
Kidnapped by the Psycho Mafia Don

Minho had no idea that a simple mistake could land him in the hands of the devil himself. But to be fair, he never knew that giving himself up meant getting involved with a mafia prince. However, the mafia prince managed to break through his defences. Jae Hyun Park might seem charming, but deep down, he's a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. His goal is to own and keep Minho. But Minho has no interest in staying in his blood-soaked world, or at least that's what he thinks.

Bistas_She · LGBT+
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77 Chs

You Can Look

The green numbers on the digital clock at the ceiling ticked into another restless hour. Minho had tried to force sleep to no avail. Rolling onto his side, he punched the pillow into a different shape, maybe then it would be comfortable. But deep down, he knew the source of his discomfort had nothing to do with his bed or the sheets.

It was of no use to sit and wallow in thoughts when Jae Hyun was just a few doors away from Minho. All it would take was courage. Minho knew Jae Hyun would be there, what he wasn't sure of was whether it was his self-loathing driving him to go see Jae Hyun or if it was some twisted feeling deep inside. Worse, he wasn't sure if Jae Hyun could stand him.