
It's over

Rico was looking at the dog and thinking what might have happened with him. " Maybe your mom and dad were killed too, " Rico said. "You are all alone in this world, Just like me, when I thought I had everything, It was gone in just a blink of an eye. I have lost everything and I think you know that pain too, don't you" he was continuously saying these things by looking in the dog's eyes as he was talking to him. Rico saw himself in that dog. All alone waiting to die. But as for Rico, someone saved him and now Rico did the same with that dog. Rico was so in wonder that how they both are different creatures but still had the same fate, when they thought they would die, someone came and saved them and gave them a new hope. So Rico stood up with new hope in his eyes, he already had saved someone on his journey even if it wasn't a human. Rico patted on dog's head and said the last goodbye to him. Dog was looking at Rico go away with a hope of light in his eyes, he liked Rico. Rico climbed up from where he fell down and got on the trail again to the top of the hill to reach the other side. Rico this time was full of belief, he started to believe that he also can save someone that he isn't that weak that he thought he was. Rico was walking upwards but the coldness in the air was getting more and more, Rico's stamina was also getting down, It was like if he doesn't get out of the mountain soon he would die here. Rico was breathing heavily but he wasn't stopping, he knew if he stops now then he wouldn't survive. Then the snow started to fall.

Everything was going out of Rico's luck. For Rico it was looking like that mountain will kill him tonight. But as he walking he suddenly heard some sound from his back like someone was chasing him. Rico now started to move faster, Rico got awared that someone was chasing him, what could it be that question was in Rico's mind. He was constantly looking back but everytime there was no one, it was all dark behind. It wasn't night but still everything was so dark because of weather. Rico got a little scared as he also remembered the words of the old man back in the town. Rico looked back again but this time he felt something going so fast from his left, It was so fast Rico couldn't even see what it was. But now Rico was totally assured that someone was also there, he wasn't alone afterall. Rico's step got faster. But then from his left something came towards him but Rico was ready and he took out a axe from bag( that he got from the lady in the town) and strike with full power to his left and it tore apart the mystery creature's mouth. Rico then looked at it and it was another ghoul. But in just seconds his wounds started to heal and he was on his feet again and now Rico could see the anger in the ghoul's eyes. The ghoul was all blue with green hairs and he had a horn coming out from the right side of his head. He was looking so scary. Rico was holding the axe so tight, he was ready for ghoul's attack. But then ghoul suddenly disappeared, Rico looked right and left and up.

But ghoul was just suddenly gone but then Rico heard a voice " If you wanna play this, then play it my way, you filthy human, you're a rat who came to a rat trap by himself" this sound echoed in the mountain. It was the Ghoul. He could be anywhere and can come from any direction. Rico was holding the axe so tight and looking at every direction, ready to strike. Rico then felt something fast cutting through the wind from every direction. The ghoul was so fast and even if Rico somehow cut him again he was going to heal it within a second. Rico clearly had no chance. The ghoul showed up from front Rico swinged the axe again but he dodged it and pushed Rico to a tree and now the ghoul was on Rico's chest. " What are you, you're filthy, weak and helpless, what did you think? you could kill me I am a ghoul and you're a human, know your place rat" the ghoul said these words to Rico. But Rico replied this time "maybe I am not strong and helpless but I don't give up, even if you kill me now someone new powerful gonna kill you, and humans aren't weak, " . "Oi, oi, oi, you talk too, Rat know who you're talking to, I can give you the most painful death but I like your attitude, ( he smiled evily) I have a Idea, why don't you become a ghoul" Ghoul said in high voice. " I will rather die than becoming a ghoul" Rico said and a grabbed the axe with his hand and started to swing but this time ghoul grabbed it's blade with his teeth. Rico with his power wasn't able to get the axe out from Ghoul's teeth. It was already over for Rico. His journey was going to end