
Kiara Fried Phoenix: A Hololive Story

A normal person is hired to work at a new KFP location where the CEO Takanashi Kiara herself will be working at. It is a rather small location, but for some reason, none of the customers are normal humans. Read along and find out how he interacts with different people from the Hololive Production and how this changes him as a person. Thank you all so much for the support! A rewrite of the first volume is in the works

lightningstormtc · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

The Overprotective Sister

"So yeah, I had a weird day today," Ryan said as he turned on the stove in the kitchen. Suisei always enjoyed listening to Ryan when he talked about his day. Even for someone who is affiliated with Hololive, he had quite an interesting life.

"I wonder how Kiara took the news about our... relationship," Suisei, resisting the urge to snicker, said. She knew that Kiara had been waiting for this moment for a couple months now.

"Ah, well I didn't get to tell her. I mean five gods threatened my life before I even stepped in the KFP this morning," Ryan replied. Even though Suisei wasn't in the room, she could tell that Ryan was rubbing the back of his head. He always did this when he was embarrassed.

"Yeah, it looks like I have to have a bit of a talk with this council, eh Ryan?" Suisei asked. When there was no reply, she stood up. It was odd for Ryan not to reply. He usually got flustered and quickly tried to diffuse a situation when she brought up her talks.

"Ryan?" Suisei walked over to the kitchen to realize that he wasn't there. A gust of wind brushed against her face as steam started to come out of the tea kettle. Suisei then said her new boyfriend's favorite phrase.

"Well shit."


"Ow, my head..." Ryan groaned as he regained consciousness. The first thing he felt was his throbbing head and that he was tied up.

"You're finally awake," A familiar voice said.

"No, I wasn't trying to cross the border if that's what you were going to ask," Ryan grumbled.

"Perhaps not, but you're dating my sister," When Ryan finally opened his eyes, he saw the familiar face of Anemachi looking down at him. What wasn't familiar is the knife that Anemachi had at his neck.

"You know, I'm surprised that this happened sooner," Ryan shook his head.

"You expected this?" Anemachi asked with genuine surprise, "You know, you're dating Suisei. I shouldn't be surprised."

"I meant getting kidnapped in general," Ryan tried his best to shrug, but he couldn't, considering the fact that he was tied up, "Whatever. I think I know why you kidnapped me."

"Yeah," Anemachi pressed the knife deeper so it was drawing blood, "You got some serious explaining to do."

"Look, I didn't expect it either," Ryan said.

"Both of you are dumbasses," Edhas said in his head, "Anyways, I'm going to give you two some alone time."

'Thanks Edhas,' Ryan grumbled.

"Hey, speak up," Anemachi said as she kicked Ryan's foot, "What do you mean you didn't expect it. Weren't you seducing her the whole time?"

"Seducing? Ryan titled his head in confusion, "Why the hell would I seduce Suisei? I thought she was nothing but a friend until a couple days ago."

"That makes no sense," Anemachi shook her head, "She's been living at your place for months! How were you not seducing her?!"

"She invited herself," Ryan didn't lose his calm demeanor as he spoke, "We've always slept in different rooms and I spend all my time on work and... well... saving the universe apparently."

"I'm still confident you were seducing her," Anemachi's glare only got sharper. If looks could kill, then Ryan would be dead a thousand times over.

"Yeah, yeah, I didn't expect you to listen anyways," Ryan sighed.

"So what do you have to say for yourself?" Anemachi asked.

Ryan smirked, "Watch you left."

"Wha," Anemachi tilted her head to the left just in time to dodge a giant axe.

"Anemachi! We talked about this!" Suisei shouted.

"Huh, you arrived two minutes faster than I thought you would," Ryan noted as he tilted his head.

"Shut up you dork," Suisei scoffed before turning back to her sister, "You can't just kidnap my boyfriend."

"He's been seducing you, Suisei," Anemachi dropped the knife on Ryan's lap, only to summon a gun and point it at him, "That means he deserves to die!"

"Why the hell did you summon a gun?" Ryan asked.

"To spite A_stray_kat," Anemachi responded.

"Who?" Suisei asked.

"You'll know when you're older," Anemachi deadpanned.

"I'm an adult! You can't pull that on me!" Suisei whined.

"Ryan, tell her," Anemachi turned to Ryan.

"I have no idea who you're talking about," Ryan replied.

"Just... trust her," Edhas returned to Ryan's head, "Alright, back to kicking Reporter's ass in checkers."

"Edhas says to just trust Anemachi," Ryan said.

"Anyways, can we just go to KFP? I'll explain everything along the way," Suisei asked as she dismissed her axe, "I don't want Kiara getting mad at us. Ryan's already late for work."

"Wait, how long have I been here?" Ryan asked.

"All night," Anemachi said. Ryan then took the time to say his favorite phrase.

"Well shit."


"RYAN! WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU LATE?!" Kiara flew over the counter with her sword extended.

"Anemachi kidnapped me," Ryan, not even moving to defend himself, said. Kiara stopped with the blade an inch from his face.

"Does that mean it happened...?" Kiara asked with nothing but pure shock on his face.

"It happened," As if on cue, Suisei walked into the restaurant.

"OH MY MATSURI I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!" Kiara threw her sword aside as she tackled her employee in a hug, "MY LITTLE EGG FINALLY GOT A GIRLFRIEND!"

"Kiara, please," Ryan tried his best to push his boss off.

"I don't think it would be wise to bring that up right now," Kiara shuddered as Anemachi spoke.

"Anemachi, we just had this conversation," Suisei shook her head.

"I know, but don't think I'll just sit down and accept it," Anemachi turned to Ryan. "Know I haven't accepted you. You better treat Suisei right or you're dead. I don't care who's protecting you or how strong you are. You're fucking dead, you hear me?"

"Yes, I hear you," Ryan said as he successfully pushed Kiara off of him.

"You can tell me all about it after you get changed," It was Kiara's turn to glare at Ryan, "For now, you need to get work. You were late after all."

"Yeah, yeah," Ryan waved his hand dismissively before smirking.

"Let's get to work."

This chapter totally wasn't written for the sole reason to spite @A_stray_kat because he wouldn't give Anemachi a gun. Oh no. Why would I ever do that?

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