
Khufu's Curse

An excursion to the Great Pyramid of Giza turns a nightmare for eight teenagers as they become cursed by the spirit of Pharoah Khufu.They become trapped in the Pyramid of Giza and they experience things way beyond their wildest imagination,nightmares that could haunt them for the rest of their lives -if they survive- they come across legends that was only written of in books. They experienced pain beyond what they could bear. Will these eight teenagers survive? Will they break the curse? Will Pharoah Khufu release them from his grasp?

Victory_Kolapo · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Khufu's Curse

Written by Ola Max

Chapter 2

" Will!!" Gwen screamed at the top of her voice. "Arghhhh, I know you can hear me"

"What is it?! I am busy, stop disturbing me" Will replied disrespectfully as he wrote down the last words on his comic book

" Aren't you done with that comic yet, it's taking too much of your time."

" I am done and it isn't"

This was exactly the reason I was excited for the excursion. I would at least have a break from Will.

At dinner I told my parents about the trip although they were skeptical about it at first they had no choice but to let me go. The first group would go next week, three days from now so I would still have enough time to fully prepare for it. The school even gave us a break for those three days to allow us prepare very well.

The next day Elle came to my place with an excited face.

"Gwen!!" She screamed.

"What is it?!"

"Gwen I just realized that Gareth is also part of the first batch. "

" Oh my God, that is no reason for you to be screaming like that, you scared me. "

Just to clarify things Gareth is the class hottest boy and Elle's long time crush. She has been trying for ages to make him notice her.

"This excursion would be the perfect time for him to notice me and I can finally get my prince charming" She said dreamily.

Sometimes Elle talked like a fool and she was obsessed with Gareth. Apart from the fact that he was good looking there wasn't anything else special about him.

"Okay, before you ask , I will help you pick your clothes" I said rolling my eyes.

" Thanks"she said with a smile and sat on my couch. "What is this?" She picked up something and showed me

"Oh that is Will's comic book"

"Wow, he has a pretty wild imagination for an eleven year old," She sounded amazed so l decided to take a look.

After thirty minutes we finished the comic book and our minds were blown. I didn't realize Will was this good.

"He has a good mastery of Greek and Egypt gods. That's amazing."

" Yeah it is" I replied. I didn't know my brother was this talented. I guess I had been taking his comics for granted.

"Well, have you started arranging your luggage. We are going in three days." I asked Elle.

" Three days is still a lot of time I just want to relax for the next two days" Elle replied

"Lazy girl".

*. *. *.

"Don't worry mum, the trip will be paid by the school you don't have to drop a penny."

" Ok then Gareth, you are allowed to go. At least you will get out of this hellhole" She said with disdain.

Contrary to what people thought, I am not rich, I am far from it. My mum worked as a cleaner in a company where she is paid peanuts as salary. And my dad, well he died years ago.

I only got to go to Alpha School because I was on a scholarship. It's funny how everyone thought I was rich. We lived in the slum and barely had two meals a day.

My mum didn't know but I felt pressured to make money, that was unavoidable when one attends a school meant for children of the rich- politicians, businessmen, CEOS, just their bags or phones could feed us for years,so I decided to keep my family's situation a secret. Infact I always secluded myself in school. The less people I know the better for me.

"I will be in my room mum"

"Okay, I will call you when dinner is ready."

Dinner sounded unfamiliar to me , we barely had those.

*. *. *.

After I had escorted Elle out I sat down and had a deep thought. Was I really happy I was going on this trip because I wanted to get away from my family. No, at least not my entire family just my Dad. I have never told anybody but my dad always molested me sexually and physically. There was no one I could trust with this secret, no one. Thinking about it l let out tears just like I have done every night for the past four years now.

"Gwen" My door creaked and opened slightly. I quickly cleaned my tears.

" Will, what is it" I said with my voice still shook from crying.

"It's dinner time" he paused and hesitated a little before asking softly "Is anything wrong?" He had noticed he change in my voice.

"No Will" I also paused before saying " I read your comic book, it's amazing"

It was obvious those words lifted his spirits. He had never received any compliment from me.

"Thanks, it means a lot." He said with a smile

Despite the fact that we were siblings we barely talked. We were always at odds with ourselves. I had a not so good relationship with my family. The public thought we were the perfect family, but things weren't always as they seemed.

*. *. *.


Near the Pyramid of Giza.


The scorching sun and the dry ground didn't in any way stop her from continuing her rituals. The attractive lady had a crazed smile on her face. A fanatical expression to be exact. She chanted words that were incomprehensible to the present generation. The words she chanted were Ancient Egyptian language. Only people that were alive in the fourth dynasty of Egypt could possibly understand the jargons she was spouting.

"Just three days to go, just three more days" She said with fanatical expression and soon began a crazed laugh.



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