

Prove that you and your dragon have what it takes to compete with the pros! Ever since you were a child, you dreamed of flying amongst other racers with your dragon, and so, when the chance came to become one, you leaped for it. But, things are not always so simple.

Toyykooong · Fantasy
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50 Chs


"And the king, mighty and proud, marched up to the mighty dragon and laid down his sword. He kneeled on one knee and bowed his head to the dragon before him. And the dragon—"

"Roared!" you yell, jumping up on the bed, letting out the mightiest roar you can muster. Though your mother looks at you with a smile, the family dog finds you less entertaining. He lets out a long yawn and rises, hoping to migrate to someplace with less excitement. You smile widely as you pounce on him, finishing your favorite story from on top of him.

"The great dragon bowed to the king, and they both rose. No more death, no more war, dragon and human, allies forevermore!" You hop back onto the bed and raise your fist to the ceiling, a toothy grin resting on your face. "I couldn't leave it unfinished."

"Indeed, a story like this one cannot be left in such a state," she chuckles before swooping you up. She hugs you close and smiles, putting you down slowly. She places a loving hand on top of your wavy head.

"Oh, will you now?" she asks, placing her hands on her hips with a raised brow.

"Yep, none will be able to fly faster or fight harder than me and Silvertwister."

"You will be a force to be reckoned with," she says matter-of-factly, and you nod in agreement. You imagine the sight, the sight of you and Silvertwister standing side by side, being deemed the best duo in all the land, your chest rising and falling in pride as Silvertwister lets out a thunderous roar.


You're lost in your own thoughts when you hear your mother make a tut-tutting sound.

"Where oh where is Silvertwister?" she inquires, tapping her chin.

"He's hiding from me!" you say suddenly as you look underneath the bed, searching for any sign of your closest friend.

"Well, you better go find him, I'd hate to see him get into trouble, especially with the farm animals." You nod as she places a kiss on your forehead, waving you off as if you were taking on a grand adventure.