
Kidnapping Clarice

Clarice, a grand daughter of the famous billionaire, and the daughter of the most known mafia in NYC, Lorenzo Russo. unknown of her real identity she was living her life with her abusive grand parents. Delilah is an 17 years old but unfortunately acts like 5 years old, reason is still unknown, what happen when she gets kidnapped? Roman, an orphan who only know that her mother left her in the orphanage and her name is Claudia. Roman a typical example of bad boy, runs away from his orphanage, but doesn't gets a perfect job to earn money, getting forced by a Vampire he had no option than kidnapping a weird teenager— Clarice. __ "If you want your granddaughter back then bring $2000" in a low tone Roman said in the phone, but before he could get any answer from the other line he got hitted by a smack. "what the heck?!" "They are more rich than you ever thought, you idiot! make it $3000 or more!" said Clarice.

Shibangi · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter V

A/N: Must have said before- this book is actually resides over a fantasy land which is also like a mirror world of Earth. The place's name is Asarnia. :)

Roman's Point of View•

The weather is sunny, birds chirping in the background, I am wearing a plain black T'shirt and track pants, I got a bag in my hand, after giving Clarice back I will head to Azazel's given place directly.

I looked at Clarice who was looking at the factory, she was looking worried and nervous. She was wearing her old dirty dress. We were standing behind a big Banian tree.

I was just going to take out my phone to call her guardian as they are five minutes late, when a black Chevrolet Corvette pulled up. A guy around the age of sixty come out wearing a reefer coat, black combat boots and a Derby hat. He kept a box on the staircase of the factory and left with his car. Soon after her guardian called me, I picked it up.

"The box is for you, open it." A man told and cut the call.

I opened went towards the box, Clarice also followed me,"Who is the caller?" She asked, I ignored. I opened the box cautiously and read that.


I want to talk with you about the issue of my grand daughter Clarice Esmeralda Russo; who is the heiress of Russo Industries, I think you have already guessed how much price she holds in the market, I am giving you the guarantee if you sell her you will get more money than I can. And don't expect me to come for her and don't worry no one will come after you, I will manage this side.


Mr. Smith.

I looked at Clarice who was looking at me with squinted eyes and wrinkled forehead, she is confused. I crumbled the paper, "Your Grandfather wants me to sell you."

"Where?" She asked naively.

I took a deep breath, and gave the paper to Clarice. I starred at the road, I hold her hand,"Looks like you are not going home."

"Where I am going?" She asked.

"With me."

Growing up in NYC taught me one thing- you either live in a pack or die alone. My life is dependent on Azazel, and Clarice is no less than a barden, Azazel will probably sell her to another territory, but I can't let him do that, not I can arrange money, I have to make a plan. Living with her for thirty hours taught me that she is just a deer among the wild forest of Lions and Tigers. We were arguing about the cosmos and Earth.

She can't believe that there is another planet just like Asarnia. She asked me if there is any human, I told her yes, I also told her that they also have NYC, they also have Italy, they also have Russia and they also have Philippines. But still there is a huge difference between Asarnians and the humans of Earth.

We are currently in a subway, going to 7 Sano (translation- 'Snake' in noble Asranian) club. Azazel will nr waiting for us there, the train holted and the station lady anounced, that we have reached the Arryn station, 7 Sano club is just four kilometres away from station so we have to take a local bus which will stop just infront of the club. I woke Clarice up. She couldn't help herself but fall asleep, she is really exhausted and tired by today's journey, she is crazy, because when I told her that her family doesn't want her she was happy.

We walk out of the train, then the station. She looks really sleepy by the way she is resting her head on my arms and walking slowly and of course her yawnings, which made me yawn too but I can't sleep, if I sleep I will put her life in danger, I have to keep her safe and then I will sleep.

We took the bus, there was only one seat vacant I told her to seat but she insisted saying,"I am not a old woman,I don't need to seat." Sometimes she is really stubborn.

"Can we continue our chat about the cosmos?" She asked smiling widely and expectedly.

"What do you want to know?"

"How do you know all this about the universe?" She asked.

I sighed,"I just like Earth, and want to go there someday," I scoffed,"That day will never come, so I just gain knowledge about Earth by reading books and watching videos."

"What God do they follow?" She asked.

"They have many gods, Jesus, Allah, Shiv, Buddha etc,"

"But we also have them." She stated.

"Yes we do, but we also beleive in nature god, like I am from moon nature you are from night nature, Azazel... He told he was also from night nature some are from light nature or forest nature but they don't have anything like that." I replied.

"They are not from any clan?"


We chose to keep silence, until she broke it by asking another question,"Do they have any other creatures besides Humans, animals, sirens and Vampires?"

"No. They don't even have Sirens and Vampires."

"What?! Why?!" She exclaimed.

"Do you know, that they haven't discovered, 80% of water which we did 40% maybe in their oceans there is many creatures that we don't have." I told.

"Like a megalodon?"

The bus stopped indicating that we have arrived, I grabbed her hand walk out of the bus.

"Do you know what's scary than a megalodon?" I asked, while looking at the club which is just infront of me.


I looked down at her and smiled sadly,"Angry Azazel."