: Hey. Yeah come by in an hour or so while I get things ready.

Taking a third and forth shot I took a nice warm shower, changing into some black sleeping shorts and a black oversized T shirt. Now in the kitchen I started making some chicken Fajitas with rice.

Turning on some music I allowed my over tired body to follow the flow of the beat. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, expecting it to be Zion I opened without checking the peephole only to see Xerxes standing there.

Great just what I needed.

"Ceo Deimos I was not expecting you" I said giving a slight eye roll.

"Forgive me, we're you expecting somone else?"

"As a matter of fact she was. Hello kitten" replied Zion walking past Xerxes handing me a bouquet of sunflowers.

Ch 8 and 9 will be edited this week. Sorry if the following chapters don't make sense.

I have started working so updates will fall on my days off. I will try to get 2-3 chapters in a day though.

If you enjoy please let me know, any suggestions are welcomed. ❤️

SusieHerr123creators' thoughts