
Kido System in Bleach

Ridhiro Kageshima, an ordinary teenager and manga enthusiast, finds himself living a dream that quickly turns into a surreal nightmare. After an unexpected accident, he awakens in a high school classroom, surrounded by characters from his favorite manga, "Bleach." Among them is Ichigo Kurosaki, a substitute Shinigami, whose presence fills Ridhiro with equal parts awe and fear. In the world of Bleach, supernatural threats are all too real, and his proximity to Ichigo means that Ridhiro is on the brink of a life-changing adventure. However, just as he grapples with this bewildering twist of fate, a mechanical voice—belonging to a mysterious "Kido system"—intrudes upon his thoughts. This system claims to be his key to mastering the Bleach universe, guiding him towards the apex of this otherworldly realm. Ridhiro's skepticism battles his curiosity as he navigates a world where manga pages come to life, and the supernatural is as common as breathing. With every new day, he uncovers the power hidden within him, bridging the gap between his ordinary life and the extraordinary one he's thrust into. As Ridhiro strives to adapt to his newfound abilities, he finds himself entangled in the intricate web of Bleach's storyline, facing dangerous foes, making unexpected allies, and rewriting the very destiny of his manga heroes. *Kidō System in Bleach* is an adventure of epic proportions, blending the ordinary with the extraordinary as an amateur teenager explores a manga world where the lines between fiction and reality blur, and where the future remains uncertain but endlessly exciting.

ridhibrata_das · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Ch-19: Family Bond

The Menos Grande's sudden retreat was like a big ol' sigh of relief for everyone around. The tension that had been choking us slowly eased, and I couldn't help but bask in the newfound admiration my comrades were showering me with. Even Urahara, who usually had that mysterious vibe going on, couldn't help but give me a nod of approval.

"Yosh, now let's return to our respective places, boys," Urahara announced, his tone filled with a kind of confidence that was just infectious. "And Ridhiro, buddy, keep those spells of yours at the ready."

Man, his words were like music to my ears. Getting props from a guy like Urahara was no small feat, and I was just plain stoked. "Now go back to your home to check on your parents," Urahara continued, "and when you're ready, I will personally help you awaken your zanpakuto."

Can you believe it? Urahara, the guy with the hat and the fan, offering to help me unleash my zanpakuto's powers—it was like a dream. I thanked him like there was no tomorrow, but he just brushed it off like it was no big deal. "Nah, no need to get all mushy," he said. "I'm just curious about those lost Kido you've got and how they ended up in your hands."

That last bit gave me the chills. Urahara's interest in my knowledge of those lost Kido was like opening Pandora's box. It was both thrilling and kinda nerve-wracking. But I knew one thing for sure—I was diving headfirst into this crazy world, secrets and all.

With a parting wave to my newfound pals, I set off toward my next stop: home sweet home, where Mom and Dad were waiting. The battle had been a rollercoaster, and I couldn't help but worry about my folks' safety. As I hustled down the familiar streets of Karakura Town, my mind was a jumble of emotions—excitement, concern, and a newfound determination to tackle whatever came my way.

Stepping into the warm embrace of my home, I was greeted by a sight that I hadn't anticipated. There, in the cozy confines of our living room, was my class teacher, Misato, engaged in animated conversation with my mother. It was an unexpected but pleasant tableau amid the backdrop of our chaotic lives.

My father, on the other hand, seemed unperturbed by the peculiar occurrences in our world. He remained glued to his favorite pastime—watching the evening news. The familiar hum of the television formed a peculiar counterpoint to the extraordinary events I had just been part of.

The sight of my teacher in our home filled me with a sense of relief and gratitude. Her presence meant that she was unharmed, and she had brought with her something I had almost forgotten about—my test results. My mother, her face radiant with pride, waved me over, clearly eager to share the news.

"Ridhi, come here, sweetheart. Your teacher brought your test results, and guess what?" she exclaimed.

The question hung in the air, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. Tentatively, I ventured a response. "I passed, right?" I said, my voice tinged with uncertainty.

My mother beamed at me, her eyes sparkling with motherly pride. "Yep, you did! But make sure to thank your teacher for being so kind as to bring them home."

I nodded, expressing my gratitude with a polite "Thank you, ma'am." It was a small but meaningful gesture of appreciation towards my teacher, who had gone out of her way to ensure I received my results promptly.

As the initial surprise began to wear off, another unexpected development took me by surprise—the system notification chimed softly.


<System >

User: Ridhiro

Level Advancement: Achieved

Benefits Unlocked:

Kido Mastery: Extensive use of Kido has led to the unlocking of new Hado and Bakudo spell ranks, ranging from #11 to #20.Spiritual Energy Increase: The host has gained a minuscule increment in spiritual energy.


It revealed a brand new set of spells, both Hado and Bakudo, spanning the range from numbers 11 to 20. Alongside this newfound knowledge, I sensed a minuscule increase in my reiryoku—a testament to my growing proficiency in the mystical arts.

My reaction must have been quite comical because my mother couldn't resist a playful jab. "Don't look so shocked, dear. I always knew you were a bright kid. Was it really that unexpected that you'd pass?" She chuckled and added her signature phrase, "yare yare," her way of affectionately teasing me.

Her words and the comforting atmosphere of our home made me realize that despite the supernatural challenges I faced, some things remained delightfully ordinary. My mother's penchant for good-natured ribbing was one of them, and I couldn't help but appreciate the sense of normalcy it brought to our extraordinary lives.

I rushed to my room and slammed the door shut, barely able to contain my excitement. "Yoo-hoo! I've actually done it! New spells and some spiritual energy too! Now, I can totally become a Shinigami!" My joy was bursting at the seams, and I couldn't help but imagine all the awesome things I could do with my newfound powers.

As I opened the Hado section my eyes balled out seeing the new spells of Hado.


  Hado Section

Hado #11 Tsuzuri Raiden

Hado #12 Fushibi

Hado #13 Aojiro Bakuha

Hado #14 Kazan Kyuushuu

Hado #15 Gekidoyami

Hado #16 Hakuchuu Hane

Hado #17 Kazeken

Hado #18 Inazuma no Jumon

Hado #19 Kageyobu

Hado #20 Rekkahono'o


They were filled with new spells that were never heard of in the anime along with two originals. And the Bakudo section was just sublime, with each spells having a new surprise.


  Bakudo Section

Bakudo #11 Kasai

Bakudo #12 Tōketsu

Bakudo #13 Nisshoku

Bakudo #14 Kokyū

Bakudo #15 Kansei

Bakudo #16 Kōmyō

Bakudo #17 Tatsumaki

Bakudo #18 Suiryoku 

Bakudo #19 Han'ei

Bakudo #20 Oyobi


These are just all set and ready to be deployed, as I closed the system window and went to sleep daydreaming my superhero dream again.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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