
Kiara Fried Phoenix: A Hololive Story

A normal person is hired to work at a new KFP location where the CEO Takanashi Kiara herself will be working at. It is a rather small location, but for some reason, none of the customers are normal humans. Read along and find out how he interacts with different people from the Hololive Production and how this changes him as a person. Thank you all so much for the support! A rewrite of the first volume is in the works

lightningstormtc · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
96 Chs

Day 12: Toilet Horror

Day 12: Toilet Horror

Ryan opened his eyes, his natural clock getting used to waking him up at the wake of dawn, no matter what time he goes to sleep. He sat up, sighing as he wound up his arms. Kiara had since stopped calling him in the morning as Ryan had gotten good enough at waking up by himself. 'Morning, Edhas,' he thought to himself as he stood up, cracking his back.

"What's with this good morning shit?" Edhas asked as Ryan opened his closet, grabbing his favorite pair of black sweatpants. "You never greet me good morning."

'Can't I be polite for once in my life?' Ryan asked his other half, putting on a black hoodie, "Ryan Shade" written across the chest with a slash through it. If Sabrina was going to drop merch of him, he might as well wear it. Plus, Sabrina sent him a free hoodie just because. 'Since we're stuck together, I might as well do the little things, like greet you every morning.'

"Whatever," Edhas said. If he had a physical body, Ryan would swear that Edhas was crossing his arms and looking away in a pout. "Just get to work."

'Yes sir,' Ryan smiled as he grabbed his wallet and phone before walking out the door.


"Ah, Hoshimachi-san," Ryan greeted as he saw the blue-haired girl walking along with someone who looked exactly like her if she had pink hair and pink eyes. "It's nice to see you again."

"Oh, that was the guy who ran into you a while ago!" The pink-hair girl exclaimed, jumping and pointing a finger at Ryan.

"I don't remember ever doing that," Ryan rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"Me neither," Suisei said, looking at her clone. "Anemachi, are you alright?"

"I'm perfectly alright!" The girl, Anemachi pouted at Suisei.

"Ryan, this is my sister, Anemachi," Suisei introduced. "Anemachi, this is Ryan Shade."

"It's an honor to meet you, Anemachi-san," Ryan bowed slightly.

"Woah, I've heard about you!" Anemachi exclaimed. "I've seen your clips! They're totally badass!"

"To this day, I still don't know how the internet got those clips," Ryan grumbled. "But yes, those clips are of me."

"You have me to thank for that," Suisei winked, waving her hand smugly.

"You?!" Ryan exclaimed.

"Well, I think it's time for us to go, Anemachi!" Suisei grabbed Anemachi's wrist and ran off before Ryan can react.

"Well that just happened," Ryan sighed.

"You should-,"

'Don't. Even. Think about it', If Ryan could glare at Edhas, he would have.

"Fine, whatever," Edhas grumbled as Ryan walked off on his way to work.


"Morning Ryan!" Kiara exclaimed as soon as Ryan walked into the restaurant. "How are you today?"

"Edhas is predicting that shit will hit the fan soon, so I'm excited," Ryan said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"What do you mean by that?" Kiara put a finger on her chin.

"Apparently a bunch of beings are coming here," Ryan explained. "We're going to be getting a lot of business from here on out."

"Really?!" Kiara squealed. "That's great! I've always wanted this restaurant to be really busy!"

"Well, that's you," Ryan sighed. "I just want to keep my head on straight, which the chances of that staying true aren't looking too good."

"Oh, don't be such a killjoy!" Kiara ran over, slapping him on the back. "It'll be fun!"

"I'm sure it will be." Ryan said as his clothes shimmered before instantly changing to his KFP uniform. "For you."

"Hey Ryan," Ryan turned to see Sabrina, cradling a broken arm.

"What the hell?!" Ryan exclaimed, running over to her friend. "What happened?!"

"I had an accident on the toilet," She chuckled as Ryan started to heal her arm.

"Shut up and let me focus," Ryan grumbled.

"You know, I remember when I was on the other side of this," Sabrina giggled, flicking Ryan in the forehead.

"You know, I think I like being on this side of things," Ryan sighed as he heard a loud pop.

"I could have done that better," Sabrina said, wincing.

"Well, I'm sorry I still haven't gotten a hang of the magic that I got less than a year ago," Ryan grumbled.

"Hello!" The doors burst open, revealing a girl with pink hair and cat ears. Ryan didn't call her a cat girl because she didn't have a tail. The girl looked around before locking eyes with Kiara. "I remember you!"

"Nyanners?" Kiara tilted her head. "I'm sorry, it's been a while. I wasn't exactly doing much one thousand years ago."

"That's me," The girl, Nyanners nodded her head. "Do you have a toilet here? Sabrina's broke."

"Don't bring her to the toilet," Sabrina said, her face pale.

"Sure!" Kiara chirped, completely ignoring Sabrina's warning. "Follow me!"


For the sake of the General Audiences Rating on this fic, the events that happened in the bathroom will not be elaborated on. Luckily, Ryan was there to clean up Kiara's mess, as usual. "Okay, you are not hooking up with her," Edhas declared.

