
Kiara Kilgore

Kiara was always a kind hearted, free spirited girl who always found her happiness in every little things. Never once she thought that the man she loved for almost seven years betrayed her badly. She, who always had a pure smile on her face, replaced it with a evil smirk for revenge. ........... She was despised for being a fat women, by her fiance and her stepsister not to mention her family. Both of them did not even hesitate to kill her. But she came alive with a old doctor's treatment regaining her lost position as the most beautiful woman in the entire Imperial City. But fate had a different course, she had lost all of her memory. Before even reminiscing her past she had established her own company and was one among the rich socialite. She was also cherished by her family. To be able to achieve all of this was only possible because of her efforts and her husband's support and his family's. Her husband was one of the eligible bachelor in the Capital and could control the Capital even with his arms crossed. Everyone feared him, but only Kiara deserved his gentleness. He was the one who helped her during her difficult times, saved her when she was about to die!!... Watch Kiara Kilgore's quest, how she strikes back for all those obstacles laid in front of her and puts them to their right place.....

Destiny_child12 · Urban
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11 Chs


Around 10:00 PM, Imperial Pub was busy bustling with people as usual. But today the security was tightly monitored around the Pub because they were issued a notice from their higher ups about some high influential people coming to the Pub. Security was on high alert, and extra bodyguards were added.


Justin Kilgore, Ian Smith, Tia Hamilton had already arrived at the Pub and were waiting for others to come. They were at the third floor seated in a private room. No one other than them were allowed to go to third floor at Imperial Pub. It was their usual place to hangout. Because it was owned by Stanley, he had personally supervised everything here according to their needs. The room had a see through glass at one side from which they can easily observe everything going on in the second floor, which was open for all active and VIP members.

The seven people apart from Kiara were best friends since their schooling years. Although they attended different universities, and inherited their family companies, they never were apart from each other. They were always there for each other through thick and thin.

All of them had known about Kiara since her childhood. After the accident which included Kiara and her mother Emily Emerson, Kiara's Grandfather forbid all her friends from visiting and contacting her. Hence, for the purpose of not causing her trouble, no one reached her and let go because Justin was keeping them updated about Kiara's well being. They all loved and treated her like their own sister. Later, when they got to know about the scandal, they were all devastated by the news. Adding more to that, they all got to know about her unknown accident and her being shifted to America for better treatment with Emerson Family.

Without a second of hesitation, all of them used all their influence and suppressed the news about Kiara with Emerson Family and Justin Kilgore. They made sure that no one was able track her. This is what made Grandpa Kilgore unable to approach any further clue nor find any news regarding Kiara.

They were all very disappointed to find out that Kiara had lost her memory about everything other than a few glimpse of her childhood and the accident with her mother. Therefore, everyone made sure that she was well treated. All of them, along with the Emerson Family were the witnesses of the heart wrenching scene, where Kiara struggled with her anxiety and panic attacks throughout a year. Even though she remembered nothing, the memories of her mother's accident had been craved in her mind which resulted with her having trust issues and anxiety. But they all made sure to stay by her side, with the help of which she was able to recover in a year.


" Ah!!, finally we have arrived. " Josh pushed open the door of their private room. Josh made his way and slumped at a couch in the corner glaring at his three friends who didn't even bother looking at him.

The three had their eyes on the door, waiting for Kiara especially Justin. It had almost been a month since Kiara arrived from America. They were only able to spend a hour with her after she arrived as they got busy with their respective work which is why they were gathered here to check upon her. Tia was the most excited among them while Justin had a poker face to hide his nervousness and Ian was the most coolest person.

Alexander and Jennifer opened the door and slowly stepped into the room and right behind them was Stanley. Because the lights in the room were dim no one noticed the shadow of another person who was right behind Stanley.

Ian and Tia were disappointed as they didn't get a glimpse of Kiara. Ian was the first one to complain. " Stanley bro, why didn't you bring little bunny with you? I delayed my flight to Atlanta by just so that I can spend my time here. " He lowered his face, staring at the ground and muttered. " You are such a big bully. " Seeing him like this all of them chuckled because they knew that Ian treated Kiara as his own sister because he had always craved for one but never had.

Tia was the next one to complain following Ian. " Right bro. I was eagerly waiting for her. I came thirty minutes before everyone so that I can see her early but you crushed my hopes. " she had a sad pout on her face and then turned around to stare at her boyfriend. " Why are you silent, Justin? Isn't it unfair that they were the only ones who could see her and we were left out. "

Hearing Tia, Justin just shook his head with a faint smile on his face. He had already noticed the shadow behind Stanley and had known that Kiara had come. Therefore, he sat by and watched his girlfriend and his friend silently, not intending to ruin Kiara's surprise for them.

" Surprise!!!!! " shouted Kiara emerging behind Stanley. Both Tia and Ian were caught off guard hearing the shout and both were left wide eyed and completely surprised. Meanwhile, Justin stood from his place and extended his hand for a hug towards Kiara. Kiara grinning widely from ear to ear showcasing her dimples ran towards Justin like a small child and hugged him by his waist. Justin just hugged her and kissed her hair. Seeing both brother and sister no one interrupted them. It was already painful that Kiara didn't know about Justin being her real brother. Just a small smile crept on everyone's face looking at the siblings bonding.

Breaking the hug, Kiara asked " How are you, Big bro? I missed you terribly. Why didn't you come home to see me? Were you mad at me because I was angry with you? "

" I am fine. I really missed you terribly too. " pausing for a second, he continued " I had come to Emerson Villa to see you, but you were not there which is why i couldn't meet you. How can I be angry with my baby sister. You are my little treasure, remember? " said Justin gently coaxing Kiara who had a sad pout with worry etched on her face. Kiara nodded and gave him a wide assuring smile and moved towards Tia.

Tia was very happy to meet Kiara after two weeks. They both simply hugged each other for a while. Releasing Kiara, Tia gently ruffled her hair as she was slightly higher then Kiara. " Ah! My baby is breathtakingly beautiful today. I missed you so much, Baby. How are you? " Kiara smiled at her. " Thank you, big sister. I missed you too. I am perfectly fine. How are you? "

" As usual, perfect baby. If you would have not arrived now, I would have really caused rampage for the whole night. " Kiara and Tia both chuckled hearing the words. Leaving Tia's hands, she went towards Ian.

Ian and Kiara hugged each other. " Ian bro, how are you? "

" I am completely fine, little bunny. Come, let's sit." Ian took her hand and made her sit on the couch and shouted. " We will have a blast night out today " All of them except Stanley and Alexander laughed out loud hearing Ian shout.

Meanwhile, Stanley and Alexander were observing two people who were on the stage on second floor. Alexander patted Stanley's shoulder saying " Don't worry. We will protect her. " Stanley simply nodded and both returned to join their friends.


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