
1st Day

Narrator pov

The team decided to go to the kitchen to eat the food that was prepared for them. " We should eat then get to know each other," said Brook. " Ok, but we should also call our parents," Kendra said. "Sounds good I bet mom is worried sick about me," Ren said. Kendra and Ren grabbed their phones and called their parents. Gabby decided she was full and left the room. Chris and Brook just ate their food. Ren quickly finishes his phone call. Kendra was trying to calm her mom down. "Hey Brook could you tell my mom that I'm safe she wants to talk to the oldest and I believe you are the oldest," Kendra asked. Brook took the phone. "Hey, I'm Brook don't worry your daughter will be safe. Oh, I'm 18yrs old and I care for my 15yr old brother by myself, "Brook said. Then she handed it back to Kendra who quickly said goodbye and hung up.

The 4 finished eating and Kendra fed her hawk. They went to the room they were first in. They saw Gabby sleeping in a corner of the room. "She must be super tired," Brook said. "Maybe we all should get some sleep then we can get to know each other," Ren said. "Ok but let's find some blankets and pillows," Chris said. The four of them searched around.

They found a bedroom connected to the monitor room with lot's of blankets and pillows. There were 5 beds each bed has different color of blankets. Brook carried Gabby to a red and blue bed. "Let's head to bed guys," Brook said. Brook took off her mask and set it on a nightstand. Chris did the same thing. Ren took off his sunglasses and Kendra unhooked Flame from his harness. Flame flew to a bird Perch. Kendra got into a pink and jade bed, Brook laid on a neon yellow and green bed, Chris took the black and white bed, and Ren took the sapphire bed. They all fell asleep quickly.

A few hours later Gabby woke up. ' Did they put me on a bed. Why are they acting nice? We just met,' Gabby thought. Gabby knows she has trust issues, she also knows she has a eating disorder and is depressed. No she doesn't cut but she does often wonder what it would feel like. 'I do believe we should go home and get some of our things,' Gabby thought. Brook woke up a few minutes after Gabby did. "I see your up Gabby how was your nap," Brook said. "It w-was good," Gabby answered. "Gabby you don't got to be shy around us we are your friends and team mates now," Brook said. "I'll try but that's just who I am and I just don't trust easily," Gabby said.

Gabby and Brook talked for a while until the others woke up. " What should we do now," Ren asked. "We should go home and get some of our stuff," Gabby replied. Every one agreed with her. They soon figure out Where they are and how to get home. There was a portal in the weapon room that took them home.

When Kendra and flame got home she told her adopted mom what was going on. Her mom of course knew something like this would happen and told Kendra she would help her pack. Her adopted mom's name is Debra. Debra and Kendra both decided to pack 2 different suitcases one for essential and another for things Kendra wanted to bring. Debra decided to pack the essentials for kendra. She packed a first aid kit for humans and one for flame, she packed clothes, snacks, hawk food, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and a hair brush. Kendra packed flames toys, a few pictures, her favorite book, and a heart shaped pillow. Her mom gave her a wallet with 1,000 dollars. Kendra and flame went back to the hideout after saying bye to her mom.

Brook and Chris got home and started to pack quickly since they don't have parents. Chris packed clothes, pictures, colored pencils, and sketch books. Brook packed clothes, pictures, a old DS, few games, and a charger. They both headed back to the hideout.

When Ren got home not only was his adopted mom and dad there but his aunt Mrs. Twohert was there also. When Ren called home his mom told Mrs. Twohert. Mrs.twohert's decided that the team needed a check up and said she would like to make sure they were all healthy. Ren thought this was a good idea since Mrs. Twohert's is a good doctor and he trust's her. His mom who's name is Shelly and his dad is named Ida. Ida packed tools and building stuff for Ren. Shelly packed lots of snacks for him. Ren went to his room and packed clothes, pictures, a blanket his mom knitted him, and his notebook. Him and Mrs. Twohert's went to the hideout after calling Brook.

Gabby got back to her abandoned house. She packed up all her stuff which was only a few sets of clothes, a picture, and a stuff flareon. She went back to the hideout.

When everyone got back to the hideout they met Mrs. Twohert's. They were worried about being checked up but knew it was necessary. They decided to unpack then get checked up. They decided to go from oldest to youngest. Brook was the first one to get a check up. "Your healthy but you need to gain some weight your a little to under weight," Mrs.Twohert said. "Ok thanks," Brook said.

Chris was next to get a check up. " Um, I'm kinda worried about where all these scar's come from and it seems your arm was broken and it healed wrong," Mrs.Twohert said. "Will that be a problem in the near future," Brook asked scared for her brother. "As long as he doesn't use his arm all the time he should be fine but it will hurt if he uses it for to long," Mrs. Twohert said. "Ok," said Chris.

Gabby was next. She barely even let Mrs. Twohert's check her up. It scared the others they all worried why she acted like this but they all know that there past's were not any better. "Kid stop moving away from me so I can give you a check up," Mrs. Twohert's said. After a few minutes Mrs. Twohert's finally got to check Gabby's health. "Um, I don't even know where to start. Ok first kid you need to eat something your only 90 pounds you should at least be 100 pounds, 2nd you got Major trust issues,and finally what the hell have you been doing to not even notice that your head has a small crack in it," Mrs. Twohert's said. She patched up Gabby's head.

Kendra was next to get checked up. They easily found out that kendra seemed to be able to see by hearing vibrations. It was kinda like echolocation. "You are perfectly healthy," Mrs. Twohert's said.

They skipped Ren since he already had a check up. Mrs. Twohert's decided they needed to eat then go to bed since it was about 7:00 at night. She also talked to the kids about being homeschooled so they can spend more time finding answers. She called Kendra's mom and talked about it. She even set up a schedule for them.


Wake up at 6:00 am

Eat breakfast

School for 3hrs

Eat lunch

More school for 2 hrs

Train powers for 3 hrs

Train weapons for 1hr

Eat dinner


Bed at 7:00 pm or 8:00 pm

The kids of course agreed. Brook decided to help the others at school since she already graduated. Gabby was actually in senior yr cause of how smart she was. Ren was doing college courses and in senior yr of highschool. Chris was a jr. And Kendra was a freshman.

Mrs. Twohert's cooked dinner and made sure Brook, Chris, and Gabby ate everything on there plates to get there weights up. She then made sure they all went to bed. Then she left for the day.