
Kidnapping Clarice

Clarice, a grand daughter of the famous billionaire, and the daughter of the most known mafia in NYC, Lorenzo Russo. unknown of her real identity she was living her life with her abusive grand parents. Delilah is an 17 years old but unfortunately acts like 5 years old, reason is still unknown, what happen when she gets kidnapped? Roman, an orphan who only know that her mother left her in the orphanage and her name is Claudia. Roman a typical example of bad boy, runs away from his orphanage, but doesn't gets a perfect job to earn money, getting forced by a Vampire he had no option than kidnapping a weird teenager— Clarice. __ "If you want your granddaughter back then bring $2000" in a low tone Roman said in the phone, but before he could get any answer from the other line he got hitted by a smack. "what the heck?!" "They are more rich than you ever thought, you idiot! make it $3000 or more!" said Clarice.

Shibangi · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter II

Clarice's P.O.V

Everyone is so beautiful, so preety and so cute, they can kept the whole world with their smile, oh talking about melting, I lick of the melted ice cream from my hand, the flavour is chocolate my favourite.

"Clarice come! Come play with us," Ayan called out, Ayan is an Indian with her parents both from India, but his American accent is really thick, he is one of my friend and he is six years old, my other friends are Lily, Nur, Feza and Joshua. Lily is a four years old with blonde hair and bright blue eyes who's favourite animal is a hamster, she loves her hamster— Mufasa and her favourite colour is purple. Nur is a seven year old with black hair and black eyes, who loves to wear hijab all the time, she says she likes to wear it which her mother find weird. Her favourite animal is a cat but her mother has Felix phobia or something like that, her favourite colour is green, Feza is dark in skin tone her hair is curly, her lips are big and her eyes are hazel, her favourite animal is panda she loves blue colour and Joshua head brown eyes and dark brown hair, his favourite animal is— "What happened, Clar? Why are you not coming?" Joshua asked with annoyed look.

"Let me eat fast," I said and gobble down the ice cream as fast as possible, "you take so much time to eat," He started.

"Sorry," I stand up and run towards the seasow with Josh, I sat on the one side and Josh in the other.

"Clar, After posting with him, will you okay with us to?!" Lily who was playing tea party with Feza, Nur and a very less interested Ayan asked me.

"Yes, sure!"

"After Clar joins, can I leave please?" Ayan asked to them.

"No! You will sit hair and okay with us!" Nur scolded.

Roman's P.O.V

Wait, why is a seventeen year old riding a seasow and playing with the children? Isn't she suppose to be on her phone and brag about her sad teenage life?

My phone vibrated, Azazel is calling me, I picked it up,"Hello."

"All clear, I am giving you ten minutes, go and fetch the girl out."

"Ten minutes?! It's such a less time?!"

"The time is running, Roman." He said and cut the call.

I sighed, why God? Why me?!

I went towards her, what shall I say to her? What did he said?

"Clarice?" I  asked, her bright blue eyes looked at me, innocense radiating from her, why is she like this?

"Yes?" She asked politely.

"I work for your Uncle, Alessandro Russo. I was requested to escort you to the Russo mansion." I stated with confidence.


"Yes," of course you! Who else I am talking with?

She standup , I sighed out of releif it's not that tough, "Please come with me, Madame," I noticed her blush as I said her, I lead her towards the car Azazel arranged.

"Please get inside the car." I requested.

"I think I should say Paul that I am going with you." She stated.

"No no!" I panicked,"we have already talked about it, he have gone back home don't worry."

"Okay, okay, you don't have to get so scared," Sh*t! "It's not your fault I just asked. I will not complain against you." She blabbered and went inside the car. What is she training about? Whatever she is taking about it will not do any harm to me, that I can assure.

I sat on the driver seat and started the car, now, I have to go to our house, there will be I and the girl, Azazel said he will go underground for done weeks, though he will still have contact with me.

Clarice's P.O.V

You should have said him to wait, you could play first then you could have gone with him.

What can I do? I was nervous.

You are stupid, my conscious said, I call her Rice. I pouted, I really should have said him to wait, It was fun playing with them, I even promised Lily that I would play with her, she will never forgive me.

I relaxed on the seat, I feel sleepy, I always do whenever I treasure car, it makes me feel sleepy, the crushing wind is like a lullaby. I closed my eyes and dozed into the mirror world.

Roman's P.O.V

I think she have already noticed that, I am not taking the way of her house, I think I should give it now. I opened the dashboard and took out some chloroform and pour it in my handkerchief, I looked back at her.

I was just going to press the handkerchief on her face when I noticed she is already asleep. Crazy or what?!

Why is she making things so easy, not that's I want things to be heard for me. She is making easy because she is innocent and trusts you, my conscious replied.

I felt bad, no it's not going to be easy, it's going to be more tough than I expected.