'Glad we can agree on that one,' Ryan replied.

"I warned you," Sabrina said, using magic to dry herself off.

"That was very interesting," Nyanners rubbed her chin, nodding inquisitively. "Maybe I should study soda machines next. Such a fascinating invention."

"Maybe you can study another soda machine before I give you the opportunity to study a railgun," Ryan grumbled, still mad that he had to spend an hour scrubbing the bathroom clean.

"What's a railgun?" Nyanners tilted her head in intrigue. "Is it capable of holding pee?"

"Alright, that's-,"

"Ryan, don't!" Kiara had to physically restrain Ryan from attacking the girl.

"Morning guys, I'm bac-," Grimm walked through the doors but stopped when he saw the scene in front of him. "Man, who pissed in his coffee?"

"I did," Nyanners raised her hand, turning to see Grimm. Her eyes widened in shock when she realized who she was talking to. "Hey! You're the guy who stood there and did nothing while those assholes sealed me!"

"Hey, I was death at the time," Grimm shrugged. "It's not like I could do anything even if I wanted to."

"You better be ready once I learn how to weaponize toilets," Nyanners vowed. "I will get my revenge and take over the world."

"Hey!" Kiara called over, catching everyone's attention. "I'm going to be the one taking over the world."

"Only once you clock out, Tenchou," Ryan added in helpfully.

"Time and place, Ryan!" Kiara pouted.

"Who was the one that sealed you?" Ryan asked Nyanners, his interest piqued.

"It was actually YAGOO," Grimm replied, taking a seat. "Shade helped a bit, but it was mostly YAGOO."

"Is that what he's going by now?" Nyanners scoffed. "How dumb."

"Here's your order, Nyanners-san," Ryan said, placing a bag of salt in front of the eldritch horror. He decided to take a page out of Kiara's book, remembering his first day when Kiara gave Amelia a bag of salt.

"Not funny," Nyanners grumbled.

"It's funny to me," Ryan shrugged.

"Does the afterlife have a toilet?" Nyanners turned to Grimm.

"I'll make sure to stop by and have them removed when I get back," Grimm chuckled.

"Guys, we should stop bullying the little girl," Sabrina said. "Even if she wrecked two toilets already."

"I'm not a little girl!" Nyanners pouted. She then grabbed her dress, intending to pull it up.

"Nope," Grimm snapped his fingers, and Nyanners vanished in a torrent of black flames.

"You're my hero," Ryan gave an exasperated sigh.

"I always have been," Grimm winked before standing up and leaving.


Coco sighed as she heard a knock on the door. "What is it now?" Kanata was out grocery shopping and Coco was taking her day off from streaming. Suisei and Watame were busy today, so it couldn't be them, so who would it be? She walked over, holding a gun behind her back just in case and opened the door. She flinched slightly when she saw two women, one with crimson hair and two dragon horns, her amber eyes glowing while the other one was blonde with nails sticking out of her head, her blue eyes sparking with electricity.

"Hime-san," Coco said, looking the two women back and forth. "Who is this?"

"My name is Zentreya," the redhead introduced herself, putting a hand to her chest. "People call me Zen. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"I apologize for the intrusion, Kiryu-san," Despite the constant smug smirk plastered on Hime's face, she was very well spoken, using proper honorifics practically all the time. "Zen-san and I are going to be residing in Japan for the foreseeable future and are looking for a place to stay. Is it possible for us to stay at your place?"

"Ah, fuck," Coco sighed. "To be honest, I'm not sure if my roommate would appreciate that. I have a few men on the inside of the real estate business. I'll hook you up with someone."

"Listen here-," Smoke flared from Zen's nostrils, but Hime stopped her before things got out of hand.

"Thank you, Kiryu-san," the smile on Hime's face softened a bit. "You still have my phone number, right?"

"I'll call you with a place set up in ten minutes," Coco said. With a curt nod from both sides, Coco closed the door as Hime and Zen left. Coco heaved a sigh. "At least there wasn't a fight."


"Heads up," Edhas said. Ryan was walking home from work when he passed by a horned woman and a woman who seemed to have a metal plate on their head. "Those two are dragons."

'Dragons?!' Ryan stopped, looking back at the two apparent dragons that just passed him.

"Well, one of them is a half dragon," Edhas replied. "The other one… I'm not too sure. Seems a bit cybernetic. Maybe a dragon cyborg? Definitely not human-developed."

'Great,' Ryan grumbled to himself as he turned around. 'You really weren't kidding when you said a storm was brewing.'

"My intuition is always on point," Edhas said smugly.


"That kid we just passed," Zen said, putting her hands behind her head. "He seems interesting. Did you get anything on him?"

"According to the scanners, his name is Ryan Shade," Electricity crackled from Hime's electric blue eyes. "According to information from the web, he has a magic and physical combat rating of A, though my magic sensors are detecting something hidden within his magical system. Ten bucks says he'll be into my fat tits."

"Interesting," Zen cracked her knuckles. "Maybe you were right. This Ryan Shade may really be the challenge we're looking for."

Nyanners chapter!

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