

Prove that you and your dragon have what it takes to compete with the pros! Ever since you were a child, you dreamed of flying amongst other racers with your dragon, and so, when the chance came to become one, you leaped for it. But, things are not always so simple.

Toyykooong · Fantasy
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50 Chs


"Silvertwister…I'm sorry. I know how bad you wanted this, just as much as I did. And we were close, but I guess not close enough. I don't know what I'm trying to say, just…I'm sorry." Silvertwister doesn't say anything. Instead, his gaze is fixed upon a certain figure. You turn to see Nyx gazing at you with an unreadable expression.

She lets out a long whistle, shaking her head as she takes in your appearance. "What did de ground ever do to you?"

"A lot, it would seem," you snort, and she gives you a sympathetic smile.

"I feel det dis will not make you feel any better, but my first race I looked a lot worse den you, and I came in last as well. I do believe I was also wet."

"And you're still racing?" you ask her.

"Heck no," she chuckles. "It's not de event for me. I learned det as soon as I hit det cold water."
