
Khufu's Curse

An excursion to the Great Pyramid of Giza turns a nightmare for eight teenagers as they become cursed by the spirit of Pharoah Khufu.They become trapped in the Pyramid of Giza and they experience things way beyond their wildest imagination,nightmares that could haunt them for the rest of their lives -if they survive- they come across legends that was only written of in books. They experienced pain beyond what they could bear. Will these eight teenagers survive? Will they break the curse? Will Pharoah Khufu release them from his grasp?

Victory_Kolapo · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The crackling of the firewood and the sight of the blood moon didn't in any way help in quelling our fears and calming our troubled minds. The sounds of our clenching teeth in the cold somehow tried to overtake the sound of the old woman's raggard breathing.

After what seemed like ages, the old woman finally opened her mouth which to us meant an end to our sufferings and ultimately brought hope ,but our hopes were soon dashed by her next words.

"This is way beyond my power," she hissed " You have been cursed by the spirit of the Great Pharoah Khufu" Her previously expressionless face suddenly became mixed which different emotions- disgust, pity, fear, dread amongst others- There is no hope for you...

These words caused a sudden influx of emotions and Dave couldn't help but interrupt.

"How did we get cursed, we didn't do anything. We are innocent" His voice was already breaking with tears. It wasn't his fault, the nightmares he had experienced wasn't something that could be spoken of.

Gareth continued from where he stopped "There has to be a way to break the curse, there is always a way, there must be." He said with the last bit of hope fading away.

" The only way to break a curse is for the caster to break it," she continued " You would have to journey to the spirit world to beseech Pharoah Khufu"

These words ruthlessly snatched the last bits of hope left in them.

" But before that, you must find out the reason you were cursed and fix it"

" Fix it?" Elly, the one with probably the most sanity left asked.

The old witch turned to her, the reflection of the fire against her face and her creepy smile which exposed the little rotten teeth she had left, and said "Yes fix it, for the Pharoah to harken to your plea you most find the person who offended him and bring him his head"

" What the hell!!"

" No way"

Someone suddenly puked and screamed " I want my mum!" as tears dropped on the dry and parched ground.




Professor Martin's expression when he entered the 9th graders class could be described as one of pain and disgust. It was no news that he hated our class to the very core of his being. We caused it though, we were termed as the worst class in Alpha school. The groaning if my classmates when Prof Martin's entered further infuriated him, but what could he do, the school had a strict policy against flogging of students and even punishments. Teachers could only watch in despair while students half thier ages disrespected them.

Contrary to what we expected Prof Martins didn't come to teach but rather pass on an information.

" The school management has agreed to let you guys go on an excursion to the Great Pyramid of Giza to further increase your knowledge of our recent topics in History about Pharoah Khufu and Egypt."

There were mixed expressions in the class, Dave the class' playboy sneered in disgust. " Egypt? Of all the places we could go to you chose Egypt. Old school asshole" The last part was said very quietly though.

The look on the face of Prof Martin's face turn could kill.

"First ,it's an excursion to learn new things not a vacation and for your information I am twenty four years old punk"

" Hey, Gwen what do you think?" My friend Elle tapped me and asked.

" Personally I think it would benefit us"I said," Practical knowledge sticker better than theory"

I was actually excited for the excursion, it was a chance for me to be free of my family. As much as I loved them they could be very annoying sometimes.

"Yeah me too" Elle said" And who knows we might meet some handsome boys they" She chuckled

" You wouldn't all be going together, you will all be paired in groups of eight , each group would spend a week in Egypt." Professor Martins continued," These groups are..."

Luckily Elle and I were paired together and we were the first to go. We were excited, unbeknownst to us that was the beginning of our misery.



This is just the beginning guys, the interesting parts will come soon.

I hope you like it.