
The Snow Mountain

Rico agreed and said " I will",

He looked up to ask the man's name, but he was already gone. Rico was shocked how that man was gone in just a blink of an eye, Rico sat under a tree to think what just happened with him,

His life was going well, He had a very loving family, His life was just so simple, but now It's all gone. He saw his family getting devoured by a ghoul but he couldn't do anything. about it,

" Why couldn't I do anything?, why was I the only one who is alive?, why didn't that man come before, What are Ghouls? How are they so much powerful?" All types of questions were coming in Rico's mind.

But he didn't have any answers. But one thing he want to do the most now was to kill them, kill those ghouls, to kill them all and he was so desperate to do it. He didn't know how to do it, but he would

do it somehow, that was his only goal.


Then he remembered that mystery man's words about someone called Wick. Now he stood up, wiped out his tears and started to walk down the mountain. He reached down the mountain and started to go towards the

town which was placed between two mountains Icicle and mountain Snow. This town was the town where Rico's family used to sell charcoal every month. There was river which was in between the way to the town, So

Rico took a bath in the river and cleaned his clothes which was covered with blood. Rico then reached at the bridge, The town was across the bridge. Rico entered in the town. He was walking on the town's streets

He didn't know anyone in the town, He only came once to the town with his father when he was a kid. He stopped on a old man's shop and asked him about the mount Mount Hina. The old man looked at him closely and then

told him that Mount Hina was on the other side of Mount Snow, and if you want to go there it will take several days to reach there. Rico said thank you and started to go, but the old man warned him to not go to mount

Snow alone at night, Some mysterious creatures roam around in that mountain at night and it is always covered in the snow. But Rico couldn't give up now, he wanted to do it, He still went towards that way, But when Rico was

going towards the mountain, he heard a lady's voice from behind, she was a woman who was the customer of Rico's family. She recognized him somehow, Rico didn't know her, but She did, " You are John's Son,

" She asked. " Yes" Rico replied." Where are you going, son" She asked. Rico didn't know what to say, So he told her that he was going back home, and then She offered him food, Rico was also hungry so he couldn't say no. and then he want to

her house, he ate good food after some long days and then she also gave him food for his journey too, and then Rico left her house and went to his journey,


Rico now had to climb the mountain snow and on the other side he would reach the mount Hina where he will find that man called Wick. Rico then walked to the depth of the mountain. This mountain was so silent and also so cold, As Rico was going

up the snow started to show up and in the middle the mountain was covered with snow. Rico was still going, He was shaking because of cold but he didn't stop, But his feet were all cold, he felt like he was going to be frozen

but then at a certain point in the mountain, he heard a sound, it was coming from his left and when he went to look what it was, but he slipped from the ice and fell under but there he found what the sound was, It was sound of a puppy, maybe

two or three months old, but it was already big in size, that puppy or dog was on the floor, he was hurt and bleeding and also hungry. Rico walked towards him, he saw that the wound was not fatal so he tore a part of his cloth and tied it to the dog's

foot where the wound was, he also gave the dog food to eat which was given to him by that lady from the town. And then Rico also sat there with the dog.